129 research outputs found

    Are multiple parton interactions important at high energies? New types of hadrons production processes

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    Hadrons interaction at high energies is carried out by one color gluon exchange. All quarks and gluons contained in colliding hadrons take part in interaction and production of particles. The contribution of multiple parton interactions is negligible. Multiple hadrons production at high energies occurs only in three types of processes. The first process is hadrons production in gluon string, the second is hadrons production in two quark strings and the third is hadrons production in three quark strings. In proton-proton interaction production of only gluon string and two quark strings is possible. In proton-antiproton interaction production of gluon string, two quark strings and three quark strings is possible. Therefore multiplicity distributions in proton-proton and proton-antiproton interactions are different.Comment: Talk given at ISMD 2009 conference, 5 pages, 8 figure

    Elliptic flow orientation, saturation and low ptp_t behavior

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    We consider general model with factorization between macroscopic flow and matter decay distribution. We show universality of pt2p_t^2 behavior of elliptic flow at small ptp_t for identified final particles in the symmetric nucleus collision. At high ptp_t we compare non-relativistic and relativistic models for boosted decay distribution. In the relativistic models with distribution having power-like tail we show existence of elliptic flow saturation. This means that the elliptic flow value v2v_2 tend to constant at high ptp_t. We discuss the importance of determination of elliptic flow orientation which can help us to compare different models. For example, we introduce potential expansion model which can reproduce azimuthal asymmetry but based on the assumption that there are only cold strong forces and no thermalization. This model show opposite sign of elliptic flow orientation in comparison with thermal model. We also show that at small ptp_t sign of elliptic flow can change due to sign of second derivative of decay distribution. This fact tell us that we must more carefully link elliptic flow sign and properties of the model.Comment: Latex2e, 11 pages, 1 figur

    Multipomeron quasi-eikonal model for single diffraction processes

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    Single diffraction processes was usually treated in the triple-reggeon framework, but this formalism is inconsistent with CDF data. In this paper we show, that multipomeron quasi-eikonal model gives agreement with these data. Cross-section of single diffraction processes at LHC energy is estimated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, LTeX2

    Advanced rapidity gap trigger

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    Nubmer of physically interesting processes is charachterized by the rapidity gaps. In reality, this gaps is filled by uderlying events with high (more than 0.75 for higgs) probability. In this paper we purpose a way to detect this shadowed events with aim to raise the number of rare events.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Possible improvements of higgs trigger at LHC

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    In this work we consider two ways to improve signal to background cross-sections ratio for higgs searchings at LHC: likelyhood method and advanced rapidity trigger. Both methods are universal enough, likelyhood method can be applied to any processes with many observables, and advanced rapidity trigger can separate any colourless scattering processes and processes with colour charge at tt channel

    Possible difference between multiplicity distributions and inclusive spectra of secondary hadrons in proton-proton and proton-antiproton collisions at energy sqrt(s)=900 GeV

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    We consider QCD based model of hadrons interaction in which gluons density in wave function of initial state is low in rapidity space and real hadrons are produced by decay of color field strings. Hadrons production processes in pp and p antip interactions differ on principle. There are three types of inelastic processes in p antip collision. The first type is production of secondary hadrons shower from decay of gluon string. The second type is shower produced from decay of two quark strings and the third one -- from decay of three quark strings. At the same time there are only two types of inelastic processes for pp collision, they are shower from gluon string and shower from two quark strings. Therefore multiplicity distributions and inclusive spectra of secondary hadrons are different in pp and p antip interactions, and this difference may be observed at energy sqrt(s)=900 GeV.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Total cross section of neutron-proton scattering at low energies in quark-gluon model

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    We show that analysis of nonrelativistic neutron-proton scattering in a framework of relativistic QCD based quark model can give important information about QCD vacuum structure. In this model we describe total cross section of neutron-proton scattering at kinetic energies of projectile neutron from 1 eV up to 1 MeV.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    KNO scaling in processes of electron-positron annihilation to hadrons

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    The charged particles multiplicity distribution in the KNO form is discussed in processes of e+ee^+e^- annihilation at energies s\sqrt{s} 14 -- 206.2 GeV. The experimental data are compared to data, obtained with Monte Carlo simulation in PYTHIA in the Lund quark string model. It is shown, that both experimental and simulated data are described by the same distribution function in the KNO form. It is shown, that the KNO scaling is consequence of quark string hadronization dynamics in the Lund string model.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Color Diagrams for Non Vacuum Reggeons in Hadron-Hadron Interactions

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    One-to-one correspondence between dual diagrams of dual resonance model and QCD based color diagrams describing non vacuum exchanges in pi+ pi-, pi+- p, p anti p interactions is discussed. Both for dual and color diagrams there are state with quark-antiquark in t channel and state, in which only coherent quark string exists, in s channel. There are no such dual diagrams in pp interaction. Color diagram for pp interaction was found basing on principle of conformity. Secondary hadrons spectrum, obtained from this diagram, has nucleon in its central region. This effect may lead to increase of baryon chemical potential in nucleus-nucleus collisions in facilities NICA and FAIR.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Cronin momentum behavior in saturation model for p+Ap+A, d+Ad+A, A+AA+A collisions

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    In this paper we consider Cronin momentum behaviour for p+Ap+A, d+Ad+A and A+AA+A collisions in saturation model. Our analysis shows that Cronin momentum behavior at different rapidities and energies, can be related with scaling law using simple dimensional consideration. Using exact numerical solution of Balitsky-Kovchegov equation we show that although this dependence is slightly different for McLerran-Venugopalan and Balitsky-Kovchegov definition of gluon distribution function in simple model in this case dependencies is almost the same (i.e ratio of Cronin momentum calculated using these gluon distribution functions is big constant). This can be used to experimentally distinguish this two variant of gluon distribution function definition in saturation model and choose the right one.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure