3 research outputs found

    Illicit Performance and Image Enhancing Drug Markets in the Netherlands and Belgium

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    This chapter explores the illicit production and supply of performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) markets in Belgium and the Netherlands. Aside from the potential health risks related to the use of these substances, a concern is that the majority of PIEDs are not legally obtained through a physician, by means of a prescription, but instead are illegally purchased on the black market. The illicit supply of PIEDs will be the focus of this chapter. This chapter provides a historical account of the development of illicit PIED markets in Belgium and the Netherlands. Next, a categorization of supplier types will be provided based on the profession of PIED suppliers. This will be followed with an examination of the methods and motives of PIED dealers, using bodybuilding as a case study. It is highlighted that many types of suppliers are involved in the trade of PIEDs and that they are driven by multiple and often overlapping reasons (financial and non-financial motives). In the final section, the link between the illicit PIED market, organized crime and professional sport is critically explored. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the overall findings