438 research outputs found
Exports and Economic Growth Nexus: The Case of Pakistan
This paper re-investigates the exports and economic growth nexus for Pakistan. The paper employs cointegration and multivariate Granger Causality Test [Toda and Yamamoto (1995)] to study the long-run and short-run dynamics among exports, imports, and real output growth over the 1960–2003 period. Results strongly support a long-run relationship among imports, exports, and output growth. Feedback effect between import and output growth and unidirectional causality from export to output growth was found. Nevertheless, the results do not confirm any significant causality between imports and exports.Exports, Economic Growth, Pakistan
A study of Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad financial performance between theory and practiced / Siti Yuhani Abdul Manap
This study reveals on the important of towards having a good financial performance. From that, the analysis on the financial performance will be carried out. The reason is because the stability of one bank is depending on their financial performance and how they utilize it for the bank benefits. They can operate effectively and efficiently by having good financial performance. From the financial statement (balance sheet and income statement), the evaluation of the bank performance can be done. To analyze the bank that involve in this study, the basic tool of financial analysis will be used. The financial ratios and that is appropriate for a bank will calculated based on the information disclosed on the financial statement of the bank. The study identifies the financial strength on certain criteria. There are five types of common ratios will apply to calculate the financial statement. An analysis has been given on each of the selected ratios after been calculated. From the ratio, we will know the financial performance of the bank. Thus, the determination whether the bank doing well in managing their financial activities in the last 5 years can be made
Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Berasrama di MA Darul Masakin Karang Lebah Desa Bilelando Kecamatan Praya Timur Kabupaten Lombok Tengah
Penelitian ini mengangkat judul tentang Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Berasrama Di MA Pondok Pesantrren Darul Masakin Karang Lebah Desa Bilelando. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembentukan karakter siswa, karakter siswa berasrama dan untuk mengetahui kendala dan solusi dalam pembentukan karakter siswa di MA Darul Masakin. Sebab siswa di sana memiliki karakter rligius, kedisiplinan, kerjasama, kerja keras, demokrasi dan rasa igin tahu.lewat penelitian ini lah kan diketahui bagaimana peroses dari pembentukan karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni (1) Menganalisis bagaimana peroses pembentukan karakter (2) Mengetahui dan menganalisis karakter siswa berasrama (3) Menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi dalam pembentukan karakter di MA Darul Masakin Karang Lebah. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan model interaktif yang terdiri dari mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan menyimpulkan. Keabsahan data diperoleh melalui metode triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) perencanaan menanamkan nilai karakter sesuai landasan Perpres No.87 tahun 2017 dengan 18 nilai pembentuk karakter dan budaya bangsa (2) pelaksanaan dengan mengintegrasikan nilai kedalam kurikulum pondok pesantren dilakukan melalui 3 aspek, yaitu: melalui kegiatan belajar mengajar, ekstrakurikuler, dan aktivitas religius siswa (3) faktor penghambat pembentukan karakter siswa yaitu disebabkan oleh perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, kurangnya perhatian orang tua dan kurangnya SDM dan sarana prasarana pendukung.
Kata Kunci: Karakter, Siswa Berasram
Performance Analysis of Hexagon-Diamond Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation using MATLAB
To achieve a high compression ratio in coding video data, a method known as Motion Estimation (ME) is often applied to reduce the temporal redundancy between successive frames of a video sequence. One of ME techniques, known as Block Matching Algorithm (BMA), has been widely used in various video coding standards. In recent years, many of these BMAs have been developed with similar intention of reducing the computational costs while at the same time maintaining the video signal quality. In this paper, an algorithm called Hexagon-Diamond Search (HDS) is proposed for ME where the algorithm and several fast BMAs, namely Three Step Search (TSS), New Three Step Search (NTSS), Four Step Search (4SS) as well as Diamond Search (DS), are first selected to be implemented onto various type of standard test video sequence using MATLAB before their performances are compared and analyzed in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), number of search points needed as well as their computational complexity. Simulation results demonstrate that HDS algorithm has speed up other algorithm’s computational work up to 56% while at the same time maintains close performance in terms of PSNR to others
Characterization of serine protease from mango (Mangifera indica cv. Chokanan) peel
Mango (Magnifera indica cv. Chokanan) is one of the most popular tropical fruits in the world and currently ranked 5th in total world production among the major fruit crops. Mango peel is one of the major wastes of food and beverage industries, however, it can be used as a valuable, economic and available media sources for commercially producing the natural enzymes. This study aimed at characterizing serine protease which was previously purified from mango peel by alcohol salt aqueous two-phase system (ATPS). The molecular weight of purified protease was determined with sodium dodecyl polyacrylamide sulfate gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to be 65 kDa, it showed maximum activity (> 80%) at pH 4-10 and exhibited high thermal stability (>90%) for 60 min at 65°C with the highest activity at 70°C and at pH 8. Its activity was strongly inhibited by PMSF, but not by EDTA, pepstatin, or cysteine protease inhibitors. The activity of the protease was activated by Ca2+and Mg2+ while Li+, Na+, K+ and Sn2+ had no effect on the protease activity. However, reduction in the activity of protease was observed in the presence of Ba2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Co2+, Mn2+ and Cu2+. The enzyme was resistant to denaturation by sodium dodecyl sulfate and the non-ionic surfactants such as Tween 80 and Triton X-100. The properties of serine protease extracted from mango peel and discussed in this study made it applicable in industrial processes that are performed under high temperature, in alkaline medium, or in the presence of denaturants and surfactants
Pengaruh pendapatan nelayan terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat di desa gambus laut Kecamatan Lima Puluh Kabupaten Batubara
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh penjelasan mengenai hubungan antara pengaruh pendapatan nelayan terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat Desa Gambus Laut Kecamatan Lima Puluh Kabupaten Batubara. Dimana kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Gambus Laut tidak tercapai oleh faktor eksternal dan internal serta kurangnya perhatian pemerintah setempat. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan angket dengan jumlah responden 91 orang. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis. Pengaruh yang signifikan ini dapat dilihat berdasarkan hasil uji t pada variabel bebas/sistem informasi manajemen diperoleh nilai Sig sebesar 0,000. Nilai probabilitas yang lebih besar dari nilai Sig (0,05 > 0,000). Selain menggunakan nilai Sig, untuk melihat signifikansi pengaruh pendapatan nelayan terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat juga dapat membandingkan ttabel dengan thitung. Diketahui bahwa ttabel dalam penelitian ini untuk derajat kebebasan df= n-k = 91-2 = 89 dengan taraf signifikan 5% adalah 1,66216. Adapun nilai thitung untuk variabel sistem informasi manajemen dapat dilihat pada tabel di atas adalah sebesar 18,754. Karena nilai thitung > ttabel (18,574 > 1,66216) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, yang artinya pendapatan nelayan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat Desa Gambus Laut Kecamatan Lima Puluh Kabupaten Batubara. Berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2/R Square) sebesar 0,798 atau 79,8% yang menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas berupa pendapatan nelayan mampu menjelaskan variabel terikat berupa gaya hidup sebesar 79,8%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 20,2% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan/dijelaskan dalam model penelitian ini
Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan - A New Pathogen of some Forest Tree Species in Peninsular Malaysia
Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan was isolated from seeds of Shorea talura Roxb., Horsfeldia
sp. and Maesopsis eminii Engl. Musizi. This fungus has not been previously recorded in Peninsular Malaysia.
Inoculation tests showed that Cylindrocladium scoparium was pathogenic to seedlings of Dipterocarpus
grandiflorus Blanco, a spe'cies indigenous to Malaysian forests, and Pinus caribaea Mor., an introduced
species of tropical pine planted in this country
Oleh :
Di Daerah Tingkat II kabupaten Gresik Propinsi Jawa Timur, sampai saat
ini dapat dilihat bahwa ada tiga sektor ekonomi yang sangat dominan
kontribusinya bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian di kabupaten ini, yaitu sektor
industri pengolahan, perdagangan hoel dan restoran (Anonim;2006), di mana
selain tiga sektor tersebut terdapat beberapa sektor yang memang dapat menjadi
pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi secara riil di propinsi ini. Daerah Tingkat II
Kabupaten Gresik pada dasarnya tidak dapat terlepas dari keberadaan
perkembangan faktor-faktor yang mendorong dan menghambat pertumbuhan
ekonomi yang terjadi di masing-masing daerah kecamatannya, karena indikasi
pertumbuhan ekonomi termasuk perkembangan faktor-faktor yang mendorong
dan menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat diketahui secara riil dari aktivitas
ekonomi yang terjadi di daerah-daerah
Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sembilan sektor yang
mendorong pertumbuhan ekonom di Kabupaten Gresik. Data dalam penelitian ini
menggunakan data sekunder yaitu data time series, data tersebut kemudian
dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis shift share
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwaSesuai dengan tujuan yang
hendak dicapai dari penelitian ini, dimana tujuan penelitian adalah untuk
mengetahui kondisi masing-masing sektoral yang mendorong atau menghambat
pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Gresik, maka berdasarkan pelaksanaan
analisis dengan menggunakan metode shift share diketahui, bahwa dari 9 sektoral
yang terdapat di Kabupaten Gresik, pada periode tahun 2006-2007, ternyata
kesembilan sektoral tersebut mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di
Kabupaten Gresik secara menyeluruh
Keywords : Proportional Share, National Share, differensial Share, Shift Shar
Molecular Mechanics Simulations Of Quartz Etching Process
In this thesis, the physical etching of argon bombardment onto α-quartz and amorphous quartz substrates were studied and investigated using molecular mechanics methods. Although there are extensive studies on quartz etching, larger numbers of the research are experimental and the studies focus on the process outcomes rather than the fundamental study of the process. Molecular mechanics
methods such as Monte Carlo (MC) method and Molecular Dynamics (MD) method enables researchers in building the model from ground up to the physical etching process. This kind of bottom-up design allows us to study the process in molecular level and help researcher grasp the fundamental theory of the process. Two computational methods have been employed in order to study quartz
etching process. The first method are based on statistical approach i.e Monte Carlo and the second method is based on deterministic approach i.e Molecular Dynamics. In Monte Carlo method, the main interest of the simulations is sputtering yield, Ys and energy distribution of sputtered atoms. The relationship of incident energy, Ei , and incident angle θi to the interested subjects will also been investigated and
discussed. It was found that at incident angle θi =70⁰ at any incident energy, Ei, the sputtering yield, Ys is maximum. Molecular Dynamics method reported the effect of etching selectivity, the effect of substrate temperature, Ts, and the effect of incident energy, Ei to the
sputtering yield and ultimately corroborates the factor and sputtering yield with the properties of the substrate. The main objective of this project is to use computational method (i.e Molecular Dynamics) to model the process at the scale of molecular level. Two difference substrates (amorphous and α-quartz) are subjected to a range of incident energy. Ei and temperature, Ts and the sputtering yield were studied. Morse potential and Second Generation Charge-Optimized Many Body (COMB) potentials were utilised as the inter-atomic potential. α-quartz shows higher sputtering yield as compared to amorphous quartz at any given incident energy, Ei and substrate temperature, Ts. α-quartz has also produced more stoichiometric yield compared to amorphous quartz. This is because for α quartz, the sputtered product are in mostly the form of SiO2 molecule while amorphous substrate the sputtered product in the form of atom. Incident enery, Ei gave significant increase in the sputtering yield compared to temperature, Ts. In this thesis, the computational model of physical etching on quartz has been demonstrated using the Monte Carlo (MC) method and Molecular Dynamics (MD) method. Several factors are studied and better understandings of the process in molecular level have been achieved. The results of this study could be applied in 2D and 3D patterning used in lithography techniqu
Impact of zakat distribution to asnaf in Kepala Batas Pulau Pinang / Abdul Fattah Abdul Manap
Nowadays, zakat practise had became one of the compulsory tradition in life of Muslim society in Malaysia. Because of this, there are a lot of zakat institution that
had been establish in each state of Malaysia to play the role of zakat collection and distribution. According to the role of Zakat Pulau Pinang (ZPP) in distributing zakat to
asnaf in Pulau Pinang, this research is conducted to find out the impact of zakat distribution to asnaf in one of Pulau Pinang area which is Kepala Batas. This research
had been conducted by qualitative method such as interview session to collect the data and answer this research purpose. The interview session had been participate by eight asnaf in Kepala Batas which receive a variety form of zakat such as business zakat, financial zakat, medical zakat and education zakat. After the data collection process was done, it had been analysed and the result had been recorded systematically. From the data that had been analyse, a lot of impact according to asnaf had been found. Besides that, the recommendation also been discussed in this research as a reference to improve zakat distribution process in Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinan
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