32 research outputs found

    A phase I/II study of irinotecan when added to 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin and pelvic radiation in locally advanced rectal cancer: a Colorectal Clinical Oncology Group Study

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended dose of irinotecan administered as a 5-day schedule synchronously with 5-fluorouracil (5FU), leucovorin (LV) and preoperative pelvic radiation (45 Gy) for primary borderline/unresectable, locally advanced rectal cancer. The study used escalating doses of intravenous irinotecan (6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 mg m−2) administered on days 1–5 and 29–33 followed by low dose LV (20 mg m−2) and 5FU (350 mg m−2 over 1 h) in sequential cohorts. Preoperative pelvic radiotherapy using a three- or four-field technique and megavoltage photons comprised 45 Gy given in 25 fractions, 1.8 Gy per fraction. Surgery in the form of mesorectal excision was performed 6–10 weeks later. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen was performed according to techniques of Quirke, and compared with clinical staging. A distance of 1 mm or less between the peripheral extent of the tumour and the radial resection margin defined an involved circumferential resection margin (CRM). The MTD was determined as the dose causing more than a third of patients to have a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) defined as specific grade 3 or 4 toxicities. Once the MTD was reached, a further 14 patients were treated at the dose level below the MTD. In total, 57 patients received irinotecan at the eight dose levels. The final cohort reached DLT after only four patients had been enrolled. The median age was 62 years (range 26–75), 37 male and 20 female subjects. The MTD of irinotecan in this schedule was 20 mg m−2 when three out of four patients experienced DLT. Dose limiting grade 3 or 4 diarrhoea was reported in seven out of 57 patients, three at the 20 mg m−2 dose level. Serious haematological toxicity (grade 3) was minimal and reported in only three patients; one grade 3 neutropaenia, one grade 4 neutropaenia and one grade 3 febrile neutropaenia and anaemia. Compliance was good with 93 and 89% of patients completing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, respectively. The remaining patients had only minor deviations from protocol therapy. Eight patients did not proceed to surgery, in six cases because they remained unresectable or had developed metastatic disease, one patient was unfit for surgery and one died as a result of complications from radiotherapy. Forty-nine patients underwent a potentially curative surgical resection. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen demonstrated pCR 12 out of 49 (24%) and 12 out of 57 (21%) overall. A histologically confirmed clear circumferential resection margin (CRM) was achieved in 39 out of 49 (80%) of those resected, and 39 out of 57 (68%) overall. In conclusion, MTD with this scheduled regimen of irinotecan is 20 mg m−2 (days 1–5 and 29–33). The acceptable toxicity and compliance at 18 mg m−2 recommend testing this dose in future phase III studies. The tumour downstaging and complete resection rates (negative CRM) are encouragingly high for this very locally advanced group

    A combined linkage, microarray and exome analysis suggests MAP3K11 as a candidate gene for left ventricular hypertrophy

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    Background: Electrocardiographic measures of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) are used as predictors of cardiovascular risk. We combined linkage and association analyses to discover novel rare genetic variants involved in three such measures and two principal components derived from them. Methods: The study was conducted among participants from the Erasmus Rucphen Family Study (ERF), a Dutch family-based sample from the southwestern Netherlands. Variance components linkage analyses were performed using Merlin. Regions of interest (LOD > 1.9) were fine-mapped using microarray and exome sequence data. Results: We observed one significant LOD score for the second principal component on chromosome 15 (LOD score = 3.01) and 12 suggestive LOD scores. Several loci contained variants identified in GWAS for these traits; however, these did not explain the linkage peaks, nor did other common variants. Exome sequence data identified two associated variants after multiple testing corrections were applied. Conclusions: We did not find common SNPs explaining these linkage signals. Exome sequencing uncovered a relatively rare variant in MAPK3K11 on chromosome 11 (MAF = 0.01) that helped account for the suggestive linkage peak observed for the first principal component. Conditional analysis revealed a drop in LOD from 2.01 to 0.88 for MAP3K11, suggesting that this variant may partially explain the linkage signal at this chromosomal location. MAP3K11 is related to the JNK pathway and is a pro-apoptotic kinase that plays an important role in the induction of cardiomyocyte apoptosis in various pathologies, including LVH

    Noncoding rare variants in PANX3 are associated with chronic back pain.

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    Back pain is the leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide, yet surprisingly, little is known regarding the biology underlying this condition. The impact of genetics is known for chronic back pain: its heritability is estimated to be at least 40%. Large genome-wide association studies have shown that common variation may account for up to 35% of chronic back pain heritability; rare variants may explain a portion of the heritability not explained by common variants. In this study, we performed the first gene-based association analysis of chronic back pain using UK Biobank imputed data including rare variants with moderate imputation quality. We discovered 2 genes, SOX5 and PANX3, influencing chronic back pain. The SOX5 gene is a well-known back pain gene. The PANX3 gene has not previously been described as having a role in chronic back pain. We showed that the association of PANX3 with chronic back pain is driven by rare noncoding intronic polymorphisms. This result was replicated in an independent sample from UK Biobank and validated using a similar phenotype, dorsalgia, from FinnGen Biobank. We also found that the PANX3 gene is associated with intervertebral disk disorders. We can speculate that a possible mechanism of action of PANX3 on back pain is due to its effect on the intervertebral disks

    Multi-Trait Exome-Wide Association Study of Back Pain-Related Phenotypes.

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    Back pain (BP) is a major contributor to disability worldwide, with heritability estimated at 40-60%. However, less than half of the heritability is explained by common genetic variants identified by genome-wide association studies. More powerful methods and rare and ultra-rare variant analysis may offer additional insight. This study utilized exome sequencing data from the UK Biobank to perform a multi-trait gene-based association analysis of three BP-related phenotypes: chronic back pain, dorsalgia, and intervertebral disc disorder. We identified the SLC13A1 gene as a contributor to chronic back pain via loss-of-function (LoF) and missense variants. This gene has been previously detected in two studies. A multi-trait approach uncovered the novel FSCN3 gene and its impact on back pain through LoF variants. This gene deserves attention because it is only the second gene shown to have an effect on back pain due to LoF variants and represents a promising drug target for back pain therapy

    A combined linkage, microarray and exome analysis suggests MAP3K11 as a candidate gene for left ventricular hypertrophy

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    BACKGROUND:Electrocardiographic measures of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) are used as predictors of cardiovascular risk. We combined linkage and association analyses to discover novel rare genetic variants involved in three such measures and two principal components derived from them. METHODS:The study was conducted among participants from the Erasmus Rucphen Family Study (ERF), a Dutch family-based sample from the southwestern Netherlands. Variance components linkage analyses were performed using Merlin. Regions of interest (LOD > 1.9) were fine-mapped using microarray and exome sequence data. RESULTS:We observed one significant LOD score for the second principal component on chromosome 15 (LOD score = 3.01) and 12 suggestive LOD scores. Several loci contained variants identified in GWAS for these traits; however, these did not explain the linkage peaks, nor did other common variants. Exome sequence data identified two associated variants after multiple testing corrections were applied. CONCLUSIONS:We did not find common SNPs explaining these linkage signals. Exome sequencing uncovered a relatively rare variant in MAPK3K11 on chromosome 11 (MAF = 0.01) that helped account for the suggestive linkage peak observed for the first principal component. Conditional analysis revealed a drop in LOD from 2.01 to 0.88 for MAP3K11, suggesting that this variant may partially explain the linkage signal at this chromosomal location. MAP3K11 is related to the JNK pathway and is a pro-apoptotic kinase that plays an important role in the induction of cardiomyocyte apoptosis in various pathologies, including LVH