1,115 research outputs found

    Leases and the Rule Against Perpetuities

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    Covenants in a Lease Which Run With the Land

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    Can Fraud Be Purged?

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    Can Fraud Be Purged?

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    Letter from Edwin H. Abbot to John Muir, 1896 Sep 19.

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    to write it myself, I hope this fiends Professor Herrick of Chicago University (just arrived from Europe) who was Philip\u27s College Chum, and companion in his Mexico town and the ascent of W. [Dana?] and the mountains about Yo Semite will furnish you a really excellent meeting. He not only has been on the most intimate terms of friendship, and knew Philip better than almost anybody else, but is himself so skilled a writer, that he can give you what is worth the subject as well as your proceedings. If this will not be[1]Cambridge, Mass. [letterhead]September 19, 1896.John Muir, Esq.San Francisco, CaliforniaDear Mr. Muir,Accidents have prevented my earlier reply to the suggestions of Gen.l Abbot of your wish for an account of my son, Philip Stanley Abbot, for the proceedings of the Sierra Club of San Francisco, of which I now learn Philip was a member. Thinking it best not02152 [3]too late, I shall be glad. I will furnish Mr (Robert) Herrick with dates & facts today, and ask him to communicate with you direct. I enclose you some newspaper slips wich show how others than his family regarded him; and they will perhaps justify the delay in obtaining for you a really good record. Allow his father to thank you for your interests. In 1887, Philip and Robert Herrick both (being then Harvard Sophmores) accompaned President & Mrs Gilman and Mrs Abbot to Alaska with myself, where your glacier delighted us all and stimulated Philip for his Alpine work. His love for mountains, was a passion, and his joy among them was beautiful to see. He had so much experience on snow and ice, that though the youngest, he was the leader of the party on Lefroy and they proposed a scientific survey and map of the great Snow field as soon as Lefroy had been won.Not knowing your certain address, I enclose this to Mr McAllister at General Abbot\u27s suggestion. and am with many thanksSincerely yoursEdwin H. Abbot

    Letter from Edwin H. Abbot to John Muir, 1897 Jan 29.

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    WISCONSIN CENTRAL COMPANIES. PRESIDENT\u27S OFFICE. WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. R. Co.MILWAUKEE & LAKE WINNEBAGO R. R. Co.CHICAGO, WISCONSIN & MINNTSOTA R. R. Co. EDWIN H. ABBOT, PRESIDENT. MILWAUKEE, WIS., Jany. 29, 1897. [illegible]Prof. John Muir, Martinez, California. Dear Mr. Muir:- Your kind letter of Jany. 19th is forwarded me here where I am for a few days. I agree with every word you say, and I think that Robert Herrick struck the key-note when he spoke of the fulness of Philip\u27s life. It was singularly complete. It was an ideal life, so to speak, which would afterwards be lived over and over again in various ways in the world and on natural plains, where it would have been his to have realized the spiritual outlines of his previous experience. But he closed his existence in this world with the end of what was, in my judgment , his educational period and his education, as I look back over the twenty-nine years, seems to me to have been exactly what, had I to do it over again, I would now plan it should be. If a man has money enough for freedom of motion, physical and intellectual, he has all that any amount of wealth can possibly give him, and the only thing which personally any man can get out of wealth which is worth having. Circumstances enabled Philip to enjoy this rare privilege, and he used it to its full. I trust the time may come when we may sit down together and talk of these things. My brother has returned so filled with enthusiastic friendship that I greatly desire to meet you, and I trust you will never lose an opportunity if it comes within your reach, as I certainly shall not if it ever comes within mine. I do not see how an intelligent man, looking back upon the past, can help seeing that our lives are guided and controlled in wonderful ways, beyond the reach of those things which are covered by our own freedom of will and action. Swedenborg says I that we can see the Divine Providence in the back, but not in the face, that is, in the past, but not in the present, because this would take away our moral freedom. But when- the life has gone out of the present and its events have gone back into the colorless past, I do not see how a man can truly view it without perceiving that there has been in and over his own life a guidance and a guardianship not less manifest than we know we, unconsciously to the child, exercise over our own children. Philip was our most intimate friend, and I am02228 WISCONSIN CENTRAL COMPANIES.PRESIDENT\u27S OFFICE.WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. R. Co.MILWAUKEE & LAKE WINNEBAGO R. R. Co.CHICAGO, WISCONSIN & MINNESOTA R. R. Co.EDWIN H. ABBOT,PRESIDENT.MILWAUKEE, WIS., 189J. M. - 2glad to know that his mother and I were his nearest and most confidential friends in life. I cannot conceive how greater freedom and openness could exist between two mortals than did exist between that boy and us, and I cannot believe simply because I do not see him here that his love is any less great and faithful and complete than I knew it to be; just as I know that my love for him never was deeper or stronger than it is now. We are all in the spiritual world now just as much as we ever shall be, and I believe it to be possible, .if we are willing to conform to the laws of love and truth, which govern his existence now in the spiritual world to be so faithful and true to him that he shall always be not merely a memory, but a spiritual presence in our lives. If we can really be happy because he has become so much happier and can lay down for him our own selfish life, that is, the inexpressible hunger for his visible presence, I cannot help believing that the time will come when we shall see clearly that in this way we really have kept on living together, although we did not see one another face to face in these years of our continual life in this world. Pardon me if I have written with too great freedom, but your letter has moved me much, and I am sure you will understand the feeling which has prompted my reply.I have letters from Philip in Switzerland and on his travels, when Herrick and he were together wandering over Mexico and California, which your appreciation of his brightness and pleasant style of writing encourages me to think may contain enough to make a little book for private circulation among those who, remembering the Philip who lived here, will be glad to know something more of that sweet and pure and bright existence. I cannot say that I have definite plans as yet; but it does seem to me there are some things in these letters that men like you will be glad to see, and which I should be glad to have you see. If anything of this sort is ever prepared, you may be sure I shall remember you.Hoping that the events of life may bring you into our neighborhood, and perhaps bring me into your neighborhood, I beg you will give me the pleasure of meeting you East, just as I should certainly give myself the pleasure of finding you if I ever come within any reasonable distance of yourself. WISCONSIN CENTRAL COMPANIES.PRESIDENT\u27S OFFICE.WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. R. Co.MILWAUKEE & LAKE WINNEBAGO R. R. Co.CHICAGO. WISCONSIN & MINNESOTA R. R. Co.EDWIN H. ABBOT,MILWAUKEE, WIS., 189J. M. – 3.The General is still with us in Cambridge And is shortly to visit his little grand-children at Charleston, where his son, Captain Fred, is still posted. It would please you to know how greatly he valued your company and how he counts you among the most delightful of friends.I find that Philip had such pleasure in his Sierra Club friendships and association-that I wish very much to preserve them; and if there are any other names of those who knew him beside Mr. McAllister to whom I send the same pamphlet that you received\u27, I shall be very-glad indeed to learn them.Believe me,Yours faithfully,[illegible

    Generalized Aharonov-Bohm effect, homotopy classes and Hausdorff dimension

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    We suggest as gedanken experiment a generalization of the Aharonov-Bohm experiment, based on an array of solenoids. This experiment allows in principle to measure the decomposition into homotopy classes of the quantum mechanical propagator. This yields information on the geometry of the average path of propagation and allows to determine its Hausdorff dimension.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX + 3 figures, P

    Measuring the Hausdorff Dimension of Quantum Mechanical Paths

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    We measure the propagator length in imaginary time quantum mechanics by Monte Carlo simulation on a lattice and extract the Hausdorff dimension dHd_{H}. We find that all local potentials fall into the same universality class giving dH=2d_{H}=2 like the free motion. A velocity dependent action (SdtvαS \propto \int dt \mid \vec{v} \mid^{\alpha}) in the path integral (e.g. electrons moving in solids, or Brueckner's theory of nuclear matter) yields dH=αα1d_{H}=\frac{\alpha }{\alpha - 1} if α>2\alpha > 2 and dH=2d_{H}=2 if α2\alpha \leq 2. We discuss the relevance of fractal pathes in solid state physics and in QFTQFT, in particular for the Wilson loop in QCDQCD.Comment: uuencoded and compressed shell archive file. 8 pages with 7 figure

    Training Custom Light Curve Models of SN Ia Sub-Populations Selected According to Host Galaxy Properties

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    Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) cosmology analyses include a luminosity step function in their distance standardization process to account for an observed yet unexplained difference in the post-standardization luminosities of SNe Ia originating from different host galaxy populations (e.g., high-mass (M1010MM \gtrsim 10^{10} M_{\odot}) versus low-mass galaxies). We present a novel method for including host-mass correlations in the SALT3 light curve model used for standardising SN Ia distances. We split the SALT3 training sample according to host-mass, training independent models for the low- and high-host-mass samples. Our models indicate that there are different average Si II spectral feature strengths between the two populations, and that the average SED of SNe from low-mass galaxies is bluer than the high-mass counterpart. We then use our trained models to perform a SN cosmology analysis on the 3-year spectroscopically confirmed Dark Energy Survey SN sample, treating SNe from low- and high-mass host galaxies as separate populations throughout. We find that our mass-split models reduce the Hubble residual scatter in the sample, albeit at a low statistical significance. We do find a reduction in the mass-correlated luminosity step but conclude that this arises from the model-dependent re-definition of the fiducial SN absolute magnitude rather than the models themselves. Our results stress the importance of adopting a standard definition of the SN parameters (x0,x1,cx_0, x_1, c) in order to extract the most value out of the light curve modelling tools that are currently available and to correctly interpret results that are fit with different models.Comment: 15 pages, accepted by MNRA