7 research outputs found

    Flowchart of NGS-QCbox pipeline illustrating the two modes of usage namely <i>quick</i> and <i>complete</i>.

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    <p>NGS-QCbox comprises of two workflow modes namely <i>quick</i> and <i>complete</i>. In <i>quick</i> mode, read/base level metrics are computed in parallel using Raspberry, an in-house tool, both before and after quality trimming. On the other hand, <i>complete</i> mode is full-fledged quality control and variant calling pipeline that integrates quick mode and additionally generates genome coverage information in parallel. Quality of the data generated could be assessed using this information.</p

    Genetic and population structure of the peanut ‘reference set’.

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    <p>This figure shows (a) grouping of genotypes based on SSR and DArT marker genotyping data, (b) principle co-ordinate analysis (PCoA) based on SSR and DArT marker genotyping data. In the case of SSR as well as DArT based PCoA, cultivated genotypes are clustered in two groups and the wild species genotypes are clustered in one group. (c) the population structure in the reference set at different values of K (K = 1 to K = 15), and (d) presence of three subgroups based on mean Fst values.</p