5 research outputs found

    General Business Competencies Of Students As Outcomes Assessment

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop an analytical framework to assess students’ general business competencies, acquired in core and capstone courses, as learning outcomes. First, the rationale for the use of students’ general business competencies as outcomes assessment is provided. Second, the methodology for measuring these competencies is presented and explained. Third, the underlying concepts and influential factors relative to general business competencies of students are analyzed and discussed. Finally, the findings and practical implications of the proposed approach for faculty development are examined

    A Note on the Effect of Skewness, Kurtosis, and Shifting on One-Sample T and Sign Tests

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    We extend previous studies of the effects of skewness, kurtosis, and shifting of the location parameter on the size and power of the t and sign tests for the one-sample case. The sign test is often recommended for skewed populations, however simulations show that the power of the t-test exceeds that of the sign test when the shift is in the opposite direction of the skewness in the parent population. Furthermore, our simulations demonstrate that the power of the sign test is diminished as kurtosis in the parent population decreases