1 research outputs found

    Agricultural Inputs Subsidy in Nigeria: An Overview of the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS)

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    The Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) was initiated by the Nigerian government to boost agricultural production through the provision of ‘smart subsidies’ on some farm inputs to small‑scale farmers. This review highlights the successes and challenges of the Scheme’s implementation process across the country. The study reviewed scholarly articles and other secondary data from government sources on the scheme. Findings from the study revealed that the Scheme was able to deliver subsidised agricultural inputs to small-scale farmers with relative ease and at affordable rate which was able to boost farm output. However, the scheme is affected majorly by its politicization, the inability of the governments to release funds to agro-dealers leading to late delivery of inputs and the lack of support service (extension) to farmers. Based on these findings, it is therefore recommended that, adequate synergy should be established between all collaborating agencies of the government participating in the scheme to ensure adequate release of funds, timely disbursement of farm inputs and the provision of suitable support services to farmers