1 research outputs found

    Hysterectomy in a male? A rare case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome is a rare form of male pseudo-hermaphroditism characterized by the presence of Mullerian duct structures in an otherwise phenotypically, as well as genotypically, normal man; only a few cases have been reported in the worldwide literature. A great variety of organs have been found in indirect inguinal hernial sacs. PRESENTATION OF CASE: We report a case of 70 year old man, father of 4 children with unilateral cryptorchidism on the right side and left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia containing uterus and fallopian tube (that is, hernia uteri inguinalis; type I male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome) coincidentally detected during an operation for an obstructed left inguinal hernia. DISCUSSION: PMDS is usually coincidently detected during surgical operation, as was in our case. However pre-operative ultrasonography, computerized tomography and MRI allow possible pre-operative diagnosis.3 CONCLUSION: In cases of unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism associated with hernia, as in our patient's case, the possibility of PMDS should be kept in mind