3 research outputs found

    Are Preoperative Routine Laboratory Tests Necessary in Minor and Moderate Surgical Procedures?

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    Preoperative routine tests are commonly used to evaluate patients who will have planned elective surgical procedure. In this study, we aimed to identify the preoperative tests required for ASA I-II patients, over 40 years old, who will undergo elective minor and moderate surgeries. Totally 140 patients were included in the study. They were separated into 2 groups equally [Group I (40-59 years) and Group II (≥60 years)] according to their ages. The patients’ preoperative tests; including chest radiography, electrocardiography, hemoglobin, white blood cell, platelets, glucose, sodium, potassium, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, ürea and creatinine were evaluated together with history and physical examination. After routine monitoring, balance anaesthesia was performed. The patients were followed during the peroperative and postoperative 24 hours for any problems occurred. In Group I; excluding ürea in both male and female patients and haemoglobin in only female patients; preoperative tests had no effect on the management of the asymptomatic patients. In Group II; electrocardiography, chest radiography, ürea, glucose and hemoglobin tests effected the management of the patients in the preoperative and postoperative period. In conclusion, preoperative tests could be ordered according to history and physical examination of the patients

    Necessity of preoperative routine laboratory tests in small and medium surgical interventions

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    Preoperatif testlerin gerekliliğini araştıran çalışmalar son 20 yılda artış göstermiştir. Preoperatif rutin testlerin önemli bir bölümünün peıioperatif ve postoperatif döneme etkisinin olmaması ve bu testlerin yüksek ekonomik maliyet oluşturması nedeniyle; hastaların anamnez ve fizik muayene bulgularına göre selektif olarak uygulanmasının gerekliliği geniş olarak kabul görmüştür. Biz de ülkemiz sağlık şartları ve ekonomik durumu göz önünde bulundurarak 40 yaş üstü ASA I ve II grubu küçük ve orta cerrahi olgularda gerekli olan preoperatif testleri belirlemeyi amaçlayan bir çalışma planladık. 40 yaş üstü toplam 140 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Olgular 40-59 yaş (70 hasta) ve 60 yaş üstü (70 hasta) olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Her bir olgunun preoperatif dönemde akciğer radyografisi, elektrokardiografi, hemoglobin, lökosit, trombosit, sodyum (Na+), potasyum (K+), AST, ALT, üre ve kreatinden oluşan tetkiklerine bakıldı. Tüm olguların preoperatif dönemde anamnez ve fizik muayenesi değerlendirildi. Ayrıca operasyon odasında rutin monitörizasyonu takiben balans anestezi uygulandı. Olgular peroperatif ve postoperatif dönemde de takip edilerek, karşılaşılan problemler kaydedildi. Sonuç olarak özellikle 40-59 yaş grubunda hasta anamnez ve fizik muayene bulgularına göre asemptomatik olan hastalarda, preoperatif testlerin (üre ve bayanlarda hemoglobin hariç) peroperatif ve postoperatif hasta yaklaşımına etkisinin olmadığı, 60 yaş ve üstündeki hasta grubunda EKG, PA AC grafisi, üre, kan şekeri, Hb dışındaki preoperatif tetkiklerin hasta anamnez ve fizik muayene bulgularına göre selektif olarak istenmesinin daha efektif ve ekonomik açıdan karlı olacağı sonucuna varıldı.During the last two decades the number of studies investigating the importance of preoperative screening have increased. Ordering preoperative tests selectively, depending on the patients history and physical examination have been widely used, because of the high costs and the ineffectivity of nonselective tests to patient management. In this study we tried to identify the preoperative tests required for ASA l-ll patients, age over 40, who will undergo elective minor and moderate surgeries. Total of 140 patients over 40 years of age were included in the study. They were sorted in two groups according to their ages. Group one aged between 40-59 (70 patients), group two aged 60 and over (70 patients). Chest radiography, EKG, Hgb, WBC, Pit, Na+, K+, AST, ALT, urea and creatinine were ordered for all the patients preoperatively. After routine monitoring, balance anaesthesia was performed. We reported the problems during the per-and postoperative periods. Finally, excluding the urea and Hgb (female only) tests, no other preoperative test had any effects, on the management of the asemptomatic patients. For the patients over 60 year old, it will be the most efficient and cost-effective to order the preoperative tests other than EKG, Chest rariography, glucose,urea, and hemoglobine depending on the history and physical examination