14 research outputs found

    The Pr.O.F. project: orienting late High School students to University methodology in Chemistry and other Sciences

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    The P.r.O.F. project has been presented at the ECTN meeting and positively evaluated. The project aims to help high school students in the transition to University. It covers the areas of Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics. In the Chemistry section, methodological issues were emphasized. The specific subject, selected jointly by University and School teachers, was Solutions and Solubility. Short and long-time tests were performed to check the effectiveness of the intervention

    Designing Courses on the Nature and History of Science

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    peer reviewedAchieving scientific literacy is recognized as an essential goal of secondary school education. This obviously implies that science teachers, themselves, need to be scientifically literate, which in turn requires that emphasis should be placed on Nature of Science (NoS) issues in university pre-service (and also in-service) teacher education courses. A review of the research literature reveals that the beliefs and the understanding of teachers about NoS are often simplistic and lacking internal consistency. Research has also shown that explicit approaches towards NoS teaching are more efficient than implicit ones, and that analysis of historic cases can be an effective teaching tool. Based on an analysis of the existing literature and on their teaching experience, the authors propose a NoS curriculum for pre-service science teachers in chemistry, biology and physics and critically discuss a case example of NoS teaching practice consisting of four weekly seminars of two hours each. These seminars focus on identifying the learners’ preconceptions through team work, on discussing explicitly key NoS concepts and epistemological theories based on an inductive approach, and on highlighting the pedagogical implications. Suggestions for teaching the history of science (with emphasis on chemistry) are also provided.European Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education Network 2 (EC2E2N) - 526259-LLP-1-2012-1-FR-. ERASMUS-ENW

    Modelling the structure of chain-molecule liquids: a computer simulation of the n-alcanes C8-C30

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    Computer models of a series of liquid n-alkanes were generated, allowing for continuous variation of torsion angles and of atomic positions. Torsional and intramolecular and intermolecular nonbonded potentials were introduced. Calculated fractions of gauche bonds are slightly higher than those calculated from a rotational isomeric state model. No directional correlation between chains is found, except at very short distances. Calculated end-to-end distances and radii of gyration indicate random coil conformations. These results are unaffected by extension of the range of interaction to the attractive region and by variations of temperature and density

    Corso ipermediale di Biologia molecolare

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    Rappresentazione di fenomeni con diagrammi cartesiani e Lotus 123

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    Atti a cura di A. Andronico, G. Leoni, G. Sacerdoti, S. Tucci; Edizioni Enne, Campobass

    La ricerca a Napoli sulle applicazioni dell'elaboratore nella didattica della fisica

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    a cura di E. Balzano ed E. Sassi; CNR Commissione per la Didattica della Fisica; CUEN Napol

    Un sito web di divulgazione di Chimica

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    E' stato realizzato un sito web di divulgazione della Chimica: http://www.whatischemistry.unina.it/ Il sito vuole rispondere alle esigenze di divulgazione scientifica della nostra società e al problema dell'immagine della chimica presso il pubblico. Il sito si caratterizza per la correttezza scientifica, la semplicità del linguaggio, il legame con l'esperienza quotidiana. Sono trattati alcuni concetti fondamentali e diversi argomenti applicativi. E' sottolineata l'importanza della chimica per le scienze della vita. Sono discussi i rischi della chimica e i possibili rimedi. L'opera non ha pretese didattiche ma cerca di sollecitare la curiosità e l'interesse, è destinata a un pubblico internazionale ed è interamente in italiano e in inglese