22,572 research outputs found

    Description of Atmospheric Conditions at the Pierre Auger Observatory Using Meteorological Measurements and Models

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    Atmospheric conditions at the site of a cosmic ray observatory must be known well for reconstructing observed extensive air showers, especially when measured using the fluorescence technique. For the Pierre Auger Observatory, a sophisticated network of atmospheric monitoring devices has been conceived. Part of this monitoring was a weather balloon program to measure atmospheric state variables above the Observatory. To use the data in reconstructions of air showers, monthly models have been constructed. Scheduled balloon launches were abandoned and replaced with launches triggered by high-energetic air showers as part of a rapid monitoring system. Currently, the balloon launch program is halted and atmospheric data from numerical weather prediction models are used. A description of the balloon measurements, the monthly models as well as the data from the numerical weather prediction are presented

    The Pierre Auger Observatory: Results on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    The focus of this article is on recent results on ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained with the Pierre Auger Observatory. The world's largest instrument of this type and its performance are described. The observations presented here include the energy spectrum, the primary particle composition, limits on the fluxes of photons and neutrinos and a discussion of the anisotropic distribution of the arrival directions of the most energetic particles. Finally, plans for the construction of a Northern Auger Observatory in Colorado, USA, are discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advances in Cosmic Ray Science, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, March 2008; to be published in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (JPSJ) supplemen

    Addendum: Ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray bounds on nonbirefringent modified-Maxwell theory

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    Nonbirefringent modified-Maxwell theory, coupled to standard Dirac particles, involves nine dimensionless parameters, which can be bounded by the inferred absence of vacuum Cherenkov radiation for ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). With selected UHECR events, two-sided bounds on the eight nonisotropic parameters are obtained at the 10^{-18} level, together with an improved one-sided bound on the single isotropic parameter at the 10^{-19} level.Comment: 5 pages with revtex

    Variability of GRB Afterglows Due to Interstellar Turbulence

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    Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows are commonly interpreted as synchrotron emission from a relativistic blast wave produced by a point explosion in an ambient medium, plausibly the interstellar medium of galaxies. We calculate the amplitude of flux fluctuations in the lightcurve of afterglows due to inhomogeneities in the surrounding medium. Such inhomogeneities are an inevitable consequence of interstellar turbulence, but could also be generated by variability and anisotropy in a precursor wind from the GRB progenitor. Detection of their properties could provide important clues about the environments of GRB sources. We apply our calculations to GRB990510, where an rms scatter of 2% was observed for the optical flux fluctuations on the 0.1--2 hour timescale during the first day of the afterglow, consistent with it being entirely due to photometric noise (Stanek et al. 1999). The resulting upper limits on the density fluctuations on scales of 20-200 AU around the source of GRB990510, are lower than the inferred fluctuation amplitude on similar scales in the Galactic interstellar medium. Hourly monitoring of future optical afterglows might therefore reveal fractional flux fluctuations at the level of a few percent.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to Ap

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of Chlorophyll

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    Constraints on Off-Axis X-Ray Emission from Beamed GRBs

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    We calculate the prompt x-ray emission as a function of viewing angle for beamed Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) sources. Prompt x-rays are inevitable due to the less highly blueshifted photons emitted at angles greater than 1/gamma relative to the beam symmetry axis, where gamma is the expansion Lorentz factor. The observed flux depends on the combinations (gamma Delta theta) and (gamma theta_v), where (Delta theta) is the beaming angle and theta_v is the viewing angle. We use the observed source counts of gamma-ray-selected GRBs to predict the minimum detection rate of prompt x-ray bursts as a function of limiting sensitivity. We compare our predictions with the results from the Ariel V catalog of fast x-ray transients, and find that Ariel's sensitivity is not great enough to place significant constraints on gamma and (Delta theta). We estimate that a detector with fluence limit ~10^{-7} erg/cm^2 in the 2-10 keV channel will be necessary to distinguish between geometries. Because the x-ray emission is simultaneous with the GRB emission, our predicted constraints do not involve any model assumptions about the emission physics but simply follow from special-relativistic considerations.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Lower Bounds in the Preprocessing and Query Phases of Routing Algorithms

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    In the last decade, there has been a substantial amount of research in finding routing algorithms designed specifically to run on real-world graphs. In 2010, Abraham et al. showed upper bounds on the query time in terms of a graph's highway dimension and diameter for the current fastest routing algorithms, including contraction hierarchies, transit node routing, and hub labeling. In this paper, we show corresponding lower bounds for the same three algorithms. We also show how to improve a result by Milosavljevic which lower bounds the number of shortcuts added in the preprocessing stage for contraction hierarchies. We relax the assumption of an optimal contraction order (which is NP-hard to compute), allowing the result to be applicable to real-world instances. Finally, we give a proof that optimal preprocessing for hub labeling is NP-hard. Hardness of optimal preprocessing is known for most routing algorithms, and was suspected to be true for hub labeling

    Calibrating the Galaxy Halo - Black Hole Relation Based on the Clustering of Quasars

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    The observed number counts of quasars may be explained either by long-lived activity within rare massive hosts, or by short-lived activity within smaller, more common hosts. It has been argued that quasar lifetimes may therefore be inferred from their clustering length, which determines the typical mass of the quasar host. Here we point out that the relationship between the mass of the black-hole and the circular velocity of its host dark-matter halo is more fundamental to the determination of the clustering length. In particular, the clustering length observed in the 2dF quasar redshift survey is consistent with the galactic halo - black-hole relation observed in local galaxies, provided that quasars shine at ~10-100% of their Eddington luminosity. The slow evolution of the clustering length with redshift inferred in the 2dF quasar survey favors a black-hole mass whose redshift-independent scaling is with halo circular velocity, rather than halo mass. These results are independent from observations of the number counts of bright quasars which may be used to determine the quasar lifetime and its dependence on redshift. We show that if quasar activity results from galaxy mergers, then the number counts of quasars imply an episodic quasar lifetime that is set by the dynamical time of the host galaxy rather than by the Salpeter time. Our results imply that as the redshift increases, the central black-holes comprise a larger fraction of their host galaxy mass and the quasar lifetime gets shorter.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Gravitational Lensing of the SDSS High-Redshift Quasars

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    We predict the effects of gravitational lensing on the color-selected flux-limited samples of z~4.3 and z>5.8 quasars, recently published by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Our main findings are: (i) The lensing probability should be 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than for conventional surveys. The expected fraction of multiply-imaged quasars is highly sensitive to redshift and the uncertain slope of the bright end of the luminosity function, beta_h. For beta_h=2.58 (3.43) we find that at z~4.3 and i*<20.0 the fraction is ~4% (13%) while at z~6 and z*<20.2 the fraction is ~7% (30%). (ii) The distribution of magnifications is heavily skewed; sources having the redshift and luminosity of the SDSS z>5.8 quasars acquire median magnifications of med(mu_obs)~1.1-1.3 and mean magnifications of ~5-50. Estimates of the quasar luminosity density at high redshift must therefore filter out gravitationally-lensed sources. (iii) The flux in the Gunn-Peterson trough of the highest redshift (z=6.28) quasar is known to be f_lambda<3 10^-19 erg/sec/cm^2/Angstrom. Should this quasar be multiply imaged, we estimate a 40% chance that light from the lens galaxy would have contaminated the same part of the quasar spectrum with a higher flux. Hence, spectroscopic studies of the epoch of reionization need to account for the possibility that a lens galaxy, which boosts the quasar flux, also contaminates the Gunn-Peterson trough. (iv) Microlensing by stars should result in ~1/3 of multiply imaged quasars in the z>5.8 catalog varying by more than 0.5 magnitudes over the next decade. The median equivalent width would be lowered by ~20% with respect to the intrinsic value due to differential magnification of the continuum and emission-line regions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Expansion on the discussion in astro-ph/0203116. Replaced with version accepted for publication in Ap