3 research outputs found

    Estimation of genetic diversity for quantitative traits of commercial wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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    This research was conducted to assess the performance of wheat genotypes and to detect genotypes with adult plant resistance by evaluating them in a trap nursery. 36 commercial wheat cultivar were used in experiment. Morocco was sown on four sides of trial. Material was sown in augmented design. The data was recorded on different quantitative like Plant height (cm), no. of tillers/plant, spike length (cm), no of spikelets/plant, peduncle length (cm), stem diameter (mm) and flag leaf area. Selection of genotypes could be done from two main clusters to make cross for improvement of traits. No of tillers/plant, peduncle length, spike/length, spikelets/plant and plant height showed large genetic variability in Biplot and these variables could be used as selection criteria. Pak-81, Sindh-81, Mexipak-65, Sarsabaz, Chakwal-86 and Kiran-95 so these cultivars could be potentially used in future breeding programme for improvement of several quantitative traits according to results of Biplot analysis. Following genotypes were found moderate resistant against yellow rust viz. Anmol-9, Bahawalpur-200 and Bakhtawar-92 and could be used further in future breeding programme to stand against yellow ruts pressure. Maxipak-65 and WL-711 need to improve by incorporating yellow rust resistant genes

    Effect of micron (micronutrients) fertilizer on the growth and yield of Wheat variety Sarsabz

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    The Department of Chemistry Soil Section Agriculture Research Institute, Tando Jam, conducted an examination in order to find out how micron (micronutrient) fertilizer affected the growth and yield of the wheat variety Sarsabz. Three replicates of a Randomized Complete Block Design were used to investigate the effects of micron (micronutrients) fertilizer utilized at rates of 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha-1 having a plot size of 46 m x 44 m. The results of the study revealed that applying micronutrient fertilizer to crops significantly altered the crop’s parameters. The application of Micron (micronutrients) fertilizer applied at a rate of 150 kg ha-1, with proposed N (168) and P (84) doses, resulting in the maximum wheat plant height (101.73), more tillers plant-1 (9.73), spike length (13.7), more grain spike-1 (51.66), heavier seeds (39.3), and higher grain yield (3453.3 kg ha-1). Therefore the micro nutrient is essential for achieving maximum yield production and should be applied with recommended doses on the wheat crop, performed better results in soil conditions of Tando Jam