50 research outputs found

    E-Governance and Its Implementation Challenges in the Nigerian Public Service

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    E-governance has become one of the reform tools geared towards effective public service delivery, which is premised on the assumption that the appreciable use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) method in the day to day activities of government will bring effective service delivery. However, there are lots of challenges that hamper the effective implementation of e-governance in Nigerian public service. It is based on this, that this article identifies some of the challenges to e-governance implementation in Nigerian public service. Although, no robust statistical analysis was done, as the article relied on archival analysis of relevant literature on the subject matter and inferences drawn from it. Based on its findings, it was concluded that e-governance remain the best in encouraging transparency and accountability in government business. The paper therefore, recommends that, government should be more committed to the implementation e-governance as well as embark on adequate enlightenment about the concept

    Recognising the Key Role of Agriculture In Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2: Challenges And Prospects In Nigeria

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    The issue of food security has in recent times attracted a lot of scholarly debates in Nigeria. In spite of different methodologies utilised by the governments in addressing the challenge, the issue still persists. Results further revealed that the agricultural sector has not performed palatably in its quest for ensuring sustainable development. Suffice to note that agriculture should be given its rightful place if the country wants to experience development that will be said to be sustainable. In addressing this, the second Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) become handy because of its emphasis on eradicating hunger, which can only be achieved when the role of agriculture is recognised in the nation. It is on this premise that this paper examined the key role of Agriculture in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 in Nigeria. This is a conceptual paper that relies on an extensive review of related literature. The findings show that the agriculture sector faces many challenges, making it quite difficult in achieving its main goal which is ensuring an adequate supply of food in all parts of the country. In specificterms, the current insurgency in Northern Nigeria has been one of the major factors which have further destabilised the lopsided agricultural sector in the country. The paper recommended among others that investment in the agricultural sector should be given top priority by the Federal, State and Local Governments so that the continuous dependence on imported products will be reduced, as well as to relieve dependence on the oil sector for economic growth

    A Note on Understanding Performance Evaluation in Organisations

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    Over the years and currently, performance evaluation has become very popular in organisational life such that almost every well structured organization has an evaluation system. This paper presents a note on understanding performance evaluation in organizations. The aim is to popularize the theory of performance evaluation in organizations, enlighten stakeholders (academics, human resource managers, practitioners, students and so on) and to provide a comprehensive note to those desirous of knowing the basics of what performance evaluation in organizations entails in a general manner without any specificity to any organization. To accomplish this task, a theoretical exposition (that is an explanatory method of research) was adopted for this study. This paper concludes that performance evaluation in organizations is an indispensable and inevitable activity and recommended that organizations desirous of achieving its set goals and objectives must have a deep regard for the human element (employees/personnel) in organizations. That is the performance evaluation in organizations should primarily be to improve employees performance, and not an avenue to witch hunt them, which will ultimately bring about desired organisational performanc


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    The issue of public policy is central to public administration and public administration is involved in the entire process of policy making and implementation. The negligence of public policy is at the peril of any state or organisation and this is because it is through public policy that the needs of the citizens and problems of any society is been taken care of. The objective of the paper is to introduce a discussion on policy making and policy implementation in Nigeria. Data for this study were sourced secondarily through textbooks, journal articles and online materials. The findings of this paper revealed that there are numerous factors that inhibit the effective implementation of policies in Nigeria and advocates the bottom-up approach of policy making and the sustenance of government policy as measures that will aid bridge the gap between policy making and actual implementation in Nigeria

    Development and Its Challenges in Nigeria: A Theoretical Discourse

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    Development is said to be a predictor that determines whether a country is progressing or not. A critical assessment of Nigeria’s development despite her abundance in human, natural and material resources reveals that the country is yet to achieve the desired expectations as clamored by her citizens. The objective of this study was to identify the challenges to development in Nigeria. In order to obtain data for the research, the work adopted qualitative research method through textual analysis. The findings of this study revealed that despite the country’s attempt to advance development, several challenges has posed a great threat to her progress. These setbacks range from imposition of policies on her citizens, lack of adequate human resources or capital to implement development plans/policies, corruption and lack of credible leadership among others. The paper concludes that once the identified setbacks are tackled then development will be realized in the country


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    Governments all over the world, Nigeria inclusive desire ways to provide welfare services to citizens with fewer resources, enhance transparency and accountability of public servants. As a result, the goals of the public service in terms of enhanced service delivery come to mind. This is because it serves as the major machinery through which governmental policies are implemented. However, the public service in Nigeria has witnessed widespread criticism as it pertains to the way and manner in which services are delivered. The inability of the public service to achieve its goals has necessitated the call for reform in the public service. In this regard, e-governance seems to be the probable solution. This paper adopts the ex-post-facto research design and found that there are several barriers arising from the adoption of the usual traditional public administrative system standing against the implementation of e-governance in the public service that would have metamorphosed into better service delivery. It is in line with the above findings that the paper argues that public service delivery could be better achieved through e-governance implementation in Nigeri


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    No doubt that the issue of Global climate change has been one ofthe greatest environmental problems whose effects cannot be denied in diverse countries and the world at large. The avert effect from this issue has led tq several local, regional and international conferences which have culminated in several protocols, and international legal frameworks formulated (Ranging from The Rio Earth Summit, Kyoto Protocol, and Copenhagen Conference among others) to tackle this issue. Yet Global climate change remains a global concern and a major threat to human security. The study examines the responses to Global Climate Change and the factors limiting the effectiveness and efficiency of the response. This paper adopted the descriptive historical approach and relied solely on secondary sources for data collection. This paper found among others that there are gaps between policy formulation and policy implementation, the major debacle to the effectiveness of the policies is the proliferation of Multilateral Environment Agreement (MEA), overlapping interest between market and nature and lack of gender sensitivity of the responses. Based on the findings, we recommend the need for the feminization of climate change response and more effort towards implementatio

    Privatization Of Public Enterprises: Which Way Nigeria?

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    Governments exist among others to implement policies for the enhancement of the living standard of citizens. To accomplish this goal, public enterprises are established to provide goods and services. With the use of secondary data, the paper examines privatization policy in Nigeria. It observed government interference, lack of transparency and accountability as the m(ljor hindrances to the successful implementation of the policy. The paper therefore recommends that for privatization to achieve its goals, government should stop interfering in the implementation of the policy and appoint people of credible character to manage the implementing agency of privatization in Nigeria


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    The objectives of this paper are to examine the relationship between performance appraisal and public sector productivity and the extent to which the implementation of performance appraisal affects productivity in Nigeria, using a military service unit as the focus. The utilisation of descriptive survey design, backed by Pearson’s Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC) for hypotheses testing greatly impacted data collection, analyses, findings and recommendations of the paper. The adoption and application of organisational justice theory as framework of analyses invigorated the discussions and suggestions to make performance appraisal criteria unambiguous, less cumbersome for the Appraisee and Appraiser. Additionally, Appraisers require re-training to effectively identify core indices of work performance which engenders better appraisal outcomes