1,404 research outputs found

    Oblique evaporation and surface diffusion

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    The special structure of obliquely evaporated films has its origin in shadowing phenomena during film growth. Because of shadowing, the film consists of bundles of inclined columns with the bundles being aligned perpendicularly to the vapour incidence direction. The column inclination angle lies between the film normal and the vapour incidence direction. Different models found in literature relating process parameters and film structure are discussed. It is found that surface diffusion plays an important role, especially with regard to the difference between random and directional surface diffusion. The latter is induced by the oblique evaporation process. A quantitative expression is given for the relation between process conditions and surface diffusion including the influence of substrate temperature, rate and contamination with residual gasses. Using these models and adding our new calculations, the relation between surface diffusion and film structure is discussed in detail and found to be consistent with measurements published in the literature

    Two-dimensional coding for probe recording on magnetic patterned media

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    The effect of intertrack intersymbol interference in a magnetic patterned medium is studied. A two-dimensional (2-D) channel code is proposed, dedicated to perpendicularly magnetized media without soft underlayer, which exhibit read pulses showing overshoot. Read pulse shapes were investigated using a magnetic-force microscope tip scanning the patterned medium row-by-row. To test different codes, a bit-detection simulation program was developed to generate large amounts of data on which bit error rates can be measured. Application of the 2-D channel code, which implies recording of particular dot positions with fixed bits ("ones", "zeros"), resulted in the elimination of 2-D worst-case bit patterns and a subsequent reduction of detected-bit errors. The accompanying redundancy of 22% is inevitable for this type of 2-D code

    Towards compliant data retention with probe storage on patterned media

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    We describe how the compliance requirements for data retention from recent laws such as the US Sarbanes Oxley Act may be supported by a tamper-evident secure storage system based on probe storage with a patterned magnetic medium. This medium supports normal read/write operations by out-of-plane magnetisation of individual dots. We report on an experiment to show that in principle the medium also supports a separate class of write-once operation that destroys the out-of-plane magnetisation property of the dots irreversibly by precise local heating. The write-once operation can be used to support flexible data retention by tamper-evident writing and physical data deletion

    Laser Interference Lithography

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    In this chapter we explain how submicron gratings can be prepared by Laser Interference Lithography (LIL). In this maskless lithography technique, the standing wave pattern that exists at the intersection of two coherent laser beams is used to expose a photosensitive layer. We show how to build the basic setup, with special attention for the optical aspects. The pros and cons of different types of resist as well as the limitations and errors of the setup are discussed. The bottleneck in Laser Interference Lithography is the presence of internal reflection in the photo-resist layer. These reflections can be reduced by the use of antireflection coatings. However the thicknesses of these coatings depends on the angle of exposure and the material property or combination of materials in thin films. We show with some examples how to deal with this issue. Finally we show examples of more complex patterns that can be realized by multiple exposures

    Towards Tamper-Evident Storage on Patterned Media

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    We propose a tamper-evident storage system based on probe storage with a patterned magnetic medium. This medium supports normal read/write operations by out-of-plane magnetisation of individual magnetic dots. We report on measurements showing that in principle the medium also supports a separate class of write-once operation that destroys the out-of-plane magnetisation property of the dots irreversibly by precise local heating. We discuss the main issues of designing a tamper-evident storage device and file system using the properties of the medium

    Field Emission to control nanometer tip-medium distances in probe storage

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    In this work, we present a novel concept for high resolution proximity sending based on field emission and provide more insight in the vacuum conditions and electronics needed for stable operation