2 research outputs found

    Yield and its components in fi eld pea (Pisum arvense L.) lines.

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    ABSTRACT Morphological characters such as main stem length (cm), number of branches per plant, leaf length (cm), number of leaves per main stem, number of leaflets per leaf, diameter of main stem (mm), pods / main stem and seeds / pod as well as agricultural herbage yield (t ha -1 ), dry matter yield (t ha -1 ), seed yield (t ha -1 ), crude protein (%) were investigated in Trakya, during the 1999-2002. The maximum main stem length (124.375 cm), leaf length (24.808 cm), number of pods per main stem (16.526), herbage yield (27.881 t ha -1 ), dry matter yield (7.319 t ha -1 ) and seed yield (2.590 t ha -1 ) were determined from the 16-K and 16-DY field pea lines. K line has given higher values than four lines for the number of branches per plant (5.567). Main stem diameter ranged from 3.077 to 4.300 mm. It's found that the 23.025 leaves/main stem, 6.833 leaflets/leaf, 7.692 seeds/pod and 17.550% crude protein from the field pea lines

    Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion: Pathogenesis, Visual Prognosis, and Treatment Modalities

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    In branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), abnormal arteriovenous crossing with vein compression, degenerative changes of the vessel wall and abnormal hematological factors constitute the primary mechanism of vessel occlusion. In general, BRVO has a good prognosis: 50–60% of eyes are reported to have a final visual acuity (VA) of 20/40 or better even without treatment. One important prognostic factor for final VA appears to be the initial VA. Grid laser photocoagulation is an established treatment for macular edema in a particular group of patients with BRVO, while promising results for this condition are shown by intravitreal application of steroids or new vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors. Vitrectomy with or without arteriovenous sheathotomy combined with removal of the internal limiting membrane may improve vision in eyes with macular edema which are unresponsive to or ineligible for laser treatment