8 research outputs found

    Using genetic algorithm for optimal sizing of stand-alone hybrid energy system

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    When planning a hybrid energy system (HES) that incorporates both renewable and non-renewable energy sources—those that rely on fossil fuels—the primary considerations are the total cost of the system and the CO? emissions. In this paper, we will investigate the typical hybrid energy system (HES) that incorporates both renewable and non-renewable energy sources involving a detailed simulation process that may require specific inputs, models, and data. Then, we employed dual optimization methods: genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The consequences of GA and PSO execution in the bus timetabling problem depict that the GA algorithm is better at finding the optimal solution in terms of accuracy and iteration. Additionally, the GA algorithm is also superior to the straightforwardness of the techniques used. So, in this work, we employed a Genetic Algorithm Optimization (GA)–-based optimal sizing technique for HES configurations that include sustainability wind turbines (WTs), battery storage (BS), and diesel generators (DGs). HES improved power delivery to a rural community in the Wasit Province, Iraq, situated at 46° - 36° and 32° - 31° in the country's southeastern central region. Throughout the project's 25-year lifespan, the optimization primarily aims to minimize the total cost (CT) and total CO? emissions (ECO2T). The outcomes demonstrate that the GA algorithm may, with continuous electricity supply, minimize the objectives while meeting the load demand

    Water desalination and purification using desalination units powered by solar panels

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    One of the problems of the south area in Iraq is the reduced of quantity and the lack of quality of the supplied water, especially in the remote areas. This problem is caused due to many reasons. One of these reasons is the decrease of supplied electricity, which reflected on the performance of water pumping and desalination stations. This paper presenting a project that presented to municipality of Al-Nasiriya city to overcome the problem of the lack in quantity and quality of the supplied water to some villages that remote from the center of the city, through the use of complex modules that consists of small renewable power station with desalination unit. The project goes through some stages starting from collecting the data that related to the aim of the project like; sun radiation level, wind speed, dust quantity, quality and quantity of the presented water, and the type of activity in the area. The collected data were analyzed and evaluated and then the decision comes to execute three complex modules in three locations, powered by small solar energy unit in each. The operation of these modules gives good results, where they offers an acceptable quality with sufficient quantity of water and this an encourage results to populate this experiment in remote areas

    Enhancement of the efficiency of solar energy cells by selecting suitable places based on the simulation of PV System

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    At present, the increasing demand for electrical energy and the presence of renewable sources in various forms in the world and, particularly in Iraq, such as solar energy and wind energy, have become the focus of researchers' attention. Huge efforts are focused on finding ways to use ecologically friendly energy to generate electricity and eliminate fossil fuels. In this study paper, we propose the use of a simulation program to discover the ideal location for a solar cell and the amount of time to be exposed to the sun's rays, so that a home powered by solar energy can be built. Also, through this program, the losses were calculated that accompany the conversion of light energy into electrical energy to find the necessary solutions to make the solar cell work with high efficiency

    Analysis of the problems of electricity in Iraq and recommendations of methods of overcoming them

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    The Iraqi power sector is at a critical stage that requires urgent reforms. Concerns regarding the ability of the system to provide steady power and its operational inefficiencies, in general, have been expressed by the industry and academia. Currently, the power industry is experiencing one of the highest demand growth in the world, and given that it is capital intensive, it takes up a large share of Iraq’s government capital investment program. More so, there is a huge increase in the financial burden of the Iraqi electricity supply industry due to the high subsidies required for the coverage of the recurrent expenditure. This subsidy is regarded as one of the highest in the world, given the extremely low traffic which does not cover up to 20% of the periodic expenditure. Apart from the huge subsidy in electricity tariff, another major and indirect socioeconomic subsidy is the fact that the industry is over-staffed with over 50,000 employees which under normal circumstances should not be more than 15,000. The estimated annual cost of the aforementioned inefficiencies and insufficient power supply is about $3 to 4 billion. In 2013, about 70% of the generated electricity was lost, and this loss is in three areas, including commercial, technical, and administrative losses. Therefore, there is a need for massive reforms that are targeted at addressing the entire issue. This can be achieved through the engagement of the private sector, higher competition, and the introduction of novel regulatory and legislative frameworks. In addition to that, the available sources of energy in Iraq need to be optimized alongside gas usage related to oil extraction, while solar energy in Iraq is explored and the solar hybridization of the current power stations

    Analysis the Efficient Energy Prediction for 5G Wireless Communication Technologies

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    With the growth of technological devices, gadgets and utility products in routine life, there is need to escalate the energy optimization with higher degree of accuracy and performance. Earlier the 4G networks were used are quite prominent and the wireless scientists are working ahead towards the direction of 5G. In 5G based next-generation networks there are the projected features to transmit the huge amount of data and signals to the different locations whether to short or distant locations. The energy optimization, preservation and harvesting are key perspectives of research in advance gadgets in which the key focus is to minimize the energy loss and escalate the overall life period time of the network environment. These gadgets include assorted sensor nodes which communicate to each other using clustering and sharing of signals with the overall collaboration on the specific domain. In this manuscript, the mechanisms and methodologies for the energy parameter in the 5G networks are presented so that the greater accuracy and throughput can be obtained. In addition, a comparison has been established among the old classical network generations and the new 5G networks. The comparison is done predictably in terms of data rate, Latency, Mobility, Energy, and Efficiency of Spectrum. These specifications of the various network generations have been compared in order understand and highlight the benefits and advantages of the new coming generation (5G) over the features of the traditional network generations. Moreover, this paper is intended to show the challenges and related issues might be faced to achieve the implementation of the features and specifications of the new generation technology (5G). As a result, the new ( 5G ) will be more efficient and effective in terms of high data transfer rate, low latency, Mobility, and Energy. This is very important because it draws a road map for many exciting technologies and infrastructures including Internet of Things (IOT) , remote control of industrial machinery and robotics, and much faster download speed. Thus, 5G will support carrying huge amount of data faster which will help to support smarter and reliable technology infrastructures and environment. Keywords: 5G, wireless communications, New Radio, Mechanisms Prediction of energy, River Formation Dynamics (RFD), Nature Inspired Approach (NIA), Chanal State Information (CSI)

    Monitoring the Consumption of Electrical Energy Based on the Internet of Things Applications

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    One of the instrumental functional overheads in many commercial edifices and industrial plants is the electricity bill. The design and development of a Smart Power monitoring device used to make monitoring on the electrical parameters represented as voltage, current, and power of Wasit university buildings. The system has a unit with smart sensing to detect and control the electrical devices employed for daily activities by following different tariff rates. It has the capability to decrease consumer costs improving grid stability. A developed model was broadly examined and experimental results comparing these results with devices of conventional measuring. The Arduino based wireless powering meter is a non-invasive existing meter for domiciliary power with a WI-FI Connection. A split-core is used to measure the current transformers. 802.11b connection is a means for transmitting data through the home’s wireless router to the base station and monitoring web portal based on wireless sensor network. A clear projection for domestic data use is one of the aims of this project. By these data, it can supply estimation to consuming power. Optimizing and reducing power usage are the objectives of providing such data

    Design and Implementation of a Smart Traffic Light Management System Controlled Wirelessly by Arduino

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    In Iraq, the number of people who own vehicles has grown up significantly. However, this increment in vehicles number doesn’t accomplished by a study of roads and intersections expansion. As a result, traffic jams became a big problem that led to long waiting time at each intersection, increased car accidents, pollution, and economic problems. To solve this problem a Smart Traffic Light System (STLS) has been implemented using Arduino, camera, IR sensor to overcome traffic jams problems in Kut city – Iraq