2 research outputs found

    On the volatility of nihonium (Nh, Z = 113

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    Gas-phase chromatography studies of nihonium (Nh, Z=113 Z=113 were carried out at the one-atom-at-a-time level. For the production of nihonium, the heavy-ion-induced nuclear fusion reaction of48^{48} Ca with243^{243} Am was used. This leads to isotopes284,285^{284, 285} Nh, as the direct descendants of the α\alpha -decaying precursors288,289^{288, 289} Mc. Combining the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator with gas-phase chromatographic separation, the experiment was sensitive to elemental nihonium and its adsorption behavior on Teflon, theoretically predicted by modern relativistic density functional theory. The non-observation of any decays of Nh after the chemical separation indicates a larger than expected retention of elemental Nh on a Teflon surface