5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the pulse wave velocity in African rheumatoid arthritis subjects

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease with often fatal vascular events. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors, disease-specific elements contribute to this cardiovascular mortality. The aim of this study was to assess arterial stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis and to determine the factors involved.Methods: We have recruited the black African patients followed in rheumatology and had rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. Only patients between 18 and 60 years and meeting the American College of Rheumatology criteria were included. All controls were healthy. We evaluated the propagation velocity of the pulse wave finger-toe (PWVft) measured by the pOpmètre®.Results: Present study shows that the PWVft was significantly elevated in over half of patients (55.10%). Besides, the mean patients PWVft was significantly higher than that of the control (respectively 9.40±0.51 and 7.22±0.33 p=0.001). In the patients, no factor was significantly involved in the arterial stiffness, but cons in the control group, the PWVft was significantly correlated with age (p=0.023 and r=0.55).Conclusions: Rheumatoid arthritis patients had higher PWVft compared to controls. Due to the importance of its cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, arthritis requires a regular monitoring element as arterial stiffness, which is currently a major vascular parameter monitoring


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    Retroperitoneal abscess is a serious complication of diverticular disease. Its management involves several options, ranging from conservative management to surgery. Elective colectomy is most often thought to be mandatory after a percutaneous drainage given the high rate of recidive. However, in patients with high risk for surgery, percutaneous drainage is often the main therapeutic alternative. We report a case of a 80-year-old woman, who was diagnosed to have a retroperitoneal abscess complicating a sigmoid diverticulitis. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous drainage allowed to drain 1500cc of pus and gas. The cytobacteriological examination was positive for: Streptococcus spp and Alkalescens dispar. The therapeutic outcomes were uneventful and despite we did not realize a colectomy because the patient was at high risk for surgery, there was no recidive after a 2-year-follow-up period. Percutaneous drainage can be a therapeutic alternative in patients with high risk for surgery in diverticular abscess of big size

    Tumeur de Buschke-Lowenstein à localisation ano-périnéale à propos dun cas (Ano-perineal Buschke-Lowenstein tumor: A case report)

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    La tumeur de Buschke-Lowenstein (TBL) ou le condylome acuminé géant (CAG) est une entité clinique rare atteignant moins de 0,1 % de la population générale. Transmise essentiellement par voie sexuelle, elle est liée à linfection à Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Elle peut dégénérer en carcinome épidermoïde de lanus plus particulièrement chez les personnes infectées par le VIH. Nous rapportons lobservation dun patient porteur de VIH, avec notion dhomosexualité, reçu pour lésions condylomateuses acuminées ano-périnéales géantes. Lobjectif est de décrire les aspects cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs de cette affection

    Evaluation of the pulse wave velocity in African rheumatoid arthritis subjects

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease with often fatal vascular events. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors, disease-specific elements contribute to this cardiovascular mortality. The aim of this study was to assess arterial stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis and to determine the factors involved.Methods: We have recruited the black African patients followed in rheumatology and had rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. Only patients between 18 and 60 years and meeting the American College of Rheumatology criteria were included. All controls were healthy. We evaluated the propagation velocity of the pulse wave finger-toe (PWVft) measured by the pOpmètre®.Results: Present study shows that the PWVft was significantly elevated in over half of patients (55.10%). Besides, the mean patients PWVft was significantly higher than that of the control (respectively 9.40±0.51 and 7.22±0.33 p=0.001). In the patients, no factor was significantly involved in the arterial stiffness, but cons in the control group, the PWVft was significantly correlated with age (p=0.023 and r=0.55).Conclusions: Rheumatoid arthritis patients had higher PWVft compared to controls. Due to the importance of its cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, arthritis requires a regular monitoring element as arterial stiffness, which is currently a major vascular parameter monitoring

    Prevalence and impact of adiposity and sarcopenia during rheumatoid arthritis: rapid and non-invasive evaluation in Sub-Saharan African women

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    Background: Body composition plays a fundamental role in the occurrence of complications in rheumatoid arthritis. Authors conducted this study, which aimed to determine body composition and its effects on physiological status in African sub-Saharan polyarthritis women.Methods: The anthropometric parameters were measured after an interview and a complete physical examination. The body composition was evaluated using a Tanita® brand bioimpedance meter. Finally, all the patients had a dosage of certain biochemical parameters.Results: An excess of percent fat mass was noted in more than half of women (59.52%) without loss of muscle mass. At the same time, 30% of women had a significant decrease in the percentage of body water. The BMI did not appear to be an adequate proxy for these changes. Visceral fat level was elevated just in 16% of women, however it would be a determinant of physiological aging of subjects. Dual therapy methotrexate and corticosteroid would have varying effects depending on the duration and the dose of treatment. The basic metabolism in polyarthritic subjects would be dependent on two parameters namely muscle mass and inflammatory state.Conclusions: Evaluating changes in body composition quickly, non-invasively and inexpensively is possible. It could be useful in the follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis. Managing these changes can reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis