972 research outputs found
Shi’ite Ideology Bias in Al-Qummi Tafsir: Study of Ali Imran and Al-Nisa’ Chapters
The study of political bias in Quranic commentary is of great interest following the contexts that led to its emergence. The verse of the Qur'an is often used as a legitimation of understanding in religious discourse. The study of al-Qummi's commentary explains how the verses of the Qur'an are understood in such a way by a person living in the certain context to favor the Shi'a school and attack its opponents. It also explains how the interpretation becomes a field of meaning contestation. This tendencies were found in al-Qummi commentary on Alu Imran and al-Nisa’ Surahs. The presence of such a biased interpretation can not be separated from the author's cultural and social political context as he lives in the midst of contests, rivalries and political intrigues of Muslim groups in a particular era in history.[Kajian tentang bias politik dalam tafsir Al-Quran sangat menarik dilakukan terkait konteks yang menyebabkan kemunculannya. Ayat Al-Qur'an sering digunakan sebagai legitimasi pemahaman dalam wacana agama. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis dan komparatif, studi terhadap tafsir al-Qummi ini menemukan bagaimana ayat-ayat Al Qur'an dipahami sedemikian rupa oleh seseorang yang hidup dalam konteks tertentu untuk mendukung madzhab Syiah dan menyerang lawan-lawan politik. Penafsiran yang demikian berbeda dengan Al-Qur ’an dan Tafsirnya karya dari Tim Kementerian Agama. Studi juga menemukan bagaimana tafsir al-Quran menjadi medan kontestasi makna antar kelompok. Kecenderungan ini ditemukan dalam penafsiran al-Qummi tentang surah Ali Imran dan al-Nisa’. Kemunculan interpretasi yang bias seperti itu tidak dapat dipisahkan dari konteks budaya dan sosial politik al-Qummi ketika ia hidup di tengah-tengah persaingan dan intrik politik antara kelompok Muslim di era tertentu dalam sejarah Islam.
All Muslims agree that the Qur’an is the first and main source of Islamic law. Nevertheless, this scripture does not guarantee the same result of interpretation, given that the background of life surrounding of the interpreter is different. This paper will review the forms of ikhtilaf al-mufassirin and the causes that bring it up. In examining the causes of ikhtilaf al-mufassirin, there are at least two causes; (1) a common cause, such as the occurrence of ikhtilaf in the case of qira’at, i’rab, musytarak, hakakat-majaz, ‘am-khas, mutlaq-muqayyad, mujmal-mubayyan, amr-nahi, nasikh-mansukh, and ikhtilaf in positioning reason as the source of shari’a law; (2) special causes, such as ikhtilaf in criticism of sanad and matan, ikhtilaf in taking a source of law, and ikhtilaf in the case of aqidah and madhhab. While the forms of ikhtilaf al-mufassirin there are also two forms; (1) ikhtilaf tanawwu’, ie dissent of opinion which is all aimed at the same intention; (2) ikhtilaf taddad, that is, differences of opinion which is conflicting and can not be united
The Study on munāsabah occupies an important position in the study of the Koran. Al-Biqā'î is one of the scholars who give a very large portion of the theory of munāsabah. Al-Biqā'î divides munāsabah into two major groups, namely, between surah (chapters) and between ayat (verses). With an exploratory-descriptive method, this paper will specifically explore logical pattern of munāsabah between surah according to al-Biqa'i with a comprehensive example. The findings of this paper are based on: first, there are four possible patterns of munāsabah between surah according to al-Biqa'i. The four patterns are munāsabah between surah’ names and its content, munāsabah between surah and basmalah, munāsabah between the initial description of the surahs and munāsabah between the end of the surah and the other surah. Second, al-Biqa'i in applying a munāsabah theory is quite consistent across patterns; from the first, second, third, and fourth patterns. Third, Munāsabah occupies a very important position because it is able to explain the unity and close relationship that exists between one surah and another while also emphasize the oneness of the Qur'anic themes
Vascular Streak Dieback of Cocoa in West Malaysia
A detailed study into vascular streak dieback (VSD), the most
serious pathological problem of cocoa in Malaysia was carried out.
The causal pathogen was isolated and the symptomatology relating
to infection of mature cocoa and seedling in the nurseries has been
described. Morphological studies of the local isolates have
confirmed the close similarity of the VSD fungus to Oncobasidium
theobromae Talbot and Keane, described as the primary causal agent
of VSD in Papua New Guinea. Techniques useful for isolation of the
pathogen in routine and sequential samplings were investigated.
The use of nutrient poor medium, surface treatment of infected
materials and plating samples within 48 hours after collection
from the field had improved the efficiency of isolation of the
VSD pathogen. The leaf isolation technique developed is a rapid
and non-destructive method for isolation of the pathogen and
confirmation of VSD incidence especially in seedlings in the
A survey of the disease undertaken confirmed incidence of VSD
in mature plantings in the states of Trengganu, Johor, Perak and
Malacca; cocoa nurseries in Perak and Johor; and clonal plantings
in Negeri Sembilan. In all cases, the percentage incidence and
severity varied from locality to locality. Generally, the survey
of clonal plantings had provided information On the relative
susceptibility within clones.
The fungus hitherto recorded to grow poorly On artificial media,
had been found to grow satisfactorily on Corticium culture medium
and On Leonian's solution agar
The behaviours of lighweight foamed concrete beam with different size of square hollow section
Lightweight foamed concrete is one type of concrete that can be a replacement for conventional concrete which is widely used in construction industry nowadays. High
density of conventional concrete makes structural elements heavier compare to the lightweight foamed concrete. Using lightweight foamed concrete as other alternatives to replace the conventional concrete will make the concrete more lighter and by addition of making a hollow section along the beam, it can reduce more weight of concrete itself. The main purposes of this study are to examine the behaviour of beam in term of flexural strength, deflection propagated and crack pattern. The size of beam used in this study is 1 5Ox200x3000mm. Four type of sample with different size of square hollow have been used. The sample A with no hollow, sample B with size 45x45rnjn of hollow size, sample C with size 60x6Omm of hollow size and sample D 7Ox7Omm of hollow size and it been placed along the length of beam. The density of lightweight foamed concrete was 1600kg/m3 with 1:2 of water cement ratio and 1:3 for water sand ratio. The testing that involved in this study is four point flexural tests. The result shows that the flexural strength of the samples reduced due to the different size of square hollow section. The flexural was reduced to 21.85% for Beam B, 22.01% for Beam C and
28.78% for Beam D respectively. Result for deflection shows that hollow beam was having more deflection compared to solid beam. As for deflection profile at a constant loading , Beam A, Beam B, Beam C and Beam D show the same profile but with different value of maximum deflection which is 8.96mm, 9.37mm, 10.14nim and 12.13mm. Cracking pattern result shows same behaviour which is crack at shear and in inclined pattern. First crack loading result for Beam A, Beam B, Beam C and Beam D
was 16.2kN, 1 l.29kN, 10.24kN, and 8.72kN respectively
Background concentration of airborne microbe in new constructed building
Exposure to indoor air pollution is now becoming serious public health problem in a wide variety of non-industrial setting such as residences, offices, schools, hospital and vehicles. This study investigate the level of airborne microbe in indoor environment at three different phase of building commissioning for a new constructed building in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Three phases involved is after building devolves to building owner, during installation of furniture and one month after building occupancies. In particular, the airborne microbes’ concentrations were determined by using a single stage impactor (Biosampler) as per requirement of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) method, NIOSH Manual Analytical Method NMAM 0800. The total concentration of airborne bacteria were average to 533, 159 and 420 CFU/m3 in the first, second and third phase. For airborne fungi the results yield a mean concentration of 235, 98 and 101CFU/m3 respectively across the sampling phases. These findings indicated that although a new constructed building should be having a significant background level of airborne microbe (total bacteria count and total fungi count). The building owner should be aware to their indoor air status to protect the occupant from the safety and health issue in the work place especially for mechanical ventilated building
The Antecedents And Consequences Of Work-Family Conflict Among Doctors In Public Hospitals In Peninsular Malaysia
Kajian ini menghasilkan dan menguji satu model konflik kerja-keluarga
kalangan doktor melalui tiga cara.
This study developed and tested a model of work-family conflict (WFC) among
dotors in three ways
Tradisi Pembacaan Surat Al-Waqi’ah Dan Surat Al-Mulk Di Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Hikam Ii Karanggayam Blitar Jawa Timur
Tulisan ini menyorot tradisi pembacaan surat al-Wa>qi’ah dan surat al-Mulk yang dilahirkan dari praktik-praktik komunal yang terjadi di daerah Blitar dimana di Pondok Pesantren Mamba’ul Hikam II Karanggayam, Srengat Blitar ini seluruh santri dibiasakan dan terbiasa mengikuti mujahadah yang rutin dilaksanakan setiap hari. Dalam mujahadah tersebut dilaksanakan pembacaan surat al-Wāqi‘ah dan surat al-Mulk. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif fenomenologis berdasarkan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan analisis pembacaan menggunakan teori sosiologi pengetahuan Karl Mannheim, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa: pertama, tradisi pembacaan Alquran surat al-Wa>qi’ah dan al-Mulk ini dilaksanakan rutin setiap hari karena berkaitan dengan keutamaannya yang besar. Kegiatan pembacaan tersebut diawali dengan bacaan surat al-Fa>tihah sebagai bentuk tawassul. Kedua, pembacaan surat al-Wa>qi’ah dilaksanakan pada sore hari ba’da shalat ashar, dan pembacaan surat al-Mulk di waktu ba’da shalat Subuh. Ketiga, pembacaan terhadap ritual pembacaan surat al-Wa>qi’ah dan surat al-Mulk di pesantren ini menemukan tiga makna penting yakni, makna objektif, yakni bahwasa tradisi pembacaan surat al-Wa>qi’ah dan surat al-Mulk awalnya merupakan peraturan yang sudah ditetapkan sejak lama dengan tujuan ntuk mencetak santri-santri menjadi orang alim dan berilmu; makna ekspresif, dimana ada harapan mendapat kemudahan rezeki sehari-hari, terhindar dari siksa neraka dan mendapatkan ketenangan tersendiri bagi pelakunya; dan makna dokumenter, dimana amaliyah ini menjadi kebiasaan yang menjadikan santri lebih disiplin dalam melakukan aktifitas ritual keagamaan lain
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