33 research outputs found

    Reducing the Bloater Spoilage During Lactic Fermentation of Moroccan Green Olives

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    The process of natural lactic fermentation of green olives is too long and usually associated with several types of olive deteriorations, mainly the »bloater spoilage«. The control of pH and salt level in brine, a practice mostly used in the olive industry, is not sufficient to avoid these problems. The main objective of this work is the control of the fermentationprocess in order to reduce the duration of the process and the olive spoilage incidence.Therefore, some Moroccan green olives were alkali-treated and brined at 5 % NaCl. The controlled fermentation was carried out by adjusting pH, by inoculation with Lactobacillus plantarum I159 and the addition of potassium sorbate (0.05 % brine). The results showed arapid development of lactic fermentation with a remarkable reduction in »bloater spoilage «, without affecting the organoleptic properties, colour and texture of the final product

    Reducing the Bloater Spoilage During Lactic Fermentation of Moroccan Green Olives

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    The process of natural lactic fermentation of green olives is too long and usually associated with several types of olive deteriorations, mainly the »bloater spoilage«. The control of pH and salt level in brine, a practice mostly used in the olive industry, is not sufficient to avoid these problems. The main objective of this work is the control of the fermentationprocess in order to reduce the duration of the process and the olive spoilage incidence.Therefore, some Moroccan green olives were alkali-treated and brined at 5 % NaCl. The controlled fermentation was carried out by adjusting pH, by inoculation with Lactobacillus plantarum I159 and the addition of potassium sorbate (0.05 % brine). The results showed arapid development of lactic fermentation with a remarkable reduction in »bloater spoilage «, without affecting the organoleptic properties, colour and texture of the final product

    Prevalencija i kontrola termotolerantnih Campylobacter spp. u svjeĹľem mesu peradi u Maroku

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    The prevalence of thermo-tolerant Campylobacter spp. was investigated in the raw poultry meat freshly slaughtered and retailed in Oujda area (Morocco). The results showed a high level of contamination of 62% of the meat samples analysed. The identifi cation of the isolates showed the dominance of Campylobacter jejuni over Campylobacter coli, with frequencies of 90% and 10%, respectively. Some natural condiments, traditionally used in food preparations in Morocco, were tested for their antimicrobial activity on some isolates of C. jejuni and C. coli. Some of these condiments, including cinnamon, lemon juice, vinegar and sodium chloride showed a high inhibitory effect. While the others, including onion, lemon pH7, ginger, red and black peppers, cumin, garlic, parsley, coriander and saffron showed a slight or no inhibitory effect. The MICs of the most effective condiments were measured, and their in-vivo activity on fresh poultry meat, previously inoculated with Campylobacter cells, was evaluated. The results showed a high effectiveness of 1% (v/v) of lemon juice and vinegar and 2% (w/v) of cinnamon and sodium chloride in decontaminating the inoculated poultry meat, indicated by the elimination of Campylobacter cells to the undetectable level after 2 hours of inoculation.Prevalencija termo-tolerantnih Campylobacter spp ispitana je u sirovom mesu peradi neposredno nakon klanja i stavljanja u promet u području Oujda (Maroko). Rezultati su pokazali visok stupanj kontaminiranosti u 62% analiziranih uzoraka mesa. Identifikacija izolata pokazala je dominaciju Campylobacter jejuni nad Campylobacter coli, uz učestalost od 90% odnosno 10%. Ispitano je antimikrobijsko djelovanje nekih prirodnih začina, koji se tradicionalno koriste u pripremi hrane u Maroku, na neke izolirane sojeve vrste C.jejuni i C.coli. Pokazalo se da neki od tih začina, uključivši cimet, sok limuna, ocat i natrijev klorid, imaju snažan inhibitorni učinak. Nasuprot tome, neki drugi začini kao što su luk, limun s pH7, đumbir, crveni i crni papar, kumin, češnjak, peršin, korijander i šafran imaju slab ili nikakav inhibitorni učinak. Određene su minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije najdjelotvornijih začina, te je procijenjeno njihovo invivo djelovanje na svježe meso peradi, koje je prethodno inokulirano bakterijom. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali značajnu djelotvornost od 1% (v/v) limunovog soka i octa, odnosno 2% (t/v) cimeta i natrijevog klorida na dekontaminaciju inokuliranog mesa peradi, a što je bilo vidljivo iz eliminacije stanica bakterija do nemjerljive razine 2 sata nakon inokulacije

    Protective effect of Crocus sativus stamens extract on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative damage in rat kidney

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    Crocus sativus is a medicinal plant supposedly possessing various biological activities. Currently, it is evaluated only by the medicinal properties of its stigma and many parts of this plant are unused. This work contributes to the valorization of C.sativus stamens by exploring the property of methanolic extract to prevent gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Twenty Wistar rats (weight 250 ± 30g) were assigned into four equal groups (n = 5), and among the assigned groups,  group 1 was given only distilled water (Control), group 2 received intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of gentamicin (GEN) 80 mg/kg/d, group 3 received the combination of gentamicin (80 mg/kg/d, i.p.) and oral administration of a lower dose of C. sativus methanolic extract (250 mg/kg/d), while the group 4 received the combination of gentamicin (80 mg/kg/d, i.p.) and oral administration of a higher dose of C. sativus methanolic extract (500 mg/kg/d). The injection of gentamicin for the nephrotoxicity induction and post-treatment with methanolic extract was carried out once a day for 15 days. For nephrotoxicity evaluation, biochemical and histopathological analyses were performed. The estimation of serum and urinary creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, sodium levels was carried out with the help of Architect Ci 4100 Analyzer. Oxidative stress was assessed by the determination of renal malondialdehyde (MDA) and catalase (CAT) levels. The results of the study suggested that gentamicin injection induced a significant (p < 0.01) elevation in serum renal biochemical parameters and oxidative stress indices. The methanolic extract of C. sativus significantly (p < 0.05) reduced serum creatinine, urea, and sodium levels, with an improvement in the histopathological results of gentamicin-induced alterations. Furthermore, pretreatment with plant extracts improved hepatic antioxidant status, by the elevation of the CAT and reducing the lipid peroxidation level (MDA) in tissues. The present study suggests that the methanolic extract of C. sativus stamens has an interesting nephroprotective effect on the renal lesions induced by GEN in modulating renal parameters and oxidative stress on Wistar rats

    Changements climatiques au Maroc: quels systèmes de culture et quelles biotechnologies pour s'y adapter ?

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    A prospective study is presented on the probable impact of climate change on cropping and livestock systems in Morocco. According to field reports and taking into account the limits of such studies, the direct effect of global warming can lead (and this is already the case in other countries) to a new varietal redistribution for the cold demanding species such as rosaceous. Apple cultivars such as the Golden group risk disappearing from the mountains to give way to others less cold demanding cultivars such as the Gala group. The banana and the avocado risk migrating to more continental regions while the olive and the citrus trees will move towards the foot of mountains. Global warming may also induce changes in livestock and cropping systems moving the drought boundary towards the center and north of the country. The arid would probably return to the semi-desert or desert space, the semi-arid would pass partly to the arid zone and the favorable Bour will be semi-arid. As a result to this change, we may expect a lack of water resource inducing an abandoning of grain crops in the arid stage for livestock. Also, we may expect a revising of the existing cropping systems within the rain-fed areas by introducing a little more Dry Farming and early cultivars. In the large irrigated perimeters, it would be necessary to exclude, due to the lack of water, the high water consuming crops such as rice and sugar cane for highly efficient and remunerative crops. Excessive drought predicted by some recent models also suggests a greater need for dams as soon as possible in order to take advantage of the rainy years with exceptional rainfall. On the other hand, it would also be necessary to optimize water management by moving rapidly towards drip irrigation, and by transferring water surplus to deficient areas. Even though the use of seawater as a resource for irrigation seems so far away, the advances in desalinization technology and cost will allow either large scale use of seawater in agriculture or finding new salinity tolerant cultivars. In Morocco, we should think of desalinization with renewable energies (solar, wind) and the use of this water mainly in coastal areas where climate, land quality, sun and wind are adequate to these projects. To anticipate the future of food security of the country, attention should be given to the use of readily available resources to overcome the structural deficit in wheat starch and animal protein. The study suggests the use of other starch sources that Morocco can produce easily such as potato. For animal protein, we suggest fisheries resources which are still underused by the population. Keywords: Climate change, cropping system, livestock, Biotechnology, Morocco.On présente une étude prospective concernant l’impact probable des changements climatiques sur les systèmes de culture et d’élevage au Maroc. D’après le constat de terrain et dans les limites de ce que signifie ce genre d’étude, l’effet direct du réchauffement climatique peut conduire à terme (et c’est déjà le cas dans certaines contrées) à la nécessité d’une redistribution variétale pour des espèces exigeantes en froid comme les rosacées. Des variétés de pomme, telle que le groupe des Golden, risquent de disparaître des montagnes pour laisser la place à d’autres moins exigeantes comme le groupe des Gala. Le bananier et l’avocatier risquent de migrer vers les régions un peu plus continentales, l’olivier et les agrumes un peu plus vers le pied de la montagne. Le réchauffement climatique peut aussi obliger à faire évoluer les systèmes d’élevage et de culture en faisant déplacer la frontière de la sécheresse un peu plus vers le centre et le nord du pays; l’aride serait peut-être envahi par la désertification, le semi-aride passerait en partie à l’étage aride et le Bour dit favorable en partie dans le semi-aride. Comme corollaire à ce changement, il faudrait s’attendre à une perte de potentiel de ressources en eau qui obligerait probablement à abandonner les cultures pour le grain dans l’étage aride où il n’y aurait plus suffisamment de pluie, au profit de l’élevage, et à revoir les systèmes de culture en introduisant un peu plus d’aridoculture et de variétés plus précoces dans les autres étages d’agriculture pluviale. Dans les grands périmètres irrigués, par manque d’eau l’on serait dans l’obligation de soustraire de ces périmètres toute culture grande consommatrice d’eau telles que le riz et la canne à sucre et, pour des impératifs d’une meilleure valorisation de ce qui va rester, à ne garder que des cultures à forte efficience et fortement rémunératrices. La sécheresse excessive prévisible par certains modèles récents suggère aussi un besoin plus important en barrages dans les plus brefs délais possibles afin de profiter des années très pluvieuses à apports d’eau exceptionnels. Mais, il faudrait aussi optimiser la gestion de cette eau en évoluant rapidement vers la généralisation de l’irrigation localisée et en transférant l’excédent d’eau vers les autres régions déficitaires. Quoi que cela puisse paraître encore lointain, l’eau de mer en tant que ressource inépuisable pour l’irrigation est la vraie solution à terme à condition de lui trouver le déclic technologique pour un usage en grande agriculture à l’instar de l’eau conventionnelle ou de découvrir des variétés permettant de l’utiliser en l’état. Au Maroc, il faudrait penser au dessalage au moyen d’énergies renouvelables (solaire, éolien) et à l’utilisation de cette eau dans une première phase, dans les zones côtières où climat, qualité des terres, soleil et vent sont très favorables à ces projets. Pour anticiper l’avenir au plan sécurité alimentaire du pays, il faudrait envisager l’emploi de ressources facilement mobilisables pour combler le déficit structurel en amidon de blé et en protéines animales. L’étude suggère le recours à d’autres sources d’amidon que le Maroc peut produire aisément comme la pomme de terre, et pour le déficit en protéines, une plus forte consommation de ressources halieutiques encore largement sous utilisées par la population. Mots-clés: Changements climatiques, système de culture, systèmes d’élevage, biotechnologies, Maroc

    Changements climatiques au Maroc: quels systèmes de culture et quelles biotechnologies pour s'y adapter ?

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    A prospective study is presented on the probable impact of climate change on cropping and livestock systems in Morocco. According to field reports and taking into account the limits of such studies, the direct effect of global warming can lead (and this is already the case in other countries) to a new varietal redistribution for the cold demanding species such as rosaceous. Apple cultivars such as the Golden group risk disappearing from the mountains to give way to others less cold demanding cultivars such as the Gala group. The banana and the avocado risk migrating to more continental regions while the olive and the citrus trees will move towards the foot of mountains. Global warming may also induce changes in livestock and cropping systems moving the drought boundary towards the center and north of the country. The arid would probably return to the semi-desert or desert space, the semi-arid would pass partly to the arid zone and the favorable Bour will be semi-arid. As a result to this change, we may expect a lack of water resource inducing an abandoning of grain crops in the arid stage for livestock. Also, we may expect a revising of the existing cropping systems within the rain-fed areas by introducing a little more Dry Farming and early cultivars. In the large irrigated perimeters, it would be necessary to exclude, due to the lack of water, the high water consuming crops such as rice and sugar cane for highly efficient and remunerative crops. Excessive drought predicted by some recent models also suggests a greater need for dams as soon as possible in order to take advantage of the rainy years with exceptional rainfall. On the other hand, it would also be necessary to optimize water management by moving rapidly towards drip irrigation, and by transferring water surplus to deficient areas. Even though the use of seawater as a resource for irrigation seems so far away, the advances in desalinization technology and cost will allow either large scale use of seawater in agriculture or finding new salinity tolerant cultivars. In Morocco, we should think of desalinization with renewable energies (solar, wind) and the use of this water mainly in coastal areas where climate, land quality, sun and wind are adequate to these projects. To anticipate the future of food security of the country, attention should be given to the use of readily available resources to overcome the structural deficit in wheat starch and animal protein. The study suggests the use of other starch sources that Morocco can produce easily such as potato. For animal protein, we suggest fisheries resources which are still underused by the population. Keywords: Climate change, cropping system, livestock, Biotechnology, Morocco.On présente une étude prospective concernant l’impact probable des changements climatiques sur les systèmes de culture et d’élevage au Maroc. D’après le constat de terrain et dans les limites de ce que signifie ce genre d’étude, l’effet direct du réchauffement climatique peut conduire à terme (et c’est déjà le cas dans certaines contrées) à la nécessité d’une redistribution variétale pour des espèces exigeantes en froid comme les rosacées. Des variétés de pomme, telle que le groupe des Golden, risquent de disparaître des montagnes pour laisser la place à d’autres moins exigeantes comme le groupe des Gala. Le bananier et l’avocatier risquent de migrer vers les régions un peu plus continentales, l’olivier et les agrumes un peu plus vers le pied de la montagne. Le réchauffement climatique peut aussi obliger à faire évoluer les systèmes d’élevage et de culture en faisant déplacer la frontière de la sécheresse un peu plus vers le centre et le nord du pays; l’aride serait peut-être envahi par la désertification, le semi-aride passerait en partie à l’étage aride et le Bour dit favorable en partie dans le semi-aride. Comme corollaire à ce changement, il faudrait s’attendre à une perte de potentiel de ressources en eau qui obligerait probablement à abandonner les cultures pour le grain dans l’étage aride où il n’y aurait plus suffisamment de pluie, au profit de l’élevage, et à revoir les systèmes de culture en introduisant un peu plus d’aridoculture et de variétés plus précoces dans les autres étages d’agriculture pluviale. Dans les grands périmètres irrigués, par manque d’eau l’on serait dans l’obligation de soustraire de ces périmètres toute culture grande consommatrice d’eau telles que le riz et la canne à sucre et, pour des impératifs d’une meilleure valorisation de ce qui va rester, à ne garder que des cultures à forte efficience et fortement rémunératrices. La sécheresse excessive prévisible par certains modèles récents suggère aussi un besoin plus important en barrages dans les plus brefs délais possibles afin de profiter des années très pluvieuses à apports d’eau exceptionnels. Mais, il faudrait aussi optimiser la gestion de cette eau en évoluant rapidement vers la généralisation de l’irrigation localisée et en transférant l’excédent d’eau vers les autres régions déficitaires. Quoi que cela puisse paraître encore lointain, l’eau de mer en tant que ressource inépuisable pour l’irrigation est la vraie solution à terme à condition de lui trouver le déclic technologique pour un usage en grande agriculture à l’instar de l’eau conventionnelle ou de découvrir des variétés permettant de l’utiliser en l’état. Au Maroc, il faudrait penser au dessalage au moyen d’énergies renouvelables (solaire, éolien) et à l’utilisation de cette eau dans une première phase, dans les zones côtières où climat, qualité des terres, soleil et vent sont très favorables à ces projets. Pour anticiper l’avenir au plan sécurité alimentaire du pays, il faudrait envisager l’emploi de ressources facilement mobilisables pour combler le déficit structurel en amidon de blé et en protéines animales. L’étude suggère le recours à d’autres sources d’amidon que le Maroc peut produire aisément comme la pomme de terre, et pour le déficit en protéines, une plus forte consommation de ressources halieutiques encore largement sous utilisées par la population. Mots-clés: Changements climatiques, système de culture, systèmes d’élevage, biotechnologies, Maroc

    Chemical composition, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties of Mentha subtomentella: in sight in vitro and in silico analysis

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    Our research focused on assessing essential oils (MSEO) and aqueous extracts (MSAE) derived from M. subtomentella leaves, with a primary focus on evaluating their properties. From 1 kg of leaves, we successfully obtained 18 mL of essential oil. Upon conducting GC/MS analysis, we identified eleven compounds within the oil, collectively accounting for 100% of the constituents identified. Notably, the predominant compounds in the leaf oil were p-Menth-48) -en-3-one (50.48%), 9-Ethylbicyclo (3.3.1) nonan-9-ol (10.04%) (E)-3,3-Dimethyl-delta-1, alpha-cyclohexaneacetaldehyde (8.53%), and D-Limonene (7.22%). Furthermore, utilizing HPLC/DAD, we explored the phenolic profile of MSAE, extracted through decoction. This analysis revealed the presence of fifty-eight compounds, with five major components collectively constituting 61% of the total compounds identified, rosmarinic acid as the major one. We evaluated the antimicrobial effectiveness of the MSEO against ten different strains, observing its notable efficacy against A. Niger (MIC = 0.09%), P. digitatum (MIC = 0.5%), and G. candidum (MIC = 1%). However, the essential oil demonstrated comparatively lower efficacy against bacteria than fungi. In contrast, the MSAE did not exhibit any antimicrobial activity against the tested strains. Regarding antioxidant activity, the aqueous extract displayed a significantly higher antioxidant capacity than the essential oil, which exhibited relatively lower antioxidant activity. The IC50 values were determined to be 0.04 ± 0.01 mg/mL, 0.17 ± 0.01 mg/mL, and 13% ± 0.01% (V/V), for ascorbic acid MSAE and MSEO, respectively. We used a computational method called molecular docking to investigate how certain plant compounds affect antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. This involved analyzing the interactions between these compounds and specific protein targets known for their roles in these activities

    Valorization of Moroccan Crocus sativus L. By-products: Foliar Spraying of Aqueous Tepal Extract Stimulates Growth and Confers Antioxidant Properties in Eggplant Seedling under Greenhouse Conditions

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    The valorization of Crocus sativus L. by-products has become important given its interesting content of bioactive molecules. In the present study, aqueous tepal extract (ATE) studied eggplant seedling’s growth and physiology under a plastic tunnel. ATE was foliage sprayed 3 times every 15 days, with various concentrations (1 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL, 3 mg/mL) in addition to a treatment containing 2 mg/mL of tepals and 0.6 mg/mL of stigmas (T+S). The concentration of 2 mg/L ATE significantly (p≤0.05) increased the plant’s height, the chlorophyll content, and decreased antioxidant activity and MDA (malondialdehyde). However, the concentration 3 mg/mL inhibited the plant growth; increased the content of ascorbic acid and polyphenol; and resulted in lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activities increases, indicating oxidative stress (p≤0.05). On the other hand, T+S significantly influenced some parameters analyzed. Our findings demonstrate that ATE can act as a biostimulant at 2 mg/mL to enhance eggplant growth in plastic tunnel production and used in plant stress situations