273 research outputs found


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    In article we presented the problems of development of transportation in Uzbekista

    Hybrid approach to calculating proton stopping power in hydrogen

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    Proton stopping power in hydrogen is calculated using a hybrid method. A two-centre convergent close-coupling method is used for calculations involving the proton fraction of the beam, while the Born approximation is used for the hydrogen fraction. For proton-hydrogen collisions rearrangement processes are explicitly included via a two-centre expansion. Hydrogen-hydrogen collisions are calculated including one- and two-electron processes. Despite using the first-order approximation in the hydrogen-hydrogen channel, overall reasonably good agreement with experiment is seen above 100 keV. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    There exist some problems connected with the regulation of employment and assurance of the population social protection. In the countries of the CIS there exist important matters such as non stability in the labor market and impossibility to cover all population layers with social protection, insufficiency of funding and other difficulties which are based on the formed political and social atmosphere in emerging market relations

    Application miniinvasive of methods in treatment of liver cirrhosis complicated diureticoresistant ascites

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    The purpose of our work - to estimate results and to define efficiency of the advanced method of correction diurecoresistant ascites at liver cirrhosis with syndrome of portal hypertensia with application completely implanted peritoneal port-system Celsite®. In this work it is presented the analysis of results of treatment 54 patients of liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension syndrome complicated diureticoresistant ascites, in which treatment 12 patients is implanted peritoneal port-system Celsite of firm B/Braun and in 42 supervision the operation - peritoneovenosis shunts by the valve Le Veen. The comparative analysis of the received data has shown the best results in group of the patients with implanted peritoneal of port-system. Use peritoneal of ports allows to carry out ascitereinfusion with portiones doses, that at the end excludes occurrence of serious complications as haemorrogical syndrome, connected with haemodileishin and coagulopation on ground of massive receipt ascites of contents in venosis a channel.Цель нашей работы - оценить результаты и определить эффективность усовершенствованного метода коррекции диуретикорезистентного асцита у больных циррозом печени синдромом портальной гипертензии с применением полностью имплантируемой перитонеальной порт-системы Celsite®. В работе представлен анализ результатов лечения 54 больных циррозом печени с синдромом портальной гипертензии осложненным диуретикорезистентым асцитом, в лечении которого у 12 больных произведена имплантация перитонеальной порт-системы Celsite® фирмы В/Вгаип и в 42 наблюдениях выполнена операция — перитонеовенозное шунтирование клапаном Левина. Сравнительный анализ полученных данных показал наилучшие результаты в группе больных с имплантацией перитонеальной порт-системы. Использование перитонеальных портов позволяет осуществить асцитореинфузию дробно, дозировано, что в конечном итоге исключает возникновение серьезных осложнений в виде геморрагического синдрома, связанных с гемодилюцией и коагулопатией на почве массивного поступления асцитического содержимого в венозное русло

    Results of application miniinvasive operations in treatment of bleedings from varix expanded veins of the gullet and the stomach at patients with liver cirrhosis

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    The purpose of research - to define efficiency conservative, miniinvasive and separating interventions in preventive maintenance and treatment of syndrome of bleeding at patients with liver cirrhosis by the comparative analysis, an estimation of results and application infusion port-system Celsite. In this work it is presented comparative analyze of the results and efficiency of different methods of gemostasis in the treatment 393 patients with liver cirrhosis complicated with bleeding from varix of esophagus and stomach. 155 patients was passed conservative therapy, 128- made Patsiora's operation, 87- endoscope sclerosis of varix and 23 patients was implanted infusion port-system Celsite with the combination of endoscope scleratherapy. Most steady positive result was in group of patients with implantation of infusion port system in combination with endoscope scleratherapy, where efficiency hemostasis was in 93,8% case. Relapse of bleeding was in 6.2% case, lethality is not marked. It was proved high efficiency and advantages of endoscope scleratherapy of varix in combination with infusion port-system in the treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis complicated bleeding syndrome.Цель исследования - определить эффективность консервативных, миниинвазивных и разобщающих вмешательств в профилактике и лечении синдрома кровотечения у больных циррозом печени путем сравнительного анализа, оценки результатов и применением инфузионной порт-системы Celsite®. В работе представлен сравнительный анализ результатов и эффективность различных методов гемостаза в лечении 393 больных циррозом печени осложненным кровотечением из варикозно расширенных вен пищевода и желудка. 155 больным была проведена консервативная терапия, 128 - выполнена операция Пациоры, 87 - эндоскопическое склерозирование варикозных узлов и 23 больным произведена имплантация инфузионной порт-системы Celsite® в сочетании с эндоскопической склеротерапией. Наиболее устойчивый положительный результат получен в группе больных, где проведена имплантация инфузионной порт-системы в комбинации с эндоскопической склеротерапией, где эффективный гемостаз достигнут в 93,8% случаях. Рецидив кровотечения возник в 6,2% наблюдениях, летальность не отмечена


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    Abstract. Subject, theme, aim of the work. Caucasian mountainous country is the original biogeographic region with a large number of endemic species, including mammals. The aim of the work was to conduct a historical analysis of the development of a modern faunal zoogeographical structure of the Caucasus theriofauna.Methods. We used in the work the methods of paleogeographic, historical and faunal analysis of the causes and ways of modelling a modern structure of Caucasus theriofauna and distribution of kinds and faunal species of mammals on its territory. There was a detailed analysis of all the available literature on the history of nature and fauna formation of the Caucasus, habitats of mammals, and their modern zoogeographical structure. Such a methodological approach allows us to explain many features of modern zoogeographic Caucasus theriofauna, not amenable to scientific explanation from the perspective of modern geographical situation.Results. The conducted detailed analytical overview of the formation problem and the nature of the current state of the Caucasus theriofauna lets explain, in terms of genesis, in close connection with the history of the Caucasus nature formation, a way of formation as well as the structure of the current state of the zoogeographical Caucasus theriofauna and the difference between the faunal complexes of its individual parts. As a result, now a there is picture of reconstruction of the most probable path of becoming the mammalian fauna of the Caucasus since ancient times to the present day , influenced by the formation of the structure of high-altitude zone, and then the patterns of glaciation in the region.The area of the results application. The results are of considerable theoretical and practical importance as a basis for assessing the causes of faunal diversity of ecological-faunal systems of mammals and patterns of their genetic relationship to the specific landscape. Of particular importance are the results for the implementation of the objective zoogeographical zoning of the Caucasus, the identification and protection of endemics, rare and endangered species, acclimatization and re-acclimatization of mammals.Summary. It has been conducted the most comprehensive thematic overview of the stages of the Caucasus joint historical landscape development and its flora and fauna, many of which defined zoogeographical characteristics of the region and its relations with the surrounding areas, ways and means of protection, use and reproduction


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    Aim. The aim of the work is to analyze the geographic relationships of the family Tenebrionidae, which should be the basis of faunogenesis of the Tethys region of Palaearctic. Methods. The work is based on the material collected by the authors in the various regions of the Caucasus, the south of the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan and North Africa during 50 years (from 1961 to 2016), as well as the extensive literature data. We used the cluster analysis based on the Jaccard similarity coefficient which considers the positive coincidences for analysis the Tethys region tenebrionid faunas. Invasive species are not included in the analysis. Results. Extensive review of the history of study of Western Palaearctic Tenebrionidae from the mid-19th Century to the present day is given. The main directions of contemporary research are marked. Four hundred three genera of darkling beetles are distributed in the Tethys region including dendrophilous groups with tropical origin,  transpalaearctic  and  cosmopolitan  species,  that  represent  63%  of  all  known  Palaearctic  tenebrionid  genera (640 genera). Three quarters of them (304 genera or 75%) combining 5674 species include mainly xerophilous genera that are not found outside the region or presented only by very small number of species in the neighboring territories. Evidences of a common historical development of tenebrionid fauna appear in the 24 common widespread Tethys genera, which may be slightly spread beyond the boundaries, but have a very high diversity of species and infrageneric (probably a center of the origin) diversity within the Tethys region. The significant part (61%) of common Tethys genera, the high diversity of large Palaearctic genera of Tenebrionidae in the western and eastern parts of Tethys region, as well as the presence of complex of supralittoral relics of marine paleobassins (Western Tethys and Eastern Paratethys) from the genus Ectromopsis, indicates a single area of faunogenesis of darkling beetles, which is historically related with epicontinental Paleogene Tethys Ocean. Two super-regions (with western Tethys and eastern Tethys complexis of taxa) are allocated. These two regions are divided on several subregions which differ by high level of taxonomic diversity. The division is based on the analyses of species and generic abudance and level of an endemism. Claster analyses of common to the region genera, Tethys genera, common to the region species and the genus Blaps shows similarity of Anatolia and the Balkan region faunas; the Caucasus is similar to Iran. Two early allocated super-regions are more or less clearly revealed on all dendrograms. The Arabian Peninsula and North Africa have ancient relations with both super-regions based on the analyses of Tethys genera, and the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East have ancient relations with both super-regions using analyses of all tenebrionid species of the Tethys region. Conclusion. The faunogenesis of several subregions of the Tethys region was formed as island type. Analysis of the distribution and taxonomic diversity of darkling indicates a long-time development of the tenebrionid fauna in coastal and island ecosystems of the Tethys Ocean, and later an independent prime of this fauna in different areas of the Tethys desert-steppe region with the retreat of ocean water, aridity and orogeny. At the same time, faunistic elements of relic type of Paleogene origin are preserved and evoluted in the mountain island forests in Anatolia, the Middle East and the Atlas with the Late Tertiary relict flora

    Close-coupling approach to antiproton-impact ionisation of H2 with analytical spherical averaging

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    Integrated cross section for single ionisation of molecular hydrogen by antiproton impact has been calculated in a wide range of impact energies from 1 keV up to 2 MeV using a close-coupling approach. For the first time all possible orientations of the molecular target have been accounted for using an ab initio analytical spherical averaging technique. Obtained results are in good agreement with experiment

    Calculation of antihydrogen formation via antiproton scattering with excited positronium

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    Detailed presentation of results shown in the ealrier Phys. Rev. Lett. (114, 183201, (2015)).Shows all partial cross sections for antihydrogen formation in collisions of antiprotons with positronium in quantum states n = 1-3

    Fully quantum-mechanical treatment of proton-hydrogen scattering

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. A fully quantum-mechanical convergent close-coupling approach to proton collisions with atomic hydrogen has been developed. Cross sections for target ionisation and electron capture by the projectile have been calculated in the energy range from 20 keV to 1 MeV. Calculated electron capture cross sections are in good agreement with the experiment, however for ionisation discrepancies between theory and experiment at intermediate energies still remain