16 research outputs found

    Application of a controlled outside cold airflow by a PID controller to improve the performance of a household refrigerator

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    The present paper aims to prove the efficiency of using the cold to improve the performance of a household refrigerator. It is produced naturally in countries that are characterized by a severe wintry climate. The cold airflow is spread out inside a cavity covering the side wall of the appliance, which is connected to the inlet and outlet ducts. For that purpose, a Simulink model is proposed to model this installation. The internal air temperature is computed according to the evaporator temperature and the outside cold airflow that is also computed according to the outside temperature and controlled by a PID controller. The simulation results show that when the internal air temperature is higher than the desired one and the outside temperature is low enough, the controlled cold airflow used as a second cooling source allowed to speed-up the cooling inside the refrigerator compartment of about 36.21% and to reach an energy saving of about 36.23% compared with the classical thermostatic control

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    FPGA implementation of predictive control

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose an implementation of a synthesizable VHDL program of generalized predictive control (GPC) without constraints on a map XC3S700A Xilinx Starter Kit using the Xilinx ISE 10.1 software. The control strategy was applied to a second order state system. The VHDL language was used as a programming tool. Real variables were described with the fixed-point representation to overcome the overflow problems during the computations in the VHDL program. The use of FPGA circuits presents a good choice regarding to the problem of computation time encountered in predictive algorithms. A GPC Matlab program was also implemented in order to make a performance comparison. The simulation results show a good set-point tracking

    An iterative model order reduction method for large-scale dynamical systems

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    We present a new iterative model order reduction method for large-scale linear time-invariant dynamical systems, based on a combined singular value decomposition–adaptive-order rational Arnoldi (SVD-AORA) approach. This method is an extension of the SVD-rational Krylov method. It is based on two-sided projections: the SVD side depends on the observability Gramian by the resolution of the Lyapunov equation, and the Krylov side is generated by the adaptive-order rational Arnoldi based on moment matching. The use of the SVD provides stability for the reduced system, and the use of the AORA method provides numerical efficiency and a relative lower computation complexity. The reduced model obtained is asymptotically stable and minimizes the error (H2H_{2} and HH_{\infty }) between the original and the reduced system. Two examples are given to study the performance of the proposed approach. doi:10.1017/S144618111700004

    Pseudo bond graph model of a thermo-hydraulic system

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    International audienceThe paper presents a pseudo bond graph model of a thermo-hydraulic system which is composed by two warm and cold water pipes, a plastic tank and an evacuation pipe. This model is designed on 20sim software and it allows varying the temperature, inside the tank, by acting on the mass flows of the warm and cold water, as well as on the evacuation pipe. A simulation is done for constant and variable water mass flows to show the efficiency of this bond graph model

    A Data Acquisition with LabVIEW of Temperature of a water tank system: Comparative study with a Pseudo Bond graph Model

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    International audience— The paper presents the LabVIEW simulation of water temperature inside a plastic tank. This simulation is done in order to make a comparison in an open loop with a pseudo bond graph model, which is designed on 20sim software, and it allows varying the temperature, inside the tank, by acting on the temperatures and the mass flows of the hot and cold water, as well as on the output flow. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the bond graph model. However, it can't act against an abrupt disturbance which can exist during the real-time simulation

    Właściwości asymptotyczne szacunku rozkładu warunkowego dla powiązanych danych funkcjonalnych

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    The purpose of the paper was to investigate by the kernel method a nonparametric estimate of the conditional density function of a scalar response variable given a random variable taking values in a separable real Hilbert space when the observations are quasi-associated dependent. Under some general conditions, the authors established the pointwise almost complete consistencies with rates of this estimator. The principal aim is the investigate the convergence rate of the proposed estimator.Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie metodą jądra nieparametrycznego oszacowania warunkowej funkcji rozkładu zmiennej odpowiedzi skalarnej przy zmiennej losowej przyjmującej wartości w separowalnej rzeczywistej przestrzeni Hilberta, gdy obserwacje są quasi-skojarzone zależne. W pewnych ogólnych warunkach ustala się punktowo prawie zupełną zgodność ze stawkami tego estymatora. Głównym celem jest zbadanie współczynnika zbieżności proponowanego estymatora

    Regresja kwantylowa pojedynczego wskaźnika funkcjonalnego dla niezależnych danych funkcjonalnych z cenzurowaniem prawostronnym

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    The main objective of this paper was to estimate non-parametrically the quantiles of a conditional distribution based on the single-index model in the censorship model when the sample is considered as independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. First of all, a kernel type estimator for the conditional cumulative distribution function (cond-cdf) is introduced. Then the paper gives an estimation of the quantiles by inverting this estimated cond-cdf, the asymptotic properties are stated when the observations are linked with a single-index structure. Finally, a simulation study was carried out to evaluate the performance of this estimate.Głównym celem artykułu jest prezentacja nieparametrycznej estymacji kwantyli rozkładu warunkowego na podstawie modelu jednoindeksowego w modelu cenzury, gdy próba jest traktowana jako niezależne zmienne losowe o identycznym rozkładzie. Przede wszystkim wprowadzono estymator jądrowy dla funkcji skumulowanego rozkładu warunkowego (cond-cdf). Następnie podano oszacowanie kwantyli przez odwrócenie oszacowanego cond-cdf. Właściwości asymptotyczne są określane, gdy obserwacje są połączone ze strukturą jednoindeksową. Na koniec przeprowadzono badanie symulacyjne, aby ocenić skuteczność tego oszacowania