3 research outputs found

    Integrating the Broadcast Media in Teaching Strategies of Learning ESL in Malaysia

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    This paper calls for a broader partnership between the media and education essentially, integrating the broadcast media in teaching learning strategies to students of ESL in Malaysia. Given the relevant motivation, employing language learning strategies enhances and facilitates second language learning by making learning easier, faster, interesting, self-directing and ensures improved competence and performance. Studies have proved that motivation is closely related to second language learning as it stimulates both high frequency and appropriate use of language learning strategies. Our major concern in this paper is to emphasise that, we can integrate the media especially the television and Radio to teach the appropriate use of language learning strategies among the ESL Malaysian students.  The broadcast media in Malaysia can be used in both creating awareness as well as teaching students on using language learning strategies appropriately and  provide them with the required motivation for positive attitudes towards English language learning. Keywords: Learning strategies, Motivation, Broadcast media, English as a second languag

    Effect of Web-Based Activities on the Malaysian Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition Performance

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    Vocabulary acquisition is an important aspect of second language learning. It aids communication and comprehension. Teachers are thus expected to invent very effective means of teaching this vital component to the learners. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the possible effect of using web-based activities to teach vocabulary on the vocabulary acquisition performance of the students. Forty pupils were selected for the study and were exposed to web-activities. The study made use of pre and posttests to examine whether there were any changes in the performance of the students. It was found out the used of web-based activities really influenced their performance as all the respondents had scores higher than in the pretest situation. It could then be held that it is imperative that teachers of English harness all creative ways of ensuring that students are assisted to learn effectively and one of such ways is employing technology