23 research outputs found

    Analysis and characterization of Cu2CdSnS4 quaternary alloy nanostructures deposited on GaN

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    Through using spin coating technique, Cu2CdSnS4 (CCTS) quaternary alloy nanostructures were successfully deposited on GaN substrate using a wide range of spin coating speeds; 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000 and 3500 RPM at annealing temperature 300 °C. The optical properties were investigated through UV–vis which revealed the changing of energy band gap as the spin coating speed increases, in addition, to verify specific models of refractive index and optical dielectric constant. The structural properties were studied by X-ray diffraction which indicated that the number and intensity of the peaks were changed as the spin coating speed changes. The morphological and topographical studies of CCTS were elaborated by field emission-scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The obtained results suggest that CCTS nanostructures deposited on GaN substrate are very suitable for optoelectronic applications, that are in accordance with the available theoretical and experimental data

    Spin-coating technique to investigate structural and optical properties of nano and micro cubic-like photonic LiNbO3 under annealing temperature effect

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    Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) nano and micro structures are deposited on glass substrates by sol-gel method. The nanostructures are deposited at 3000 RPM for 30 s, and annealed at different temperatures, 400, 500 and 600 °C. These samples are characterized and analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Ultra-Violet visible (UV–vis) spectrophotometer, respectively. The results show an importance of increasing the annealing temperatures, which indicate that the structure will be enhanced and more crystallize to become more regular. The measured lattice constants, energy gaps and refractive index give good accordance with the experimental results

    Ab initio prediction of the structural, electronic, elastic and thermodynamic properties of the tetragonal ternary intermetallics XCu

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    Structural parameters, electronic structure, elastic constants and thermodynamic properties of the tetragonal ternary intermetallics CaCu2Si2 and SrCu2Si2 are investigated theoretically for the first time using the plane-wave ultra-soft pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory. The calculated equilibrium structural parameters agree well with the existing experimental data. Pressure dependence of the structural parameters is also explored. Analysis of the band structure, total and site-projected l-decomposed densities of states and valence charge distributions reveals the conducting character of both considered materials with a mixture of ionic-covalent chemical bonding character. Pressure dependences of the single-crystal elastic constants Cij for CaCu2Si2 and SrCu2Si2 are explored. The elastic wave velocities propagating along the principal crystallographic directions are numerically estimated. The elastic anisotropy is estimated and further illustrated by 3D-direction-dependent of the Young’s modulus. A set of some macroscopic elastic moduli, including the bulk, Young’s and shear moduli, Poisson’s coefficient, average elastic wave velocities and Debye temperature, were calculated for polycrystalline CaCu2Si2 and SrCu2Si2 from the Cij via the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximations. Through the quasiharmonic Debye model, which takes into account the phonon effects, the temperature and pressure dependencies of the bulk modulus, unit cell volume, volume thermal expansion coefficient, Debye temperature and volume constant and pressure constant heat capacities of CaCu2Si2 and SrCu2Si2 are explored systematically in the ranges of 0–40 GPa and 0–1400 K

    Stirrer time effect on optical properties of nanophotonic LiNbO3

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    Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) nanostructures are synthesized on n-silicon substrate by spin coating technique with stirrer times; 8 h, 24 h and 48 h. LiNbO3 is characterized and analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-visible and Photoluminescence (PL). The measurements show that as stirrer time increases, the structures start to crystallize to become more regular distribution, which helps to apply in optical waveguides. In addition, the calculated refractive index and optical dielectric constant are in agreement with experimental data

    Prediction of possible martensitic transformations in all-d-metal Zinc-based Heusler alloys from first-principles

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    Several newly designed Zinc-based all-d-metal Heusler alloys, Zn2MMn (M = Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir), have been predicted, and their XA- and L21-type atomic-site preferences, electronic structures, magnetic properties, as well as their possible martensitic phase transformations have been studied theoretically from first principles. For cubic-type these alloys, their L21-type phase is more stable than the XA phase, that is, the two Zn atoms prefer to locate at the A (0,0,0) and C (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) positions in the lattice. Their magnetic state is ferromagnetic (FM), with a large total magnetic moment (\u3e 3µB/f.u), and the total magnetic moment arises mainly from the Mn atom due to its strong exchange splitting. Remarkably, Zn2MMn alloys with a tetragonal martensitic structure can lower their total energies and show more stable behaviour than cubic systems. The energy difference ΔEMis defined as the difference in total energy between the martensitic and cubic states. Δ EMcan be tuned by uniform strain, namely, as the lattice constant increases, Δ EMalso increases. Moreover, in the case of martensitic-type Zn2RuMn and Zn2OsMn alloys, quite large c/a ratios (1.41, 1.43, respectively) can be found, which are preferable for the transformation strain effect. It is hoped that this work can motivate researchers to look for new spintronic and magnetic-intelligent materials among all-d-metal Heusler alloys

    Temperature and doping effects on the transport properties of SrIn2P2 Zintl compound

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    In this paper, we present and discuss temperature and doping effects on the electrical and thermal transport properties of SrIn2P2 Zintl phase along the [100] and [001] crystallographic directions. The calculations were performed by using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method in conjunction with Boltzmann's transport theory and Bardeen-Shockley's deformation potential with the carrier relaxation time and effective mass approximations. We calculated the band effective masses inside two energy windows of 125 meV; one above the fundamental conduction band minimum (FCBM) and the second below the valence band maximum (VBM). The calculated band effective masses exhibit a noticeable anisotropy and demonstrate that the n-type SrIn2P2 transport properties are better than those of the p-type one over the considered charge-carrier concentration range at room-, intermediate- and high-temperature, due to the proximity of the secondary conduction band minimums to the FCBM (∼58 meV). The n-type SrIn2P2 has a considerable Seebeck coefficient (429 μV/K), an extremely low electrical resistivity (0.90 mΩcm), and a relatively small lattice thermal conductivity (1.12 Wm−1K−1), which yield a figure of merit ZT of 0.87 for an electron concentration of 3.0 × 1019 cm−3 at 900 K. These results make SrIn2P2 a hopeful n-type thermoelectric material if we can further reduce its lattice thermal conductivity. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    Site preference and tetragonal distortion in palladium-rich Heusler alloys

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    In this work, two kinds of competition between different Heusler structure types are considered, one is the competition between XA and L21 structures based on the cubic system of full-Heusler alloys, Pd2 YZ (Y = Co, Fe, Mn; Z = B, Al, Ga, In, Tl, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, P, As, Sb). Most alloys prefer the L21 structure; that is, Pd atoms tend to occupy the a (0, 0, 0) and c (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) Wyckoff sites, the Y atom is generally located at site b (0.25, 0.25, 0.25), and the main group element Z has a preference for site d (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), meeting the well known site-preference rule. The difference between these two cubic structures in terms of their magnetic and electronic properties is illustrated further by their phonon dispersion and density-of-states curves. The second type of competition that was subjected to systematic study was the competitive mechanism between the L21 cubic system and its L10 tetragonal system. A series of potential tetragonal distortions in cubic full-Heusler alloys (Pd2 YZ) have been predicted in this work. The valley-And-peak structure at, or in the vicinity of, the Fermi level in both spin channels is mainly attributed to the tetragonal ground states according to the density-of-states analysis. ΔE M is defined as the difference between the most stable energy values of the cubic and tetragonal states; the larger the value, the easier the occurrence of tetragonal distortion, and the corresponding tetragonal structure is stable. Compared with the ΔE M values of classic Mn2-based tetragonal Heusler alloys, the ΔE M values of most Pd2CoZ alloys in this study indicate that they can overcome the energy barriers between cubic and tetragonal states, and possess possible tetragonal transformations. The uniform strain has also been taken into consideration to further investigate the tetragonal distortion of these alloys in detail. This work aims to provide guidance for researchers to further explore and study new magnetic functional tetragonal materials among the full-Heusler alloys

    Rare earth-based quaternary Heusler compounds MCoVZ (M = Lu, Y; Z = Si, Ge) with tunable band characteristics for potential spintronic applications

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    Magnetic Heusler compounds (MHCs) have recently attracted great attention since these types of material provide novel functionalities in spintronic and magneto-electronic devices. Among the MHCs, some compounds have been predicted to be spin-filter semiconductors [also called magnetic semiconductors (MSs)], spin-gapless semiconductors (SGSs) or half-metals (HMs). In this work, by means of first-principles calculations, it is demonstrated that rare earth-based equiatomic quaternary Heusler (EQH) compounds with the formula MCoVZ (M = Lu, Y; Z = Si, Ge) are new spin-filter semiconductors with total magnetic moments of 3 µB. Furthermore, under uniform strain, there are physical transitions from spin-filter semiconductor (MS) → SGS → HM for EQH compounds with the formula LuCoVZ, and from HM → SGS → MS → SGS → HM for EQH compounds with the formula YCoVZ. Remarkably, for YCoVZ EQH compounds there are not only diverse physical transitions, but also different types of spin-gapless feature that can be observed with changing lattice constants. The structural stability of these four EQH compounds is also examined from the points of view of formation energy, cohesive energy and mechanical behaviour. This work is likely to inspire consideration of rare earth-based EQH compounds for application in future spintronic and magneto-electronic devices

    Electronic and thermoelectric properties of the layered BaFAg Ch ( Ch = S, Se and Te): First-principles study

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    By using the full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method, the electronic properties of the layered BaAgChF (Ch = S, Se, Te) were investigated. Both the standard GGA and the TB-mBJ potential were used to model the exchange-correlation potential. To evaluate the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effect, both the scalar relativistic and full relativistic calculations were performed. The SOC effect is found to be not negligible in the title compounds. The FP-LAPW band structure and the semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory were used to study the charge-carrier concentration and temperature dependences of the thermoelectric parameters, including Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and figure of merit. Our results show that the values of the thermoelectric parameters of the p-type compounds are larger than that of the n-type ones. The optimal p-type doping concentrations and temperatures that yield the maximum values of the figure of merit of the title compounds were calculated. These are important parameters to guide experimental works