7 research outputs found

    A Comparison Between the Effectiveness of Neuro Linguistic Programing’ and Transactional Analysis Training on Managerial Effectiveness

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    Abstract Managerial effectiveness has always been one of the most important expectations of organizations from managers. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of teaching Neuro Linguistic Programming and transactional analysis on managerial effectiveness. The research design was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test, control group and 2 months follow up. The population was all the middle male managers of Pars Khodro Company, and the sample consisted of 66 managers who distributed randomly in the experimental and control groups. The instruments of this study were: Gupta Management effectiveness Questionnaire, Transactional Analysis Protocol Based on Moradi, Shafiabadi and Salimi Protocol (2016) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Protocol Based on Kajbaf, Moqaddas and Aghaei Protocol (2011). To analyze the data, repeated measures analysis of variance was used. Findings showed a significant difference between the mean of managerial effectiveness in the experimental and the control groups and showed that the Transactional analysis method has a significant effect on increasing the managerial effectiveness scores of managers; But this effect was not significant in Neuro Linguistic Programming method .Also, the pairwise comparison of the means indicated that Transactional analysis training was more effective than the Neuro Linguistic Programming training on managerial effectiveness. Therefore, it can be concluded that managers can increase their effectiveness by learning Transactional analysis techniques, and organizations can increase the productivity of their managers by holding these training courses

    Explaining the model of preventing the collapse of the family system

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    Background and Aim: The family as an ancient institution has been the focus of many people since the distant past, and many thinkers and researchers have devoted a large part of their studies to the family. The collapse of this institution is a serious threat to the entire social system, and according to this, today, most of the macro-policies in the field of the family are aimed at protecting families from damage and collapse. Therefore, the purpose of the current research is to explain the family breakdown prevention model. Methods: The current research is a qualitative and quantitative research, which was first identified through interviews, and in the quantitative part of the research, quantitative modeling of the components was done to provide a model for the prevention of family breakdown. The statistical population of the research includes counselors, psychologists, university professors, counseling experts and some couples applying for divorce who were purposefully selected as the statistical population. Saturation theory was used to determine the sample size in the qualitative part of the research, and random sampling was used in the quantitative part, and finally 378 completed questionnaires were collected. The tools of this research for its qualitative part include researcher-made interviews and for the quantitative part it includes researcher-made questionnaires. SPSS and AMOS software were used for statistical analysis of quantitative research data. Results: The obtained findings indicate that all the components obtained from the interview (emphasis on continuous education, economic strengthening, legal support for a healthy life, skill training and skill enhancement, continuous moral reproduction, cultural immunity, healthy lifestyle, rational choice, strengthening internal bonds of members, mutual trust building, family orientation and effective intervention) are effective on the process of preventing family breakup, and the drawing model of the family breakup prevention model based on these findings has a good fit. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the drawing model of the current research can be used as a model to explain the prevention of the collapse of the family system

    Designing a model based on mindfulness, nonexistential resistance to life and sociability focusing on search for meaning in life in divorced women

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    AbstractTo study the structural relationship between mindfulness, non-existential-resistance-to-life, sociability variables and their relationship with search-for-meaning-in-life (model's central point), 216 divorced women (20-45 yrs.) were selected from Tehran counseling centers through cluster random selection. The tool devised by the researcher was a questionnaire based on the four variables of mindfulness, non-existential-resistance-to-life, sociability and search-for-meaning-in-life. Following the data analysis using AMOS, a model including 6 direct, 2 indirect paths with proper fitness was devised. Thus, designing theoretical frameworks would provide the possibility of designing more precise therapeutic, educational interventions for researchers, counselors and psychologists

    Designing a Family Concept Model in Divorce Applicant Couples Based on Grounded Theory

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    The present study tries to identify the concept of family in the lived experiences of divorced applicants, using a qualitative method of Foundation data. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the life experience of divorce applicants and to discover and extract models from these experiences and to map the relevant paradigms, including the interrelationships between conditions (structure), action (process), and consequences. Data obtained through in-depth and semi-structured interviews with divorce applicants of the Karaj Family Court. The study reached theoretical saturation through the purposive sampling method with a sample size of 9 spouses (n = 18). The data were analyzed through the Strauss & Corbin method in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The findings show that the causal conditions are the family ideological and structural tyans formation, the family evolution, the cultural problems, and economic problems. The basis conditions include family disorder, the lack of the state interactions, having the tool interaction and neglect to the religion outcome dimension. Intervention conditions are composed of the lack of life skill, the incorrect culture of the modern technology use and the lack of the separation of the family public and private scope. The consequences are of three main categories: the inevitability of divorce, the consequences of divorce, and the loss of family support. The results of the research showed that the phenomenon or category of the family concept in the living experience of divorce applicants is the unbalanced development of the family. As a result, unbalanced family development is largely eliminated by life skills training and social support