17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of illumination system uniformity for wide-field biomedical hyperspectral imaging

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems collect both spatial (morphological) and spectral (chemical) information from a sample. HSI can provide sensitive analysis for biological and medical applications, for example, simultaneously measuring reflectance and fluorescence properties of a tissue, which together with structural information could improve early cancer detection and tumour characterisation. Illumination uniformity is a critical pre-condition for quantitative data extraction from an HSI system. Non-uniformity can cause glare, specular reflection and unwanted shading, which negatively impact statistical analysis procedures used to extract abundance of different chemical species. Here, we model and evaluate several illumination systems frequently used in wide-field biomedical imaging to test their potential for HSI. We use the software LightTools and FRED. The analysed systems include: a fibre ring light; a light emitting diode (LED) ring; and a diffuse scattering dome. Each system is characterised for spectral, spatial, and angular uniformity, as well as transfer efficiency. Furthermore, an approach to measure uniformity using the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) is introduced. The KLD is generalisable to arbitrary illumination shapes, making it an attractive approach for characterising illumination distributions. Although the systems are quite comparable in their spatial and spectral uniformity, the most uniform angular distribution is achieved using a diffuse scattering dome, yielding a contrast of 0.503 and average deviation of 0.303 over a ±60° field of view with a 3.9% model error in the angular domain. Our results suggest that conventional illumination sources can be applied in HSI, but in the case of low light levels, bespoke illumination sources may offer improved performance.TWS is funded by the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States. ASL is funded by the EPSRC, the George and Lillian Schiff Foundation and the Foundation Blanceflor. SEB is funded by CRUK (C14303/A17197, C47594/A16267 and C47594/A21102) and the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG- 630729. We also acknowledge support from a University of Cambridge MRC Confidence in Concept Award

    Quantitative evaluation of comb-structure correction methods for multispectral fibrescopic imaging

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    Removing the comb artifact introduced by imaging fibre bundles, or ‘fibrescopes’, for example in medical endoscopy, is essential to provide high quality images to the observer. Multispectral imaging (MSI) is an emerging method that combines morphological (spatial) and chemical (spectral) information in a single data ‘cube’. When a fibrescope is coupled to a spectrally resolved detector array (SRDA) to perform MSI, comb removal is complicated by the demosaicking step required to reconstruct the multispectral data cube. To understand the potential for using SRDAs as multispectral imaging sensors in medical endoscopy, we assessed five comb correction methods with respect to five performance metrics relevant to biomedical imaging applications: processing time, resolution, smoothness, signal and the accuracy of spectral reconstruction. By assigning weights to each metric, which are determined by the particular imaging application, our results can be used to select the correction method to achieve best overall performance. In most cases, interpolation gave the best compromise between the different performance metrics when imaging using an SRDA

    Research data supporting: Quantitative evaluation of comb-structure removal methods for multispectral fiberscopic imaging

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    Removing the comb artifact introduced by imaging fiber bundles, or ‘fiberscopes’, for example in medical endoscopy, is essential to provide high quality images to the observer. Multispectral imaging (MSI) is an emerging method that combines morphological (spatial) and chemical (spectral) information in a single data ‘cube’. When a fiberscope is coupled to a spectrally resolved detector array (SRDA) to perform MSI, comb removal is complicated by the demosaicking step required to reconstruct the multispectral data cube. To understand the potential for using SRDAs as multispectral imaging sensors in medical endoscopy, we assessed five comb correction methods with respect to five performance metrics relevant to biomedical imaging applications: processing time, resolution, smoothness, signal and the accuracy of spectral reconstruction

    A clinically translatable hyperspectral endoscopy (HySE) system for imaging the gastrointestinal tract

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) enables visualisation of morphological and biochemical information, which could improve disease diagnostic accuracy. Unfortunately, the wide range of image distortions that arise during flexible endoscopy in the clinic have made integration of HSI challenging. To address this challenge, we demonstrate a hyperspectral endoscope (HySE) that simultaneously records intrinsically co-registered hyperspectral and standard-of-care white light images, which allows image distortions to be compensated computationally and an accurate hyperspectral data cube to be reconstructed as the endoscope moves in the lumen. Evaluation of HySE performance shows excellent spatial, spectral and temporal resolution and high colour fidelity. Application of HySE enables: quantification of blood oxygenation levels in tissue mimicking phantoms; differentiation of spectral profiles from normal and pathological ex vivo human tissues; and recording of hyperspectral data under freehand motion within an intact ex vivo pig oesophagus model. HySE therefore shows potential for enabling HSI in clinical endoscopy