24 research outputs found

    Volubilis (Fas) Roma mozaiklerinin bozulmasının incelenmesi

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    Roman mosaics in Volubilis are opus tessellatum type. They show different deterioration features represented by the lacunae formation (lack of tesserae) and break down of mosaic pavements by fracturing. The deterioration of the tessellatum and the formation of cracks are related to the swelling of soil supporting these mosaics. Furthermore, the tessellatum is also damaged by chemical dissolution of the fine grained-mortar between (lime and quartz fine grain) and under tesserae, giving an important porosity and making the tessellatum very easy to collapse. A part from limestone tesserae, which show formation of vesicles by chemical dissolution, other ones such as marble and glass tesserae appear to be resistant to the weathering action.Volublis’deki Roma mozaikleri opus tessellatum tipindedir. Bu mozaikler, Lacunae düzeninde (tesserae eksikliği) belirtilenden farklı bir bozulma özelliği göstermekte olup mozaik döşemeleri çatlaklarla ve kırılmalarla bozulur. Tessellatum’un bozulması ve çatlakların düzeni mozaiği taşıyan topraktaki kabarmalarla ilişkilidir. Ayrıca, döşeme tesserae aralarında ve altında bulunan ve onlara önemli derecede gözeneklilik veren ve tessellatumun kolayca çökmesine sebep olan ince taneli harçtaki (ince taneli kireç ve kuvars) kimyasal bozulmalar nedeniyle de zarar görebilir. Kimyasal çözünmeden dolayı kabarcık oluşumu gösteren kireçtaşı tesseranın dışında, mermer ve cam tesseralar kötü havadan aşınmalara karşı direnç göstermektedir

    Fas mozaiklerinin mekânsal temsilleri ve veritabanları

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    Morocco boasts a rich and extensive heritage of Roman mosaics. Each of these mosaics is assigned a very detailed record documenting their discovery, dimensions, state of conservation, and so on. A good number of the mosaics have been removed from their original site and are currently in storerooms awaiting restoration. The objective of this project is to create a GIS database that will collate all the records for each of these mosaics. Geo-referencing software (ArcGIS) can be used to view the mosaics in situ. The creation of such a database will make it easier to access information about each mosaic and to facilitate management and decision making.Fas, zengin ve geniş bir Roma mozaiği mirasına sahiptir. Bu mozaiklerin her birinin keşiferini, boyutlarını, korunma durumlarını ve benzeri özelliklerini belgeleyen çok ayrıntılı bir kaydı yapılmaktadır. Mozaiklerin pek çoğu orijinal alanlarından kaldırılmıştır ve şu anda restorasyonlarının yapılması için depolarda bekletilmektedir. Bu projenin amacı, bu mozaiklerin her biri için tüm kayıtların düzenlenebileceği bir CBS veritabanı oluşturmaktır. Mozaikleri yerinde görüntülemek için coğraf referans yazılımı (ArcGIS) kullanılabilir. Böyle bir veri tabanının oluşturulması, her mozaik hakkında bilgiye ulaşmayı, yönetimi ve karar vermeyi kolaylaştıracaktır

    Theoretical study of the dissolution kinetics of galena and cerussite in an abandoned mining area (Zaida mine, Morocco)

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    In the abandoned mine in Zaida, the pit lakes filled with water constitute significant water reserves. In these lakes, the waters are permanently in contact with ore deposit (cerussite and galena). The modelling of the interaction of waters with this mineralization shows that cerussite dissolves more rapidly than galena. This dissolution is controlled by the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration in solution. The lead concentrations recorded in these lakes come largely from the dissolution of cerussite

    Mineralogy and chemical compositions of ancient slags from Volubilis archaeological site and Awam ancient mine (Morocco)

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    Six slags from Volubilis archaeological site roman period (II-III centuries AC) and Jabal Awam ancient mine have been examined for their mineral and chemical compositions by a multi-technique approach (Optical and metallographical microscopies, XRD, ICP-AES and XRF). Mineralogical analyses have emphasised the occurrence of iron oxi-hydroxide, quartz, pyroxene and calcite). The bulk chemical compositions of slags are similar and related to a refining of a homogeneous ore. The very low contents of metals plead for well mastered pyrometallurgical methods. The metal composition of the treated ore is close to a polymetallic ore deposit probably similar to that of Awam mine (Lead and Silver)

    Study of the mechanical behavior of marls: Case from Fes - Meknes region (Morocco)

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    In relationship with urban expansion at the level of cities located in the Sais basin, several projects have been carried out and others still in progress. Therefore, the recognition of the mechanical characteristics of soils and subsoil remains essential before any construction project, in order to avoid the shrinkage-swelling phenomenon associated with marls soil. In order to minimize the risk of instability, the present work consists of the characterization and study of the mechanical behavior of marly soils in some locations of Sais basin. In-situ tests have been performed in the field and samples submitted to other geotechnical tests in the laboratory such as the odometer compressibility and direct shear tests. The obtained results show that the studied marly soils exhibit strongly consolidated behaviors with the depth according to Menard test, and to the ratio of the pressiometric modulus (EM) and the corrected limit pressure (PL*)