42 research outputs found

    Cosmological contribution from population III stars in ultracompact minihalos

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    In this work, we investigate the effect of Population~III~(Pop.~III) stars in ultracompact minihalos~(UCMHs) on the cosmic ionization history using the Planck observation data. Although high-redshift astrophysics is not understood yet, UCMHs could host the Pop.~III stars like the halos formed in the standard structure formation scenario. Such Pop.~III stars would emit ionizing photons during their main sequence and facilitate cosmic reionization in high redshifts. To study their effects on the global ionization, we model the cosmic reionization evolution based on the ``tanh"-type reionization model which is expressed by zreioz_{\mathrm{reio}} with additional two parameters characterizing the initial mass of UCMHs and the number density of UCMHs. We implement the Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis with the latest Planck observation data for our reionization model. As the result, we found that if the UCMH initial mass is larger than 108.4M10^{8.4}\mathrm{M}_{\odot}, the number density of UCMHs is strictly limited. Then we obtained the constraint on the amplitude of the primordial power spectrum through the constraint on the UCMH number density like Aζ108\mathcal{A}_{\zeta}\lesssim 10^{-8} in the scales, k50Mpc1k\lesssim 50\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}, when we assume that the standard ``tanh"-type reionization occurs by z=3z=3, so that we set zreio>3z_{\mathrm{reio}}>3.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Translating nano-Hertz gravitational wave background into primordial perturbations taking account of the cosmological QCD phase transition

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    The evidence of the nano-Hertz stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background is reported by multiple pulsar timing array collaborations. While a prominent candidate of the origin is astrophysical from supermassive black hole binaries, alternative models involving GWs induced by primordial curvature perturbations can explain the inferred GW spectrum. Serendipitously, the nano-Hertz range coincides with the Hubble scale during the cosmological quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase transition. The influence of the QCD phase transition can modify the spectrum of induced GWs within the nano-Hertz frequency range, necessitating careful analysis. We estimate GWs induced by power-law power spectra of primordial curvature perturbations taking account of the QCD phase transition. Then we translate the implication of the NANOGrav data into the constraint on the power spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation, which suggests that one may miss the correct interpretation if neglecting the QCD effect. We also derive fitting formulae for their amplitude and scale dependence, helping to update the constraint in future experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Primordial black holes and gravitational waves induced by exponential-tailed perturbations

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    Primordial black holes (PBHs) whose masses are in [1015M,1011M]\sim[10^{-15}M_\odot,10^{-11}M_{\odot}] have been extensively studied as a candidate of whole dark matter (DM). One of the probes to test such a PBH-DM scenario is scalar-induced stochastic gravitational waves (GWs) accompanied with the enhanced primordial fluctuations to form the PBHs with frequency peaked in the mHz band being targeted by the LISA mission. In order to utilize the stochastic GWs for checking the PBH-DM scenario, it needs to exactly relate the PBH abundance and the amplitude of the GWs spectrum. Recently in Kitajima et al., the impact of the non-Gaussianity of the enhanced primordial curvature perturbations on the PBH abundance has been investigated based on the peak theory, and they found that a specific non-Gaussian feature called the exponential tail significantly increases the PBH abundance compared with the Gaussian case. In this work, we investigate the spectrum of the induced stochastic GWs associated with PBH DM in the exponential-tail case. In order to take into account the non-Gaussianity properly, we employ the diagrammatic approach for the calculation of the spectrum. We find that the amplitude of the stochastic GW spectrum is slightly lower than the one for the Gaussian case, but it can still be detectable with the LISA sensitivity. We also find that the non-Gaussian contribution can appear on the high-frequency side through their complicated momentum configurations. Although this feature emerges under the LISA sensitivity, it might be possible to obtain information about the non-Gaussianity from GW observation with a deeper sensitivity such as the DECIGO mission.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figure

    Constraint on the early-formed dark matter halos using the free-free emission in the Planck foreground analysis

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    We provide a new constraint on the small-scale density fluctuations, evaluating the diffuse background free-free emission from dark matter halos in the dark ages. If there exists a large amplitude of the matter density fluctuations on small scales, the excess enhances the early formation of dark matter halos. When the virial temperature is sufficiently high, the gas in a halo is heated up and ionized by thermal collision. The heated ionized gas emits photons by the free-free process. We would observe the sum of these photons as the diffuse background free-free emission. Assuming the analytical dark matter halo model including the gas density and temperature profile, we calculate the intensity of the diffuse background free-free emission from early-formed dark matter halos in the microwave frequency range. Comparing with the recent foreground analysis on cosmic microwave background, we obtain the constraint on the excess of the density fluctuations on small scales. Our constraint corresponds to Pζ107P_\zeta \lesssim 10^{-7} for k1100 Mpc1k \simeq 1-100~\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1} with assuming the delta-function-type curvature power spectrum. Therefore, our constraint is the most stringent constraint on the perturbations below 1 Mpc1~\rm Mpc scales.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Identification of Candidate Genes for Mutated Phenotype by Genome Analysis of Ion-beam-induced Rice Mutants

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    Ion beams are useful mutagens for plant and microbe breeding. They are thought to cause mutations by distinct mechanism from chemical mutagens or gamma rays. To understand the property of induced mutations at a genomic level, we have conducted exome analysis of genomic DNA of rice mutants isolated from a carbon ion-beam-mutagenized population. Five independent rice (cultivar Nipponbare) mutant lines (2 dwarfs and 3 early-heading-date mutants), of which phenotype was confirmed in the M3 generation, were isolated from seed-irradiated popullation (40 Gy of 320-MeV 12C6+ ions). The exome analysis identified a total of 56 mutations. The average number of mutations per line was 11.2 ± 3.3. Among 56 mutations, 6 (1.2 mutations per line on average) were classified as high-impact mutations that cause a frame shift or loss of exons and putativelly generate defective proteins. The identification of a small number of high-impact mutation suggests that it could be easy to detect a causal gene responsible for the mutant phenotype. Indeed, we have found candidate genes likely causing the mutant phenotype in the 4 out of the 5 mutants