51 research outputs found

    دعوى تعارض النص مع المصلحة على البعد الإسلامي الوسطي

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    فإن دعوى تعارض المصلحة مع ال ن ص أو العلقي مع ال ن قلي من مسائل مه م ة في مباحث أصول الفقه. لقد اعت برالأصوليون البعد العقلي في المصحلة كالأد ل ة الأصول ي ة التي ا ت ذت بعدا ااما لي في الفرر الأصولي فحسب وإ ن ا في ال س احة الفررية الإسلامية عمو م ا، وتفاعلت معها كافة الأفرار والعقول في سبيل تقنينها وضبطها بما يخدم المر ل فين. لذتا لو تص ف حت كتب الأصول لنرى تقسيم المصالح إلى معتبرة وغير معتبرة،والمحورلل ن وع ال ث الث لهذتا التقسيم وأطلق عليه اسم "المصالح المرسلة". كما أ ن انالك تقسيم آخر للمصلحة من حيث مرتبتها إلى المصلحة القطعية والظنية والوهمية. وترون ك لا ل ت قسيما على سبيل أد ق وأحرم لتحديداا وتمييزاا. ومع ك ل اذته ال ت قسيما وال ت فريعا لدليل المصلحة لم يمنع من وجود إنطلاق دعوى تعارض اذته المصلحة مع ال ن ص، والبعد العقلي مع البعد ال ن قلي وخصو ص ا عند بعض الأصوليين كالط وفي 617 ا. ث جاء القول بتقديم المصلحة على ال ن ص على ال د عوى أ ن ال ش ريعة جاء لرعاية المصلحة وذاب بعض المعاصرين لتأييد اذتا ال ن ظر. واذتا البحث محاولة تسجيل بعض آراء العلماء بقضية تعارض المصلحة وال ن ص ومن ضمنها تعارض البعد العقلي مع ال ن قلي، ويب ين ال ن ظر ال ش رعي في اذته المسألة ومجالها ومناقشة الآراء وال ردود على المنهج الوسطي لبيان حقيقة اذته الدعوى

    Pendidikan humanism (komparasi pemikiran k.h. ahmad dahlan dan paulo freire)

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    Penelitian ini memiliki latar belakang bahwa pendidikan saat ini kehilangan aspek-aspek manusiawi (dehumanisasi). Hal ini dikarenakan metode yang tidak memberikan ruang kepada peserta didik untuk berkembang sesuai kodratnya. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui karakteristik pendidikan KH.Ahmad Dahlan dan Paulo Freire (2) Mengetahui karakteristik pendidikan humanisme dari pemikiran KH.Ahmad Dahlan dan Paulo Freire (3) Mengetahui persamaan, perbedaan, serta kelebihan dari pemikiran KH.Ahmad Dahlan dan Paulo Freire dalam pemikiran pendidikan humanisme. Dalam hal ini peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan atau library research dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah pendekatan filosofis. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, peneliti menemukan bahwa (1) Antara K.H. Ahmad Dahlan dan Paulo Freire masing-masing memiliki konsep pendidikan yang mengandung muatan humanisme, yaitu proses pendidikan didasarkan pada pemahaman bahwa manusia adalah makhluk yang memiliki potensi dalam diri mereka. Sehingga hakekat pendidikan adalah mengarahkan potensi tersebut agar lebih bermanfaat bagi manusia (2) Konsep pendidikan dari kedua tokoh ini memiliki ciri khas masing-masing yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh latar belakang pendidikan meraka. Ciri khas dari konsep pendidikan K.H. Ahmad Dahlan adalah membentuk perilaku baik seseorang dengan memaksimalkan kerja akal dan menambahkan muatan teologi dalam mengartikan pendidikan serta dalam proses pendidikan, sedangkan Paulo Freire lebih kepada penekanan kesadaran diri sebagai subyek. (3) Kedua tokoh ini mempunyai persamaan dalam beberapa aspek, antara lain aspek latar belakang rumusan pendidikan, hakekat pendidikan, implementasi pendidikan dan metode pendidikan. Sedangkan perbedaan diantara mereka terdapat pada aspek latar belakang corak pemikiran, sistem pendidikan, tujuan pendidikan dan warisan intelektual mereka

    Kepentingan arahan perubatan awal menjelang negara tua 2030: beberapa isu dari sudut perundangan dan perspektif syariah

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    Unjuran Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia telah menganggarkan bahawa 15 peratus daripada penduduk Malaysia terdiri daripada warga emas menjelang tahun 2030. Peralihan kepada status “negara tua” bakal memberikan implikasi terhadap pelbagai aspek pengurusan sesebuah negara seperti perkembangan ekonomi, pengurusan kewangan dan keselamatan sosial. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk warga emas juga akan turut memberikan impak yang signifikan kepada perkhidmatan perubatan dan penjagaan kesihatan. Apabila berlakunya peningkatan tersebut bererti lebih ramai pesakit yang perlu diberikan penjagaan paliatif di pusat-pusat penjagaan kesihatan seperti hospital dan pusat hospis. Penjagaan paliatif terutama bagi pesakit-pesakit di akhir hayat akan melibatkan kos yang tinggi dengan sumber yang terhad. Rentetan itu, penyedia perkhidmatan akan berhadapan dengan isu-isu kewajaran pengagihan sumber kepada pesakit, dan ini berkait rapat dengan pertimbangan tentang rawatan perubatan yang tidak membawa apa-apa manfaat (futile treatment). Maka arahan perubatan awal merupakan satu cadangan penyelesaian terhadap dilema ini. Mekanisme ini berfungsi sebagai jaminan bahawa hak individu untuk membuat keputusan berautonomi tentang rawatan perubatan tidak akan terlucut berikutan sebarang ketidakupayaan yang berlaku selepas itu. Dalam erti kata lain, arahan perubatan awal mengekalkan autonomi pesakit untuk menentukan rawatan perubatan untuk dirinya sendiri, walaupun pada ketika pesakit tersebut bukan lagi seorang yang kompeten. Keputusan ini dapat membantu para doktor mengenal pasti kehendak pesakit dan nilainilai yang dipegang apabila perlu membuat keputusan di pengakhiran hayat, seterusnya memudahkan pengagihan sumber rawatan kepada pesakit yang lebih memerlukan. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan menjelaskan kepentingan pelaksanaan arahan perubatan awal di Malaysia, terutamanya dalam persediaan untuk menghadapi “negara tua”, serta mengupas isu-isu yang berkaitan berdasarkan sudut pandangan undang-undang dan syariah

    Enhanced Self-Regulation Nonlinear PID For Industrial Pneumatic Actuator

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    The present article describes the improvement of Self-regulation Nonlinear PID (SN-PID) controller. A new function is introduced to improve the system performance in terms of transient without affecting the steady state performance. It is used to optimize the nonlinear function available on this controller. The signal error is reprocessed through this function, and the result is used to tune the nonlinear function of the controller. Furthermore, the presence of the dead zone on the proportional valve is solved using Dead Zone Compensator (DZC). Simulations and experiments were carried out on the pneumatic positioning system. Comparisons between the existing methods were examined and successfully demonstrated

    Sosialisasi Pentingnya Studi Lanjut ke Perguruan Tinggi bagi Santri Pondok Pesantren di Era 4.0

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    The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 demands an increase in the quality of human resources to be able to compete globally, for that further study at university is one of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources. One of the communities that has great potential but has not been touched by the socialization of the importance of further study to universities in the industrial revolution 4.0 era is Islamic boarding schools. This community service program in the form of socialization is carried out on the basis of collaboration between Alma Ata University Yogyakarta and Islamic Boarding Schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) to provide socialization to students about the importance of further study to higher education in the 4.0 era. The method used is counseling or direct socialization to students. The purpose of this service is to increase the awareness and motivation of students in Islamic boarding schools on the importance of further study in higher education in the industrial revolution 4.0 era. The data collection technique was carried out after the socialization was carried out in the form of a questionnaire of interest. The results obtained showed that after the socialization, 81% of the participants were motivated to continue their further studies at universities in the industrial revolution 4.0 era

    Re-assessing the Design Needs of Trans-Radial Amputees in Product Design Innovation

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    The previous study on design for disabled people has indicates that product development for trans-radial amputees should integrate designer’s reflection in identifying significant variables such as the real needs of their users, functionality, ergonomic aspect, and aesthetic. Hence, this paper intends to re-assess the design needs of trans-radial amputees through an observation study with 15 trans-radial amputees (right side). The observation aims to understand the difficulties that occurred in the daily activities of amputees, in their home situation without the help of prosthesis. The result of the study suggests the amputees’ main struggle in their daily activities; preparing meals and eating independently. Therefore, a few design criteria have been proposed, and the prototype design was successfully developed as a proposal for potential future development and production. It is hoped the outcome of this research help to surpass the kind of device constrained to help amputees preparing meals and eating independently

    The art of quranic memorization: a meta-analysis

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    This study highlights the research trends related to Quranic memorization by retrieving and analyzing articles from online scholarly open-source databases such as Google Scholar and Research Gate. The researchers selected 20 articles from online open-source publications published from 2016 to 2021. Findings from this study may help students, teachers, and tahfiz (memorization) institutions develop effective strategies to ensure successful Quranic memorization. Additionally, the study sheds light on the Quranic memorization framework and addresses the research gap that has yet to be carried out by researchers. The study uses meta-analysis to evaluate each article’s content and determine its subject matter. This analysis is then translated into numerical data, including figures for frequency and percentage. Research findings indicate a high research interest relating to methods of Quranic memorization. However, less research has been conducted on sustaining Quranic memorization. Hence, future research should focus on sustaining Quranic memorization regarding methods, challenges, and motivation. Simply memorizing the Quran is not enough; it is essential to maintain memorization

    The Assessment Of The Clubfoot Children’ S Orthotic Need For The Development Of The Foot Abduction Orthosis (FAO) Prototype Design

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    Foot abduction is an imminent component of treatment within the Ponseti method. It is a treatment procedure where the clubfoot patient adheres to the post-corrective bracing protocol to prevent relapse of the deformity that has turned the foot downward and elevated inwards. In order to encourage the patients’ compliance to the foot abduction orthosis (FAO), various designs have been introduced in the market in the hope of improving the rate of compliance. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the assessment of the clubfoot patients’ FAO need at the orthopaedic clinic of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kelantan, Malaysia. The assessment aims to understand the clubfoot patients’ lower limb movements, in order to generate ideas for the prototype design development to improve the FAO design based on the existing product in the market. The FAO that was referred for further design improvements are the Denis Browne splint and the Markel shoes. In addition, a total of 10 clubfoot patients’ parents were interviewed to obtain user experience data. This study suggests the need to eliminate the foot plates and the bulky protruding shoe and brace locks that are heavy due to the material use. Consequently, a conceptual design of the FAO was successfully developed as a proposal for potential future development of the working prototype to optimise the patients’ dynamic movement

    The Assessment of the Clubfoot Children’s Orthotic need for the development of the Foot Abduction Orthosis (FAO) prototype design

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    Foot abduction is an imminent component of treatment within the Ponseti method. It is a treatment procedure where the clubfoot patient adheres to the post-corrective bracing protocol to prevent relapse of the deformity that has turned the foot downward and elevated inwards. In order to encourage the patients’ compliance to the foot abduction orthosis (FAO), various designs have been introduced in the market in the hope of improving the rate of compliance. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the assessment of the clubfoot patients’ FAO need at the orthopaedic clinic of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kelantan, Malaysia. The assessment aims to understand the clubfoot patients’ lower limb movements, in order to generate ideas for the prototype design development to improve the FAO design based on the existing product in the market. The FAO that was referred for further design improvements are the Denis Browne splint and the Markel shoes. In addition, a total of 10 clubfoot patients’ parents were interviewed to obtain user experience data. This study suggests the need to eliminate the foot plates and the bulky protruding shoe and brace locks that are heavy due to the material use. Consequently, a conceptual design of the FAO was successfully developed as a proposal for potential future development of the working prototype to optimise the patients’ dynamic movement. Keywords - Clubfoot,Conceptual design, FAO design, Prototype development

    Linear and Non-Linear Predictive Models in Predicting Motor Assessment Scale of Stroke Patients Using Non-Motorized Rehabilitation Device

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    Various predictive models, both linear and non-linear, such as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Partial Least Squares (PLS), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), were frequently employed for predicting the clinical scores of stroke patients. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these predictive models is somewhat impacted by how features are selected from the data to serve as inputs for the model. Hence, it's crucial to explore an ideal feature selection method to attain the most accurate prediction performance. This study primarily aims to evaluate the performance of two non-motorized three-degree-of-freedom devices, namely iRest and ReHAD using MLR, PLS and ANN predictive models and to examine the usefulness of including a hand grip function with the assessment device. The results reveal that ReHAD coupled with non-linear model (i.e. ANN) has a better prediction performance compared to iRest and at once proving that by including the hand grip function into the assessment device may increase the prediction accuracy in predicting Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) score of stroke subjects. Furthermore, these findings imply that there is a substantial association between kinematic variables and MAS scores, and as such the ANN model with a feature selection of twelve kinematic variables can predict stroke patients' MAS scores