7 research outputs found

    Congenital stationary night blindness with hypoplastic discs, negative electroretinogram and thinning of the inner nuclear layer

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    Purpose: To describe congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) with negative electroretinogram, hypoplastic discs, nystagmus and thinning of the inner nuclear layer (INL). Methods: Retinal structure was analyzed qualitatively with spectral domain optical coherence tomography and wide field imaging. Retinal function was evaluated with full-field electroretinography (ffERG). Molecular genetic testing included next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the known genes involved in CSNB. Results: Patients presented with CSNB presented with nystagmus, high myopia, hypoplastic discs and negative ffERG with no measurable rod response. The retinas appeared normal and automated segmentation of retinal layers demonstrated a relative reduction of thickness of the INL. There was no significant change in the ffERG after prolonged 2 hour dark adaptation compared to standard 30 minute dark adaptation. Affected family members harboured the homozygous 1-bp deletion c.2394delC in exon 18 of the TRPM1 gene, whereas their unaffected parents were heterozygous carriers. Conclusions: This data expands the genotype and phenotype spectrum of CSNB. The lack of improvement of rod responses after prolonged dark adaptation, together with thinning of the INL, is compatible with postreceptoral transmission dysfunction in the bipolar cells. Such knowledge may prove useful in future development of treatment for outer retinal dystrophies, using opsin genes to restore light responses in survivor neurons in the inner retina

    A suggested proposal to introduce an Islamic entertainment software rating system

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    Most entertainment software rating systems available on the world were created by secular states. Therefore, such systems do not pay attention to religious values and principles in connection with entertainment software production and ratings. Therefore, in this study the researcher has developed a proposal to introduce an Islamic entertainment software rating system based on the principles and instructions of the Islamic religion, and in accordance with the customs and traditions of the Arab countries. The proposed rating system aims to provide parents, guardians, educators, and a consumer with clear and objective information related to appropriate age for practicing electronic games and describes their content and identifies anything that is potentially offensive, according to the Islamic vision of which the proposed rating system built on

    Attitudes and perceptions of graduate students about the applications of wikis in education

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    This study aimed to investigate attitudes and perceptions of 20 Masters students (college of Education - University of King Saud) about the applications of wikis in education, through answering the study six questions. The study came up with a number of important results: There are positive students attitudes regarding the use of wiki in education.. Wiki is considered a strong tool in helping the development of collaborative learning environments and constructivism, in accordance with its nature of that supports cooperation. The applications of wikis in education in Arabic language needs to be a lot of development and technical suppor. At the end, this study presented and explained a number of procedures and methods needed for successful learning environment through the wiki. Finally, the study presented a number of recommendations related to its results. The most important recommendation assures the importance of employing wiki in education, and the necessity to follow and apply a number of procedures and methods which contribute to making processes and learning environments for successful and effective wiki applications in education

    Characteristics of Quality Instructional Software from the Perspective of Saudi Educators and designing an Evaluation Form

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    This study aimed to identify the most important characteristics of quality instructional software from the perspective of Saudi educators, and then design an Evaluation Form accordingly. The study came up with a total of 125 features related to characteristics of quality instructional software, ranging in frequencies between one frequency and one hundred and ten , 1 — 110, . The study results can be summarized as follows: The number of characteristics of quality instructional software that got 75 repeats or more were three, characteristics that got duplicates ranging between 50 and 74 repeats were four, characteristics that got duplicates ranging between 25 and 49 repeats were twelve, and finally characteristics that got duplicates less than 25 repeats were one hundred and six , 106, .Finally, Due to characteristics that had been reached reflect the views of twenty Saudi educators, they were guided in the process of designing a software Evaluation Form

    Adoption of new endodontic technology by dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to assess the adoption of new endodontic technology by a population of endodontists (ENs) and general dental practitioners (GPs) practicing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A total of 250 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 50 randomly selected private dental clinics. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the use of NiTi rotary instruments, Digital radiography, and Electronic Apex Locators. Follow-up questions investigated the reason for not using the specified technology by selecting one or more of the stated choices. In addition, the type of rotary NiTi instrument system and the type of apex locator used were explored. The response rate was 56.4%; 121 GPs and 20 EN participated in the study. The percentage of dentists (GPs+ENs) who used NiTi rotary instruments was 46.1%, Digital radiography was 40.7%, and Electronic Apex Locators was 48.9%. The percentage of ENs who used the three technologies was higher than that of GPs, the difference was statistically significant (P=0.001). The most common reason for not using the three new technologies was the lack of availability. In addition to unavailability, NiTi rotary instruments and Electronic Apex Locators were not used because of lack of training and concern about instrument fracture (rotary NiTi) and patient safety (Electronic Apex Locators). The fact that more than 50% of dentists (GPs+ENs) practicing in Saudi Arabia have never used rotary NiTi instrumentation systems, Digital radiography, or Electronic Apex Locators underlines the importance of supporting increased utilization of new endodontic technologies by providing professional training opportunities for current and future dentists

    Argus II retinal prosthesis for retinitis pigmentosa in the Middle East: The 2015 Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology Gradle Lecture

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    Background: To describe the outcomes of patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) who received the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System. Methods: This retrospective, interventional case series evaluated 10 consecutive patients who received the Argus II retinal implant and underwent visual function tests with the system on and system off. The main outcome measures were safety (the number, seriousness, and relatedness of adverse events), and visual function measured by computer-based objective tests, including square localization (SL) and direction of motion (DOM). Secondary measures included functional vision performance, including orientation and mobility (O&M) tasks. Results: There were no intraoperative complications and all prostheses remained implanted at the end of follow up. The mean patient age was 41.3 years; mean duration of the implant in vivo was 2.1 years. One patient had a suture exposure over the coil suture tab and over the inferior case suture tab at 2 years postoperatively, which was managed successfully. One patient developed mild vitreous hemorrhage that resolved spontaneously. One patient developed high intraocular pressure postoperatively due to a tight scleral band (SB) that was managed successfully. Patients performed significantly better with the Argus II system on than off on all tasks. Conclusion: Patients who received the Argus II had a safety profile out to 4 years post-implantation that was markedly better than that observed in the pre-approval phase of the Argus II. In this population of RP patients, the Argus II retinal prosthesis provided useful visual function over several years that likely translates into improved quality of life. Trial Registration: clinicaltrials.gov identifier, NCT00407602