194 research outputs found

    Collective excitations of BEC under anharmonic trap position jittering

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    Collective excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate under periodic oscillations of a quadratic plus quartic trap position has been studied. A coupled set of variational equations is derived for the width and the condensate wave function center. Analytical expressions for the growth of oscillation amplitudes in the resonance case are derived. It is shown that jittering of an anharmonic trap position can cause double resonance of the BEC width and the center of mass oscillation in the wide range of the BEC parameters values. The predictions of variational approach are confirmed by full numerical simulations of the 1D GP equation.Comment: This paper contains a manuscript - SolAnJPB.tex and figures (fig1 - fig1a.eps and fig1b.eps, fig2 - fig2.eps, fig3 - fig3a.eps and fig3b.eps, fig4 - fig4a.eps and fig4b.eps). The manuscript has been prepared using LATEX2e with the iopart class and the figures in encapsulated PostScrip

    Resonances in a trapped 3D Bose-Einstein condensate under periodically varying atomic scattering length

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    Nonlinear oscillations of a 3D radial symmetric Bose-Einstein condensate under periodic variation in time of the atomic scattering length have been studied analytically and numerically. The time-dependent variational approach is used for the analysis of the characteristics of nonlinear resonances in the oscillations of the condensate. The bistability in oscillations of the BEC width is invistigated. The dependence of the BEC collapse threshold on the drive amplitude and parameters of the condensate and trap is found. Predictions of the theory are confirmed by numerical simulations of the full Gross-Pitaevski equation.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics

    Dynamical localization of matter wave solitons in managed barrier potentials

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    The bright matter wave soliton propagation through a barrier with a rapidly oscillating position is investigated. The averaged over rapid oscillations Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation is derived. It is shown that the soliton is dynamically trapped by the effective double-barrier. The analytical predictions for the soliton effective dynamics is confirmed by the numerical simulations of the full GP equation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Adiabatic dynamics of periodic waves in Bose-Einstein condensate with time dependent atomic scattering length

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    Evolution of periodic matter waves in one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with time dependent scattering length is described. It is shown that variation of the effective nonlinearity is a powerful tool for controlled generation of bright and dark solitons starting with periodic waves.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Transmission of matter wave solitons through nonlinear traps and barriers

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    The transmissions of matter wave solitons through linear and nonlinear inhomogeneities induced by the spatial variations of the trap and the scattering length in Bose-Einstein condensates are investigated. New phenomena, such as the enhanced transmission of a soliton through a linear trap by a modulation of the scattering length, are exhibited. The theory is based on the perturbed Inverse Scattering Transform for solitons, and we show that radiation effects are important. Numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation confirm the theoretical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetry breaking induced by random fluctuations for Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well trap

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    This paper is devoted to the study of the dynamics of two weakly-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a double-well trap and perturbed by random external forces. Energy diffusion due to random forcing allows the system to visit symmetry-breaking states when the number of atoms exceeds a threshold value. The energy distribution evolves to a stationary distribution which depends on the initial state of the condensate only through the total number of atoms. This loss of memory of the initial conditions allows a simple and complete description of the stationary dynamics of the condensate which randomly visits symmetric and symmetry-breaking states.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Dissipative Dynamics of Matter Wave Soliton in Nonlinear Optical Lattice

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    Dynamics and stability of solitons in two-dimensional (2D) Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), with low-dimensional (1D) conservative plus dissipative nonlinear optical lattices are investigated. In the case of focusing media (with attractive atomic systems) the collapse of the wave packet is arrested by the dissipative periodic nonlinearity. The adiabatic variation of the background scattering length leads to metastable matter-wave solitons. When the atom feeding mechanism is used, a dissipative soliton can exist in focusing 2D media with 1D periodic nonlinearity. In the defocusing media (repulsive BEC case) with harmonic trap in one dimension and one dimensional nonlinear optical lattice in other direction, the stable soliton can exist. This prediction of variational approach is confirmed by the full numerical simulation of 2D Gross-Pitaevskii equation.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
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