4 research outputs found
Tadalafil Alleviates LPS-Induced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress of RWPE-1 Cell by Regulating the Akt/Nrf2 Signaling Pathway
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
T2 Peptide Represents a Major Autoantigen Epitope in Experimental Autoimmune Prostatitis
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The effectiveness of long-needle acupuncture at acupoints BL30 and BL35 for CP/CPPS: a randomized controlled pilot study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vesicoureteral Reflux and the Adult
- Author
- A Chi
- A Cooper
- A Dinckan
- A Dounis
- A Golan
- A Haferkamp
- A Hoberman
- A Hoberman
- A Krishnan
- A Najmaldin
- A Natsheh
- A Piepsz
- A Shanon
- A Stenberg
- A Stenberg
- A Tejani
- A Vianello
- A Yoneda
- AA Malizia Jr
- AA Sanusi
- AB Belman
- AB Belman
- AC Gordon
- AC Simoes e Silva
- AD Amar
- AJ Lamesch
- AL Winter
- AM Stenberg
- AR Smyth
- AS Polackwich
- AS Woolf
- B Chertin
- B Chertin
- B Chertin
- B Jakobsson
- B Ranchin
- Birmingham Reflux Study Group
- BL Strom
- BM Assael
- BM Brenner
- BS Arant Jr
- BS Arant Jr
- C Bengtsson
- C Everett
- C Loirat
- C Polito
- C Polito
- C-H Cheng
- CA Peters
- CD Goonasekera
- CD Goonasekera
- CD Hanevold
- CJ Chapman
- CJ Hodson
- CJ Hodson
- CJ Hodson
- CK Yeung
- CK Yeung
- CM Kunin
- CM Kunin
- CM Taylor
- CM Wallis
- CP Griebel
- CR Estrada Jr
- CS Cooper
- CW Schwab
- CY Lee
- D Bourchier
- D Doganis
- D Lenaghan
- D Phillips
- D Scholes
- D Wheeler
- DA Guthman
- DA Shoskes
- DC Crabbe
- DD Nghiem
- DE Zilberman
- DG Gill
- DH Chand
- DM Burge
- DMA Wallace
- DNS Kerr
- DR Henly
- DT Uehling
- E Karpman
- E Matouschek
- EA Phillips
- EF Poutasse
- EH Garin
- EH Garin
- EH Kass
- EJ Hall
- EK Basok
- EK Lee
- EM Tanagho
- EV Mackay
- F Matsumoto
- FP Secin
- G Ardissino
- G Belloli
- G Filler
- G Lama
- G Läckgren
- G Marra
- G Marra
- G Montini
- G Montini
- GA McLorie
- GG Mackie
- GH Neild
- GJ Becker
- GJ Becker
- GJ Becker
- GL Rolleston
- GL Rolleston
- GO Jung
- GR Lerner
- GW Gross
- GW Leadbetter
- H Georgaki-Angelaki
- H Gossens
- H Hirada
- H Jardim
- H Lipsky
- H Matsuoka
- H Olbing
- H Olbing
- H Olbing
- H Roihuvuo-Leskinen
- HC Bumpus
- HG Rushton
- HG Rushton
- HJ Paltiel
- HM Roihuvuo-Leskinen
- HN Noe
- HO Senekjian
- I Blumenthal
- I Bollgren
- I Fontana
- I Gordon
- IN Slotki
- International Reflux Study Committee
- J Arce
- J Hill
- J Hodson
- J Köhler
- J Köhler
- J Le
- J Martinell
- J Martinell
- J McAninch
- J Oswald
- J Pylkkanen
- J Smellie
- J Steffans
- J Upadhyay
- J Upadhyay
- J Willemsen
- J Winberg
- J-F Moreau
- JA Hutch
- JA Roberts
- JA Stock
- JA Tash
- JA Whitworth
- JB Nielsen
- JC Craig
- JC Craig
- JC Pearson
- JC Routh
- JCL Mihindukulasuriya
- JD Engel
- JD Gool van
- JD Gool van
- JES Scott
- JF Stecker Jr
- JF Stecker Jr
- JG Hollowell
- JH Johnston
- JH Lee
- JH McGovern
- JH Pinthus
- JH Ross
- JH Stewart
- JL Still
- JM Barry
- JM Fernandez-Menendez
- JM Guizar
- JM Penido Silva
- JM Silva
- JM Smellie
- JM Smellie
- JM Smellie
- JM Smellie
- JM Smellie
- JM Smellie
- JM Smellie
- JM Zerin
- JN Krieger
- JN Panicker
- JN Rubenstein
- JP Owen
- JP Vallee
- JR Köhler
- JS Elder
- JS Elder
- JT Mansfield
- JW Capelle van
- JW Duckett
- K Akaoka
- K Darge
- K Fidan
- K Hjälmás
- K Hohenfellner
- K Inoue
- K Moore
- K Pistor
- K Senoh
- K Wolf-Maier
- KC Hubert
- KC Latchamsetty
- KG Nepple
- KI Glassberg
- KJ Shah
- KJ Strauss
- KV Jones
- L Hooghe
- L Kayler
- L Salomon
- LF Alconcher
- LN Smellie
- M Arar
- M Cendron
- M El-Khatib
- M El-Khatib
- M Fryczkowski
- M Glauser
- M Goldman
- M Hiraoka
- M Kashanian
- M Marchand
- M Mochon
- M Pennesi
- M Praga
- M Reunanen
- M Rich
- M Tripathi
- M Uhari
- M Vandenbossche
- M Venhola
- M Wennerström
- M Wennerström
- M Westenfelder
- MA Carpenter
- MA Sargent
- MA Williams
- MG Seikaly
- MJ Dawrant
- MJ Dillon
- MJ Kennelly
- MJ Lucas
- MK Hanna
- MK Hanna
- MP Leonard
- MS Austenfeld
- MT El-Khatib
- N Capozza
- N Shaikh
- NM Wolfish
- NP Goldraich
- O Buckley
- O Nativ
- O Salvatierra
- O Salvatierra Jr
- P Brandström
- P Caione
- P Frey
- P Jungers
- P Jungers
- P Kincaid-Smith
- P Kincaid-Smith
- P Kincaid-Smith
- P Kincaid-Smith
- P Maisonneuve
- P Moreira
- P Zucchelli
- PA Dewan
- PA Dewan
- PAM Anderson
- PC Gargollo
- PE Gower
- PF Nasrallah
- PG Ransley
- PG Ransley
- PG Ransley
- PH Conway
- PJ McIlroy
- PM Cuckow
- PM Weston
- PS Kincaid-Smith
- R Baker
- R Baxer
- R Beetz
- R Beetz
- R Beetz
- R Castro De
- R Castro De
- R Gusmano
- R Konda
- R Pichler
- R Thompson
- R Weiss
- R Weiss
- RA North
- RA Risdon
- RD Lindeman
- RD Walker
- RE Mittleman
- RF Browne
- RF Mattingly
- RH Cleveland
- RH Heptinstall
- RH Mak
- RI Webster
- RJ Neves
- RJF Stredele
- RL Lebowitz
- RL Lebowitz
- RL Siegler
- RP Santarosa
- RR Bailey
- RR Bailey
- RR Bailey
- RR Bailey
- RR Bailey
- RR Bailey
- RR Bailey
- RS Arze
- RS Malek
- S Ashkenazi
- S Barai
- S Cascio
- S Halachmi
- S Hansson
- S Hatanaka
- S Lee
- S Londe
- S Mastrosimone
- S Ozen
- S Sanna-Cherchi
- S Sedberry-Ross
- S Tepmongkol
- S Yoshihara
- S Yucel
- SA Feather
- SA Hinchliffe
- SA Koff
- SA Koff
- SA Koff
- SA Lutter
- SB Bauer
- SB Farnham
- SH Jacobson
- SH Jacobson
- SH Jacobson
- SH Jacobson
- SJ Skoog
- SJ Vernon
- SL McGladdery
- SL Schulman
- SM Downs
- SN Bedoun
- SP Dunn
- SP Greenfield
- SP Greenfield
- T Lahdes-Vasama
- T Mattoo
- T Müller
- T Sandberg
- T Tamminen-Möbius
- T Wyszynska
- TE Johansen
- TE Novak
- TH Berquist
- TH Mathew
- TJ Neuhaus
- TJ Yu
- TP Bukowski
- TT Lahdes-Vasama
- U Bengtsson
- U Jodal
- U Jodal
- UB Berg
- UD Allen
- United States Renal Data System (USRDS)
- VE Torres
- VE Torres
- VL Ward
- VL Ward
- VT Andriole
- W McKerrow
- W Snodgrass
- W Snodgrass
- WF Heale
- Y Mor
- Y Nakashima
- Y Ohtomo
- Y Reinberg
- Y Zhang
- YD Choi
- Z Okeke
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study