462 research outputs found

    Orbit Characterization, Stabilization and Composition on 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking via Hybrid Passive Linear Inverted Pendulum Model

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    A Hybrid passive Linear Inverted Pendulum (H-LIP) model is proposed for characterizing, stabilizing and composing periodic orbits for 3D underactuated bipedal walking. Specifically, Period-l (P1) and Period -2 (P2) orbits are geometrically characterized in the state space of the H-LIP. Stepping controllers are designed for global stabilization of the orbits. Valid ranges of the gains and their optimality are derived. The optimal stepping controller is used to create and stabilize the walking of bipedal robots. An actuated Spring-loaded Inverted Pendulum (aSLIP) model and the underactuated robot Cassie are used for illustration. Both the aSLIP walking with PI or P2 orbits and the Cassie walking with all 3D compositions of the PI and P2 orbits can be smoothly generated and stabilized from a stepping-in-place motion. This approach provides a perspective and a methodology towards continuous gait generation and stabilization for 3D underactuated walking robots

    Input-to-State Safety With Control Barrier Functions

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    This letter presents a new notion of input-to-state safe control barrier functions (ISSf-CBFs), which ensure safety of nonlinear dynamical systems under input disturbances. Similar to how safety conditions are specified in terms of forward invariance of a set, input-to-state safety (ISSf) conditions are specified in terms of forward invariance of a slightly larger set. In this context, invariance of the larger set implies that the states stay either inside or very close to the smaller safe set; and this closeness is bounded by the magnitude of the disturbances. The main contribution of the letter is the methodology used for obtaining a valid ISSf-CBF, given a control barrier function (CBF). The associated universal control law will also be provided. Towards the end, we will study unified quadratic programs (QPs) that combine control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) and ISSf-CBFs in order to obtain a single control law that ensures both safety and stability in systems with input disturbances.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; Final submitted versio

    Stably Extending Two-Dimensional Bipedal Walking to Three Dimensions

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    In this paper we develop a feedback control law that results in stable walking gaits on flat ground for a three-dimensional bipedal robotic walker given stable walking gaits for a two-dimensional bipedal robotic walker. This is achieved by combining disparate techniques that have been employed in the bipedal robotic community: controlled symmetries, geometric reduction and hybrid zero dynamics. Controlled symmetries are utilized to obtain stable walking gaits for a two-dimensional bipedal robot walking on flat ground. These are related to walking gaits for a three-dimensional (hipless) bipedal robot through the use of geometric reduction. Finally, these walking gaits in three dimensions are made stable through the use of hybrid zero dynamics

    Hybrid Geometric Reduction of Hybrid Systems

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    This paper presents a unifying framework in which to carry out the hybrid geometric reduction of hybrid systems, generalizing classical reduction to a hybrid setting

    Stability of Zeno Equilibria in Lagrangian Hybrid Systems

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    This paper presents both necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of Zeno equilibria in Lagrangian hybrid systems, i.e., hybrid systems modeling mechanical systems undergoing impacts. These conditions for stability are motivated by the sufficient conditions for Zeno behavior in Lagrangian hybrid systems obtained in [11]—we show that the same conditions that imply the existence of Zeno behavior near Zeno equilibria imply the stability of the Zeno equilibria. This paper, therefore, not only presents conditions for the stability of Zeno equilibria, but directly relates the stability of Zeno equilibria to the existence of Zeno behavior

    Sufficient conditions for the existence of Zeno behavior in a class of nonlinear hybrid systems via constant approximations

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    The existence of Zeno behavior in hybrid systems is related to a certain type of equilibria, termed Zeno equilibria, that are invariant under the discrete, but not the continuous, dynamics of a hybrid system. In analogy to the standard procedure of linearizing a vector field at an equilibrium point to determine its stability, in this paper we study the local behavior of a hybrid system near a Zeno equilibrium point by considering the value of the vector field on each domain at this point, i.e., we consider constant approximations of nonlinear hybrid systems. By means of these constant approximations, we are able to derive conditions that simultaneously imply both the existence of Zeno behavior and the local exponential stability of a Zeno equilibrium point. Moreover, since these conditions are in terms of the value of the vector field on each domain at a point, they are remarkably easy to verify

    Input to State Stability of Bipedal Walking Robots: Application to DURUS

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    Bipedal robots are a prime example of systems which exhibit highly nonlinear dynamics, underactuation, and undergo complex dissipative impacts. This paper discusses methods used to overcome a wide variety of uncertainties, with the end result being stable bipedal walking. The principal contribution of this paper is to establish sufficiency conditions for yielding input to state stable (ISS) hybrid periodic orbits, i.e., stable walking gaits under model-based and phase-based uncertainties. In particular, it will be shown formally that exponential input to state stabilization (e-ISS) of the continuous dynamics, and hybrid invariance conditions are enough to realize stable walking in the 23-DOF bipedal robot DURUS. This main result will be supported through successful and sustained walking of the bipedal robot DURUS in a laboratory environment.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Multi-objective Compositions for Collision-Free Connectivity Maintenance in Teams of Mobile Robots

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    Compositional barrier functions are proposed in this paper to systematically compose multiple objectives for teams of mobile robots. The objectives are first encoded as barrier functions, and then composed using AND and OR logical operators. The advantage of this approach is that compositional barrier functions can provably guarantee the simultaneous satisfaction of all composed objectives. The compositional barrier functions are applied to the example of ensuring collision avoidance and static/dynamical graph connectivity of teams of mobile robots. The resulting composite safety and connectivity barrier certificates are verified experimentally on a team of four mobile robots.Comment: To appear in 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, NV, US

    A geometric approach to three-dimensional hipped bipedal robotic walking

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    This paper presents a control law that results in stable walking for a three-dimensional bipedal robot with a hip. To obtain this control law, we utilize techniques from geometric reduction, and specifically a variant of Routhian reduction termed functional Routhian reduction, to effectively decouple the dynamics of the three-dimensional biped into its sagittal and lateral components. Motivated by the decoupling afforded by functional Routhian reduction, the control law we present is obtained by combining three separate control laws: the first shapes the potential energy of the sagittal dynamics of the biped to obtain stable walking gaits when it is constrained to the sagittal plane, the second shapes the total energy of the walker so that functional Routhian reduction can be applied to decoupling the dynamics of the walker for certain initial conditions, and the third utilizes an output zeroing controller to stabilize to the surface defining these initial conditions. We numerically verify that this method results in stable walking, and we discuss certain attributes of this walking gait