67 research outputs found

    A key to the species of Gelasinospora

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    The species described in Gelasinospora and in the synonymous genus Anixiella are keyed out and listed alphabetically. Three species described as Anixiella are transferred to Gelasinospora

    Ãœber die Ascomycetengattung Plochmopeltis Theiss

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    Plochmopeltis intricata (Ellis & Mart.) Theiss., the type species of the genus Plochmopeltis Theiss. occurs on the underside of leaves of Quercus virginiana var. virescens and Quercus laurifolia. The fungus grows superficially, with flattened ascomata which are not covered with a perithecial wall. The asci are surrounded by paraphysoids, which are brown and furcate into short branches at their apices. A new species, collected on leaves of Olea americana is described as Plochmopeltis ellisii v. Arx. The genus Plochmopeltis is related to Schizothyrium Desm. and Phillipsiella Cooke, and should be placed in the Dothiorales

    Further observations on Sporotrichum and some similar fungi

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    Sporotrichum azureum Wright & v. Arx, isolated from wood in Argentina, is described and illustrated. The relationship of the genus Sporotrichum with Ptychogaster is discussed, both may represent conidial states of basidiomycetes ( Tyromyces, Oligoporus)

    Acrocladium, a synonym of Periconiella

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    Petrak (1949) described the genus Acrocladium (type species: A. andinum Petrak) from unidentified leaves of a liane, collected by H. Sydow in 1937 in Ecuador. He compared the genus with Stachybotrys Corda and Sterigmatobotrys Oudem. The type specimen (W) was available for study. The leaves bear several fungi with hemispherical-discoid fructifications, including Asterinella puiggarii (Speg.) Theiss., Chaetothyrina musarum (Speg.) Theiss., and Asterina cf. guaranitica Speg. The fungus described as Acrocladium andinum is hardly visible with the naked eye, but can easily be recognized under a stereo microscope. Petrak (1949) considered this fungus to be a leaf parasite, but it may be also a mycoparasite
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