14 research outputs found
The influence of physical exercise on the generation of TGF-β1, PDGF-AA, and VEGF-A in adipose tissue
Adipose tissue is an important organ that produces and secretes hormones and cytokines, including TGF-β1, PDGF-AA, and VEGF-A. The goal of the present study was to investigate the influence of a single session of acute exercise, as well as the prolonged endurance training on the production of TGF-β1, PDGF-AA, and VEGF-A in the subcutaneous white adipose tissue in rats. Rats were randomly divided into two groups: untrained (UT, n = 30) and trained rats (T, subjected to 6-week endurance training with increasing load, n = 29). Both groups were subjected to an acute exercise session with the same work load. The rats were killed before (UTpre, Tpre), immediately after (UT0h, T0h), or 3 h (UT3h, T3h) after exercise and adipose tissue samples collected. Growth factor mRNA was evaluated using RT-PCR; the protein levels were measured before and after training (UTpre and Tpre) using the immunoenzymatic method. TGF-β1 and PDGF-AA mRNA levels were decreased in the UT3h rats compared to the UTpre rats (P = 0.0001 and P = 0.03, respectively), but the VEGF-A mRNA level remained unchanged in the UT0h and UT3h rats compared to UTpre rats. TGF-β1, PDGF-AA and VEGF-A mRNA levels were decreased in the T3h rats compared to Tpre (P = 0.0002, P = 0.02, and P = 0.03, respectively). TGF-β1, PDGF-AA and VEGF-A mRNA levels significantly increased in the Tpre rats compared to UTpre (all P = 0.0002). However, the protein levels remained constant. In conclusion, prolonged physical exercise increases growth factor mRNA in adipose tissue but not protein levels
Physiologic expansion of human heart-derived cells enhances therapeutic repair of injured myocardium
Adipose tissue development, structure and function
One of the earliest reports of adipose tissue was made by the Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner in 1551 (as translated by Cannon and Nedergaard [1]). However, the notion that adipose tissue was composed of living lipid-laden cells was hotly debated [2]. The past decades have seen a remarkable increase in our understanding of adipose biology and obesity (Fig.1). This trend is undoubtedly driven by the global epidemic of obesity and associated diseases. Adipose tissue is designed to function as the main long-term fuel-handling organ, and actively controls energy homeostasis. Adipose tissue stores excess fuel in the form of triglycerides and relinquishes these reserves during periods of nutritional deprivation. </p