3 research outputs found

    Constructing biomimetic liver models through biomaterials and vasculature engineering.

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    The occurrence of various liver diseases can lead to organ failure of the liver, which is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Liver tissue engineering see the potential for replacing liver transplantation and drug toxicity studies facing donor shortages. The basic elements in liver tissue engineering are cells and biomaterials. Both mature hepatocytes and differentiated stem cells can be used as the main source of cells to construct spheroids and organoids, achieving improved cell function. To mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM) environment, biomaterials need to be biocompatible and bioactive, which also help support cell proliferation and differentiation and allow ECM deposition and vascularized structures formation. In addition, advanced manufacturing approaches are required to construct the extracellular microenvironment, and it has been proved that the structured three-dimensional culture system can help to improve the activity of hepatocytes and the characterization of specific proteins. In summary, we review biomaterials for liver tissue engineering, including natural hydrogels and synthetic polymers, and advanced processing techniques for building vascularized microenvironments, including bioassembly, bioprinting and microfluidic methods. We then summarize the application fields including transplant and regeneration, disease models and drug cytotoxicity analysis. In the end, we put the challenges and prospects of vascularized liver tissue engineering

    Biofabrication methods for reconstructing extracellular matrix mimetics

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    In the human body, almost all cells interact with extracellular matrices (ECMs), which have tissue and organ-specific compositions and architectures. These ECMs not only function as cellular scaffolds, providing structural support, but also play a crucial role in dynamically regulating various cellular functions. This comprehensive review delves into the examination of biofabrication strategies used to develop bioactive materials that accurately mimic one or more biophysical and biochemical properties of ECMs. We discuss the potential integration of these ECM-mimics into a range of physiological and pathological in vitro models, enhancing our understanding of cellular behavior and tissue organization. Lastly, we propose future research directions for ECM-mimics in the context of tissue engineering and organ-on-a-chip applications, offering potential advancements in therapeutic approaches and improved patient outcomes