17 research outputs found

    SCLC extensive disease – treatment guidance by extent or/and biology of response?

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    In extensive disease of small cell lung cancer a doubling of the one-year-survival rate was reported in August 2007 by prophylactic cranial irradiation applied to patients who experienced any response to initial chemotherapy. We discuss the treatment concept of extensive disease in the face of the latest results and older studies with additional thoracic irradiation in this subgroup. A randomized trial with prophylactic cranial irradiation published in 1999 demonstrated an improvement of 5-year-overall-survival for complete responders (at least at distant levels) receiving additional thoracic radiochemotherapy compared to chemotherapy alone (9.1% vs. 3.7%). But, these results were almost neglected and thoracic radiotherapy was not further investigated for good responders of extensive disease. However, in the light of current advances by prophylactic cranial irradiation these findings are noteworthy on all accounts. Considering both, a possible interpretation of these data could be a survival benefit of local control by simultaneous thoracic radiochemotherapy in the case of improved distant control due to chemotherapy and prophylactic cranial irradiation. Furthermore the question arises whether the tumor biology indicated by the response to chemotherapy should be integrated in the present classification

    Current role of surgery in small cell lung carcinoma

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    Small cell lung carcinoma represents 15–20% of lung cancer. Is is characterized by rapid growth and early disseminated disease with poor outcome. For many years surgery was considered a contraindication in Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) since radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy were found to be more efficient in the management of these patients. Never the less some surgeons continue to be in favor of surgery as part of a combined modality treatment in patients with SCLC. The revaluation of the role of surgery in this group of patients is based on clinical data indicating a much better prognosis in selected patients with limited disease (T1-2, N0, M0), the high rate of local recurrence after chemoradiotherapy with surgery considered eventually more efficient in the local control of the disease and the fact that surgery is the most accurate tool to access the response to chemotherapy, identify carcinoids misdiagnosed as SCLC and treat the Non Small Cell Lung Cancer component of mixed tumors. Performing surgery for local disease SCLC requires a complete preoperative assessment to exclude the presence of nodal involvement. In stage I surgery must always be followed by adjuvant chemotherapy, while in stage II and III surgery must be planned only in the context of clinical trials and after a pathologic response to induction chemoradiotherapy has been confirmed. Prophylactic cranial irradiation should be used to reduce the incidence of brain metastasi

    Tratamento do câncer de pequenas células de pulmão: doença limitada: resultados de uma única instituição Treatment of limited stage small-cell lung cancer: results from a single center

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    OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados de tratamento de pacientes com câncer de pulmão de pequenas células com doença limitada (CPPC-DL), num período de dez anos, numa única instituição, para controle de qualidade e comparação com dados de literatura. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1992 e dezembro de 2002, 101 pacientes portadores de CPPC-DL completaram tratamento em nossa instituição. Seus resultados foram revistos e incluíram quimioterapia, radioterapia, a seqüência dos dois tratamentos e o uso de irradiação profilática cerebral (PCI). A radiação foi administrada com dose mediana de 45 Gy em 1,8 a 2 Gy por fração. A dose mediana de PCI foi de 25 Gy em dez frações. RESULTADOS: O seguimento mediano foi de 50,6 meses e a idade mediana dos pacientes foi de 63 anos. Houve 85 mortes confirmadas, 5 pacientes foram perdidos de seguimento e 11 estavam vivos. O tempo de sobrevida mediano foi de 11 meses, a sobrevida global em dois e cinco anos foi de 25,5% e 10%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significante na sobrevida global em dois ou cinco anos segundo a idade e sexo dos pacientes. Também não houve diferença significante na sobrevida global entre os pacientes que realizaram PCI ou não, ou foram tratados em dois períodos diferentes (1997-2002 vs. 1992-1996). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados de tratamento dos pacientes portadores de CPPC-DL na nossa instituição refletem as constantes mudanças no manuseio do CPPC. Nossa sobrevida global em dois anos de 25,5% é semelhante a outros resultados uni-institucionais publicados, mas menor que os resultados de 47% a 54% recentemente publicados por grupos cooperativos.<br>OBJECTIVE: To report the results of the treatment of patients with small-cell lung cancer with limited disease (SCLC-LD) in a single institution during a 10-year period, for quality assurance and comparison with data from the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 1992 and December 2002, 101 patients with SCLC-LD completed treatment at our institution. The outcomes were reviewed and included chemotherapy, radiotherapy, the sequence of the two treatments, and the use of prophylactic cranial irradiation. Radiation was delivered with a median dose of 45 Gy in 1.8 to 2 Gy per fraction. The median dose of the prophylactic cranial irradiation was 25 Gy in 10 fractions. RESULTS: Average follow-up was of 50.6 months and the average age of the patients was 63 years. There were 85 confirmed deaths, 5 patients were lost to follow up and 11 patients were alive. The median survival time was 11 months, the overall survival at 2 and 5 years was 25.5% and 10% respectively. There were no significant difference in overall survival at 2 or 5 years according to the age and sex of the patients. In addition, there were no statistical difference in overall survival among patients who had prophylactic cranial irradiation or not, or who were treated in two different periods (1997-2002 vs. 1992-1996). CONCLUSION: The results of the treatment of SCLC-LD patients in our institution reflect the constant changes in the management of SCLC. The 2-year's 25.5% overall survival seen in our institution is similar to reports published from other single institution, but lower than the 47% to 54% recently published results from cooperative groups