24 research outputs found
Jag valde livet! : En studie av alkoholisters olika vägar ut ur alkoholmissbruk
The purpose of this essay was to find out what alcoholics themselves mean were the way out of their drinking abuse. The questions at stake are: · What kind of context did the interviewed live in before and after the turning point? · How did the process of getting out of the alcohol abuse look like? · What different factors may have influenced the turning point, the maintenance and the interviewee's choice to stop the abuse of alcohol? · Where there any other important occurrences that may have had an impact on their decision to stop drinking? For the investigation we have interviewed three women and five men. They all have had sever problems with alcohol, but all of them also have found a way out of the abuse. Our research shows that the way out of alcohol abuse is very complex and individual. The turning point is rather a process than a single occurrence. Our research also shows that the interaction between the alcohol and important individuals in their immediate surroundings are the absolute most important factor to stop using alcohol in a destructive way but also important when it comes to maintaining soberness
A comparison study between Canvas and Moodle : Creating course content through GUI and API
Ingen hade nog förväntat sig att världen skulle drabbas av den Covid-19 pandemi som började spridas 2019, och som än idag hänger i juni 2021. En långdragen världsomfattande kris. Det är dock inte den enda typ av kris som kan uppstå, skogsbränder och skolskjutning är även exempel på kriser och något vi sett ske flera gånger tidigare. Kriser kräver övning och då skogsbränder och skolskjutning är något som varit återkommande är det viktigt att övning sker inför nästa eventuella kris. CriseIT-projektet är ett samarbete mellan Sverige och Norge, mer specifikt Värmland och Hedmark med syfte att ta fram verktyg och metoder för att utöka digital krisövning. Lärplattformen Canvas (Learning Management System LMS) har i en tidigare studie visats relevant som plattform för krisövning, då den uppfyllde önskad användarbarhet och gav rätt förutsättningar. En funktionalitet som CriseIT har efterfrågat är möjligheten till import av data, eftersom den saknas i dag.I en tidigare studie genomförde CriseIT en seminarieövning i Canvas, som då skrevs in manuellt via Canvas grafiska gränssnitt. Något som är tidskrävande och som önskas effektiviseras genom att i stället importera krisövningar till LMS:et. CriseIT’s mål är dock att kunna importera övningar oavsett LMS och de önskade därmed att även Moodle undersöktes för dess möjlighet att importera data. Två jämföranden genomfördes därmed i denna studie mellan lärplattformarna Canvas och Moodle av vad för funktionalitet respektive gränssnitt erbjuder, samt vilka möjligheter som finns för att importera data via Canvas REST API och Moodle Web Services API. Jämförelsen bygger på en komparativ metod och är baserad på åtta kriterier som kan tänkas ingå i en seminarieövning. Dessa kriterier testades via respektive lärplattforms gränssnitt, samt via verktyget Postman genom API-anrop bestående av testdata för att undersöka respektive API:s funktionalitet och möjlighet till dataimport. Ytterligare genomfördes ett tredje jämförande av vilka skillnader och/eller likheter som finns mellan Canvas LMS REST API och Moodle Web Services API.Resultatet av studien visade att Canvas via dess REST API kan importera alla önskade kriterier medan Moodle:s API Web Services i dagsläget inte innehåller funktionalitet för att importera några av kriterierna. Därmed genomfördes även en jämförelse av kriterierna via respektive lärplattforms grafiska gränssnitt för att studera om funktionaliteten fanns via gränssnittet. Resultatet av jämförelsen visade att både Canvas och Moodle via dess grafiska gränssnitt klarar av att genomföra alla åtta kriterier. Vidare visar resultatet av studien att Canvas REST API från ett tekniskt perspektiv är mer utvecklat än Moodle:s Web Services REST API
The future factory : a concept designed by women and young people
In focus in this paper is the Future Factory, a research project involving women, young people and other stakeholders in workplace design and development. Drawing on the idea of ‘good work', efficient as well as attractive factories and interactive methods, the vision of the project is to both develop methods for such processes as well as to design a Future Factory on a conceptual level together with the participants. These participants include young people and women, as they are not attracted by factory work and face problems when working in industry. Management and union representatives are other stakeholders included in the project. In this paper we present the background of the project as well as the interactive methods used. These include future work-shops as well as the use of personas and scenarios to stimulate engagement of the participants. We also present some of the results, both in terms of the methods used and the participants' views on ‘good work'. The results are that the methods used did stimulate active participation, that they facilitated the focus and discussions on different problem situations. As a result of future workshops, it can also be concluded that young peoples' view on industrial work can be described in terms of a utopian as well as a dystopian vision. Both groups of participants indicate that ‘good work' should include possibilities of learning and development, tasks that are challenging and stimulating as well as autonomy. Furthermore, work should be carried out in teams, manufacturing facilities are important for the workplace culture and should contribute to healthy and attractive factories. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there are possibilities of developing methods that contribute to sustainable and attractive work places for both women and men.Godkänd; 2009; Bibliografisk uppgift: 1 CD-ROM; 20100127 (asawi
Effective use of human actors in change processes : a participative approach to industrial development
In the project "The Future Factory" we are inspired by participatory design methods that emphasize early participation from stakeholders in the development process. We believe that a well-performed change process increase the commitment as well as it contributes to new competence among the workers. Our project aim is thus to involve different actors in future workshops in order to design an attractive and health promoting concept of a future factory as well as to develop methods for change processes that emphasize the importance of human actors as a resource.Godkänd; 2009; 20100127 (asawi
Personas as a method for applying gender theory in Triple Helix constellations : experiences from two research projects
In focus in this paper is the use of the Persona method for applying gender theory in Triple Helix systems. Whereas such systems often are considered gender neutral, we in contrast emphasize the need for understanding the process of ‘doing gender' within those constellations. The aim of this paper is to describe our experiences of developing Persona as a method for gender equality interventions within two Triple Helix constellations. The personas are fictional characters addressing issues and situations identified during initial mappings of the researched contexts. The method is used for communicating concerns, issues, needs and preferences with our participants. In our experience Persona is a useful method for visualizing identified situations and for a reframing of actors' gender awareness. The Persona method contributes to talk beyond that of the "problematic women issue" and shows a way to unsettle gender constructions.Godkänd; 2010; 20101109 (asawi
Indicators of petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation in anaerobic granitic groundwater
The aim of this study was to find indicators of petroleum biodegradation in granitic groundwater. Both pristine and contaminated groundwaters from boreholes around petroleum storage vaults located approximately 40 m below the surface in granite and with storage capacities of up to 120,000 m(3) were sampled. Total numbers of microorganisms, "most probable numbers" (MPN) of anaerobic bacteria, and chemical indications of microbial activity were determined in the groundwater. Hydrocarbon contaminants and metabolites were detected using gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS). In contaminated groundwater, the total number of microorganisms was 2-4 x 10(6) ml(-1), which was significantly higher than the 6 x 10(4) ml(-1) found in pristine groundwater. This microbial abundance was also reflected in the MPN analysis. Up to 7 x 10(4) nitrate-, 2 x 10(3) iron-, and 3 x 10(4) sulfate-reducing bacteria were detected in contaminated groundwaters. In such groundwaters, depletion of anaerobic electron acceptors and detection of reduced species could be established. We also proposed using a high alkalinity/hardness of water quota (A/H quota) as an indicator of microbial activity. In contaminated groundwaters the A/H quota averaged 2.8, while in pristine groundwater the same was only 1.3. Moreover, the presence of 20 oxidized petroleum hydrocarbons, i.e., putative metabolites of which 9 were strictly intracellular, was detected in the contaminated groundwaters. Phylogenetic neighbor-joining analysis of 16S rRNA genes provided information about the bacterial communities. The bacteria in contaminated groundwater were found to be strikingly similar to bacteria in other hydrocarbon-contaminated environments