21 research outputs found

    TOMO-ETNA experiment at Etna volcano: Activities on land

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    In the present paper we describe the on-land field operations integrated in the TOMO-ETNA experiment carried out in June-November 2014 at Mt. Etna volcano and surrounding areas. This terrestrial campaign consists in the deployment of 90 short-period portable three-component seismic stations, 17 broadband seismometers and the coordination with 133 permanent seismic station belonging to Italy’s Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). This temporary seismic network recorded active and passive seismic sources. Active seismic sources were generated by an array of air-guns mounted in the Spanish oceanographic vessel “Sarmiento de Gamboa” with a power capacity of up to 5200 cubic inches. In total more than 26,000 shots were fired and more than 450 local and regional earthquakes were recorded. We describe the whole technical procedure followed to guarantee the success of this complex seismic experiment. We started with the description of the location of the potential safety places to deploy the portable network and the products derived from this search (a large document including full characterization of the sites, owners and indication of how to arrive to them). A full technical description of the seismometers and seismic sources is presented. We show how the portable seismic network was deployed, maintained and recovered in different stages. The large international collaboration of this experiment is reflected in the participation of more than 75 researchers, technicians and students from different institutions and countries in the on-land activities. The main objectives of the experiment were achieved with great success.PublishedS04272SR. VULCANI - Servizi e ricerca per la SocietàJCR Journalope

    On the Winning Virtuous Strategies for Ultra High Frequency Electronic Trading in Foreign Currencies Exchange Markets

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    The Evolution of the Approaches to the Problem of Hereditary Title

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    The contemporary state of affairs is often characterized by the fact that hereditary relationships transcend the borders of one state. These cases are not unique due to migration of people, mixed marriages, etc. This leads to a problem of regulation of social relationships in the process of internationalization. Thus hereditary relationships having international character should be governed by the norms of a certain national legal order or of several such legal orders. The main task of the court or any other body in this case is to determine which national order is to be complied with, that is which legal order will serve as lege causae in a particular case Initially lege causae was understood as a written source of law, being in force on a particular territory, which included norms both from public and private, including hereditary, law. Later on the term lege causae was used in respect of the title of the state, which as included in conflict rules is relevant for the purposes of regulation of private legal relationships, related to the legal orders of several states, including the hereditary relationships

    Growth of the region`s export potential and increasing its competitive positions by creating a cluster in the leading industry

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    It has been proposed to create and form a cluster of the cement industry in the Mogilev region. Сreationof structures allowing regional entities to carry out foreign economic activity in more favorable conditions solves many problems of overcoming the crisis situation.During the analysis of the effectiveness of the foreign economic activity of the Mogilev region, one of the problems identified was low export volumes in the regions of the region, which are significantly lower than in Mogilev and the Mogilev region.Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises› products in the cluster is achieved through the following advantages: access to information, complementarity, attracting internal resources for the rapid introduction of innovations, lower research costs, low degree of risk in conducting research and development, overcoming competitive pressure, low entry barriers, availability of necessary resources and personnel. Creation of a cluster in the cement industry of the Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus, including enterprises from the Krichevsky and Kostyukovichsky districts, will improve the competitive position of the region. The core of the cluster is the holding company Belarusian Cement Company, which is the largest holding company for the production of cement, reinforced concrete blocks and structures. The cluster will include two enterprises from the city of Kostyukovichi, these are organizations such as:Tsemagro JV OJSC Belarusian Cement Plant and OJSC Belarusian Cement Plant. It is also necessary to include the largest enterprises from the city of Krichev, namely:OJSC KrichevСement Slate and OJSCKrichevsky Reinforced Concrete Products Plant. This formation will significantly increase the competitiveness of the enterprises themselves and their products, taking full advantage of the cluster structure, enhance the export potential of districts and the region as a whole, and will also contribute to the innovative development of the regio


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    Method of treatment of epicondylitis of humeral bone is descripted. This metod is proposited to use if conservative therapy was not effective. Experience of use this method show excellent results