22 research outputs found

    Nonlinear vortex light beams supported and stabilized by dissipation

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    We describe nonlinear Bessel vortex beams as localized and stationary solutions with embedded vorticity to the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a dissipative term that accounts for the multi-photon absorption processes taking place at high enough powers in common optical media. In these beams, power and orbital angular momentum are permanently transferred to matter in the inner, nonlinear rings, at the same time that they are refueled by spiral inward currents of energy and angular momentum coming from the outer linear rings, acting as an intrinsic reservoir. Unlike vortex solitons and dissipative vortex solitons, the existence of these vortex beams does not critically depend on the precise form of the dispersive nonlinearities, as Kerr self-focusing or self-defocusing, and do not require a balancing gain. They have been shown to play a prominent role in "tubular" filamentation experiments with powerful, vortex-carrying Bessel beams, where they act as attractors in the beam propagation dynamics. Nonlinear Bessel vortex beams provide indeed a new solution to the problem of the stable propagation of ring-shaped vortex light beams in homogeneous self-focusing Kerr media. A stability analysis demonstrates that there exist nonlinear Bessel vortex beams with single or multiple vorticity that are stable against azimuthal breakup and collapse, and that the mechanism that renders these vortexes stable is dissipation. The stability properties of nonlinear Bessel vortex beams explain the experimental observations in the tubular filamentation experiments.Comment: Chapter of boo

    Wave instabilities in the presence of non vanishing background in nonlinear Schrodinger systems

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    We investigate wave collapse ruled by the generalized nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) equation in 1+1 dimensions, for localized excitations with non-zero background, establishing through virial identities a new criterion for blow-up. When collapse is arrested, a semiclassical approach allows us to show that the system can favor the formation of dispersive shock waves. The general findings are illustrated with a model of interest to both classical and quantum physics (cubic-quintic NLS equation), demonstrating a radically novel scenario of instability, where solitons identify a marginal condition between blow-up and occurrence of shock waves, triggered by arbitrarily small mass perturbations of different sign

    Multimode nematicon waveguides RID A-7243-2011

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    We report on the first (to our knowledge) experimental observation of higher-order modes guided by soliton-induced waveguides in nematic liquid crystals. We find that the nematicon waveguides operate in a bounded power region specific to each guided mode. Below this region, the guided beams diffract; above this region, the mode mixing and coupling give rise to an unstable output. (C) 2011 Optical Society of Americ

    Helicity-dependent three-dimensional optical trapping of chiral microparticles

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    The rule of thumb of tailored optical forces consists in the control of linear momentum exchange between light and matter. This may be done by appropriate selection of the interaction geometry, optical modes or environmental characteristics. Here we reveal that the interplay of the helicity of light and the chirality of matter turns the photon spin angular momentum into an efficient tool for selective trapping of chiral particles. This is demonstrated, both experimentally and theoretically, by exploring the three-dimensional optical trapping of chiral liquid crystal microspheres with circularly polarized Gaussian or Laguerre-Gaussian beams. These results suggest the development of novel optomechanical strategies that rely on the photon helicity towards selective trapping and manipulation of chiral objects by chiral light