5 research outputs found
Etude du potentiel entrepreneurial des étudiants de l’Université Ibn Zohr : Cas de la Faculté des Sciences d’Agadir
Les objectifs de cette recherche empirique étaient deconnaître les perceptions et le potentiel entrepreneurialdes étudiants de la faculté des sciences d’Agadir.Nous avons, d’abord, tenté de savoir jusqu’à quel pointl’orientation entrepreneuriale s'insère dans lesperspectives de carrière des étudiants universitaires. Unquestionnaire a été distribué aux étudiants des différentesfilières au cours des séances de travaux pratiques afin decollecter les informations nécessaires pour mesurer cesvariables.Ensuite, nous avons fait des suggestions quicontribueraient à la promotion et le développement de cepotentiel entrepreneurial. Enfin, plusieurs questions derecherche sont proposées pour approfondir ce typed’études
Study of the Hydroponic Barley Effect on the Performance of Feedlot of Calves in the Region Souss Massa (Southern Morocco)
The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of the introduction of hydroponic barley; produced as feed supplement in the ration, on the performance of feedlot calves. This study was performed in the Taroudant region (South of Morocco), during a trial period between July and October 2017). A total of 100 calves were used in a feeding trial, which were divided into two groups. The calves of the first group received a total mixed ration (control), while the calves of the second group received a similar ration with the addition of hydroponic barley.Similar growth performance is observed for the two groups, which is easily explained by the equivalent rationing. In the finishing phase, however, a higher average daily gain is observed for the group fed with an enriched diet in hydroponic green fodder. In fact, the average daily gain for this group amounts to 1.48 Kg/Day compared to 1.42 Kg/Day for the control group.The slaughter results confirm those noted in terms of growth performance, with a relatively similar carcass yield for the two groups.However, since hydroponic fodder reveals a positive impact especially at the level of the finishing phase, it seems judicious to introduce it in the key phases of fattening and finishing in order to perfect the weight gain of the species benefiting from this contribution.The test results suggest that hydroponic barley based rationing is to deepen, and that it would be desirable to repeat the experiment by testing different levels of hydroponic barley intake, adjusting both the type and the level of complementation, with a more accurate monitoring of feeding. Keywords: Feedlot calves; Growth, Hydroponic barley, Performance, DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-14-05 Publication date:July 31st 202
Mecanismes d'action de la progesterone sur le metabolisme du glucose dans l'adipocyte de ratte : action non genomique et roles du calcium et de la calmoduline
SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc