3 research outputs found

    Physicochemical Analysis of the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City, Sudan

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    In the present study the highest residual chlorine level (0.2) was detected in the city inlet and the circular line of the Atbara River sources. The taste, color and odor were found acceptable, although, the ground water is a bit salty and the raw water of the main stream of Atbara River, is always brown in color, specially in the autumn season. The highest turbidity value was recorded for the main stream of Atbara River, while, the maximum electric conductivity was found in Al Azasza boreholes. The total dissolved solids were greater in the ground water sources compared to that of the surface water sources. However, the total alkalinity  and  hardness  values  were  higher  in  the  ground  water  of  Al Azaza boreholes than that of all the other sources. On the other hand, the mineral contents (calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium) were higher in the ground water. Fluorides, chlorides and bicarbonates were also higher in ground water. Similarly, were the contents of nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. However no carbonates were detected in Al Azaza and Abu Naja nor in Al Saraf dam raw water

    Enumeration of Coliform Bacteria and E. coli Contaminating the Drinking Water of Al Gedarif City

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    ABSTRACT The present study enumerated the bacteriological contamination of   the main sources of drinking water in Al Gedarif city. A total of 134 water samples (raw waters, treated waters, main reservoirs, main pipelines, and sabeel zeer waters) were tested for their total coliforms and E. coli counts, using the most probable number technique (MPN). The results indicated that the total coliform and E. coli counts were lower in the ground water sources (Al Azaza and Abu Al Naja boreholes) than that in the surface sources (Atbara River, Al Saraf and Dalassa dams). Moreover, both counts in most of the zeer water samples were higher than those of the other sources. It was also noticed that the zeers located in public areas (market) were more contaminated than the other sabeel zeers. The seasonal variations study was performed for the surface sources, where it was found that the maximum densities of coliform bacteria and   E. coli were occurred during the autumn season and the summer, while the periodical variations study was made for the ground sources, where the coliforms and E. coli densities were found almost higher during the second period of each year