11 research outputs found

    Family atmosphere and its effects on the adolescents deviant behaviour

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    This study is aimed at identifying correlations between family atmosphere and deviant behavior among adolescents in the Pontian District, Johor. A total of 210 students from a few secondary schools in the Pontian District were chosen as respondents for this study. Descriptive statistics of frequency and mean were used for distribution analysis, whereas inference statistics which is Pearson correlation were used for analyzing relations between family atmosphere and juvenile behavior. Analysis of the results shows a significant relation between parents behavior traits and juvenile deviant behavior

    The relationship between dimensions of personality, self concept and family influence on students in the FELDA scheme in Johore Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the dimensions of personality, self-concept and family influence. The sample consists of 214 students from two secondary schools in the FELDA settlement in Johor. Random cluster sampling was carried out. A pilot test was carried out to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaire. The assessment instrument used in this study was the Malay version of the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory (JEPI) which has a reliability level of 0.5739. The Malay version of the Tennessee Self-concept Scale which has a reliability level of 0.8657 was also used. The family influence questionnaire which has a reliability level of 0.7913 was also used in this study to identify the effects of family influence in the aspects of family cohesiveness, religious and moral aspect and freedom aspect. Descriptive statistic and Pearson's Correlation were used to analyze the relationship between the dimensions of personality, self-concept and family influence. The results show a weak relationship between the dimensions of personality and self-concept, and between the dimensions of personality and family cohesiveness. However, there is no relationship between the dimensions of personality and the religious /moral and freedom aspect. The results also show that there is a strong relationship between self-concept and family cohesiveness and a moderate relationship between self-concept and the religious/moral aspect. However, there is no relationship between self-concept and freedom

    Sources of stress and the coping style among trainees teacher in the teacher training colleges in Johor, Malaysia

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    Stress has become part & parcel of the human life. Human beings cannot avoid from being Human beings cannot avoid from being stressed. In fact stress has become a necessity in human life. Selye (1956) points out that no human beings can survive without stress. Stress can be either positive or negative. In the case of positive stress (eustress) it act as a motivating factor that enhances achievements whereas negative stress (distress) involves strain, tension and burnout physically and psychologically. Moderate amounts of stress help motivate us and, at times, increase our performance (Moore, Burrows & Dalziel,1992). The amount of stress experienced may be influenced by the individuals ability to effectively cope with stressful events and situations (D Zurilla & Sheedy stressful events and situations (D Zurilla & Sheedy, 1991). Patterson and McCubbin (1987) found that a good Patterson and McCubbin (1987) found that a good coping response helps to promote individual growth

    Belia: sejauhmanakah budaya kesukarelaan boleh dipupuk melalui persatuan?

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    Pertubuhan sukarela merupakan sebuah organisasi sektor ketiga. Ia berperanan sebagai tulang belakang kepada pembangunan negara. Keanggotaan ahli-ahli dalam pertubuhan ini terdiri dari sebahagian besar dari pekerja sukarela dari organisasi lain dan ia dikendalikan oleh pekerja tetap yang bekerja sepenuh masa. Keanggotaan ahli sukarela sememangnya berasaskan kesanggupan ahli-ahli tersebut menjalankan tugas secara sukarela. Pentadbiran pertubuhan khidmat kesukarelaan diwujudkan bertujuan memberikan khidmat kepimpinan, mewujudkan struktur dan berfungsi yang memberikan kemudahan untuk menggerakkan penggunaan sumber manusia bersama-sama sumber-sumber yang ada

    Hubungan antara konsep kendiri dengan kemahiran komunikasi terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar di Sekolah Menengah Johor Bahru

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara konsep kendiri dengan kemahiran komunikasi interpersonal terhadap pencapaian akademik pelajar. Seramai 320 orang pelajar daripada lapan buah sekolah di daerah Johor Bahru yang dipilih secara rawak mudah dijadikan sampel kajian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah “Tennesse Self-Concept Scale” (TSCS) dan “Interpersonal Communication Skills Inventory” (ICSV) dalam versi bahasa Melayu. Instrumen ini mempunyai tingkat kebolehpercayaan pada 0.7498 (TSCS) dan 0.7587 (TCV) hasil daripada kajian rintis yang dijalankan kepada dua puluh orang responden. Statistik deskriptif dan korelasi Pearson digunakan dalam menganalisis data. Konsep kendiri pelajar yang dikenal pasti dalam kajian ini ialah sama ada positif, sederhana atau negatif. Tahap kemahiran komunikasi interpersonal pelajar yang dilihat dalam kajian ini ialah sama ada tahap tinggi, sederhana atau rendah. Indikator bagi pencapaian akademik pelajar ialah keputusan peperiksaan PMR. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti pelajar mempunyai konsep kendiri dan kemahiraan komunikasi interpersonal sederhana.. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsep kendiri dengan kemahiran komunikasi interpersonal tetapi tidak menunjukkan terdapatnya hubungan yang signifikan antara konsep kendiri dengan pencapaian akademik. Sebaliknya, pencapaian akademik. mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kemahiran komunikasi interpersonal. Beberapa saranan dikemukakan bagi mempertingkatkan konsep kendiri dan kemahiran komunikasi interpersonal pelajar. Antaranya ialah memperkenalkan mata pelajaran kemahiran berkomunikasi di sekolah bermula dari sekolah rendah bagi memupuk keyakinan diri pelajar yang secara tidak langsung akan berpengaruh terhadap konsep kendiri pelajar

    Amanah Saham National Berhad's : promotional strategies and its relationship with customer motivation

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    Problem statement: Every single company needs strategies in order to survive or to become a leader in the market nowadays, therefore a study towards findings the suitable strategies for Permodalan National Berhad had been carried out. Approach: The purpose of the study was to determine the types of ASNB’s promotional strategies, to identify the level of effectiveness promotional tools used by Amanah Saham National Berhad (ASNB), to describe the correlations between ASNB’s promotional strategies with customer motivation to invest and to examine the effect of the promotional tools with the customer motivation to invest in ASNB’s products. Results: The findings from the study found that several strategies should be recommended to Amanah Saham National Berhad (ASNB). Firstly, ASNB should increase sales promotion such as high income distribution/dividend, offer scheme ‘bantuan khairat kematian’ to the investors, offer fixed and variable price as well as withdrawal or savings at any time for the investors as this can really encourage Bumiputera and non Bumiputera to invest in ASNB. Secondly, the information about PNB should be more advertise in television and newspaper since people are always see and read this two medium. The advertisement also should be more creative and attractive. Conclusion: Furthermore, PNB should hire more sales executives and hire individual agents as the strategy to boost up ASNB’s sales

    Relationship between self concepts and personality and students’ academic performance in selected secondary schools

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the self-concept and personality of students with academic achievement. The sample consists of 270 students from six secondary schools were chosen by using stratified randomly method in Kluang, Johor. The pilot study was done in order to determine the reliability and suitability of the questionnaires. Meanwhile Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaires. The reliability value of Cronbach Alpha for the whole set of questionnaires used was 0.8432. The questionnaire for self-concept was modified from Tennessee Self-concept Scale that was created by Fitts (1971). Meanwhile the questionnaire for personality was modified from the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory (JEPI) that was created by H. J. Eysenck (1967). The descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the dominant dimension in student’s self-concept. Other than that, inferential statistic such as t-test was used to analyze the difference between the self-concept and personality of students according to gender. Meanwhile, Pearson correlations were used at significant level 0.05 to analyze the relationship between self-concept and personality of students with their academic achievement. The research finding showed that the dominant dimension of selfconcept was family self-concept. Beside that, t-test analysis showed that there was no significance difference between dimension of self-concept and personality of students according to gender. Pearson correlations analysis showed that there were no significance relation between dimension of self-concept and personality with student’s academic achievement. Therefore, suggestions were made to increase the student’s self-concept and the tendency of their positive personality in order to enhance their academic achievement

    Ciri-ciri personaliti dalam pemilihan kerjaya pelajar,gaya pembelayaran pelajar dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian akademik

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti ciri-ciri personaliti pelajar dalam pemilihan kerjaya dan gaya pembelajaran pelajar serta hubungannya dengan pencapaian akademik. Seramai 202 pelajar tingkatan empat Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato’ Ali Haji Ahmad, Pontian, Johor dan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sri Perhentian, Pontian, Johor telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian ini. Mereka dipilih secara rawak kelompok. Satu set soal selidik telah digunakan untuk kajian ini. Soal selidik bahagian B merupakan soal selidik yang dibina oleh penyelidik, manakala bahagian C merupakan ubahsuai daripada Inventori Gaya Pembelajaran Honey dan Mumford (1986). Selain itu Inventori Pekerjaan Holland (1973) telah digunakan untuk menentukan pemilihan jenis-jenis kerjaya. Kebolehpercayaan soal selidik diuji dengan menggunakan kaedah “Scale Alpha� yang menunjukkan nilai kebolehpercayaan 0.9279 bagi bahagian B dan 0.6572 bagi bahagian C. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah statistik deskriptif iaitu peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai untuk menunjukkan latar belakang responden kajian, ciri-ciri personaliti dan gaya belajar. Manakala statistik inferensi iaitu analisis korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan di antara pemboleh ubah iaitu hubungan personaliti dengan pencapaian akademik dan hubungan gaya pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik. Analisis dapatan kajian yang menggunakan SPSS menunjukkan responden lebih menggunakan gaya pembelajaran aktivis. Selain itu, responden lebih memiliki ciri-ciri personaliti menyelidik. Dalam pemilihan kerjaya pula, responden memiliki ciri-ciri personaliti sosial. Responden juga memilih jenis-jenis pekerjaan yang berstatus tinggi dan profesional. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara gaya pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik mengikut mata pelajaran PMR. Manakala analisis kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan di antara ciri-ciri personaliti dengan pencapaian akademik mengikut mata pelajaran PMR. Beberapa kajian telah dikemukakan bagi pendedahan gaya pembelajaran yang patut diamalkan oleh pelajar dan ciri-ciri personaliti yang positif di kalangan pelajar. Beberapa cadangan bagi kajian lanjutan juga turut dikemukakan

    Tinjauan amalan keibubapaan dari perspektif anak-anak keluarga miskin di Mukim Balang, Muar, Johor

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    Kajian ini merupakan satu tinjauan berkenaan corak amalan keibubapaan dan perspektif anak-anak keluarga miskin yang terlibat di bawah Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT) di Mukim Sungai Balang, Muar, Johor. Ia merupakan kajian tinjauan deskriptif untuk mengenal pasti corak amalan keibubapaan dalam aspek kesediaan meluangkan masa, bimbingan yang diberikan, aspirasi terhadap pencapaian anak, penerimaan terhadap anak, memenuhi keperluan anak dan faktor sumber-sumber lain berhubung motivasi. Seramai enam puluh sembilan orang responden yang terdiri daripada anak-anak golongan keluarga miskin telah menjawab soal selidik yang diberikan. Solenoid yang digunakan merupakan soal selidik yang telah dibina oleh Freeberg dan Payne (1967) yang telah diterjemahkan oleh Wirawan (1986). Data-data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan berbantukan perisian SPSS Versi 9.0 untuk mendapatkan jumlah kekerapan, peratusan dan skor min Dapatan kajian menunjukkan aspek yang paling lemah dalam amalan keibubapaan ialah penerimaan terhadap anak manakala aspek yang menunjukkan tahap paling tinggi ialah aspirasi terhadap pencapaian anak. Secara keseluruhannya amalan keibubapaan dalam keluarga miskin di mukim Sungai Balang, Muar masih perlu ditingkatkan dari semua aspek yang dikaji

    National Unit Trust Berhad (NUTB) Promotional Strategies for Bumiputra in Malaysia

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    The unit trust industry in Malaysia was first established by British investors in 1959 with the introduction of the Malayan Unit Trust Ltd. It is called unit trust instead of mutual fund because the ownership of the fund is divided into units of entitlement. Initially, the growth of the unit trust in Malaysia was very slow due to lack of public interest. The purpose of the study are to determine the types of NUTB’s promotional strategies, to identify the level of effectiveness promotional tools used by National Unit Trust Berhad (NUTB), to describe the correlations between NUTB’s promotional strategies with customer motivation to invest and to examine the effect of the promotional tools with the customer motivation to invest in NUTB’s products. The findings from the study found that several strategies should be recommended to National Unit TrustBerhad (NUTB). Firstly, NUTB should increase sales promotion such as high income distribution/dividend, offer scheme death scheme aid to the investors, offer fixed and variable price as well as withdrawal or savings at any time for the investors as this can really encourage Bumiputera and non Bumiputera to invest in NUTB. Secondly, the information about PNB should be more advertise in television and newspaper since people are always see and read this two medium. The advertisement also should be more creative and attractive. Furthermore, PNB National Unit Trust Berhad (NUTB) Promotional Strategies for Bumiputra in Malaysia 34 should hire more Sales Executives and Hire Individual Agents as the strategy to boost up NUTB’s sales. Keywords: Promotional strategies, National Unit Trust, customer motivation and promotional tools