4 research outputs found


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    Objective: The main intention of this research was to formulate and evaluate floating microspheres of ciprofloxacin using different polymers to prolong gastric residence time. Methods: The microspheres were formulated by the solvent evaporation method using different ratios of polymers like carbopol 940, ethylcellulose, and Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose K4M. Further, the floating microspheres were evaluated for micromeritic properties like bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, etc., percentage yield, particle size, entrapment efficiency, floating capacity, in vitro drug release study, release kinetics, drug content, swelling index, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) (Compatibility studies). Results: The ciprofloxacin microspheres showed the good flowing property. The particle size ranged from 258.1±2.21 µm to 278±2.86 µm and entrapment efficiency ranged from 63.17±0.43% to 89.90±1.32%. The IR spectrum revealed that there was no interaction between the drug and polymer. F7 formulation was found to be the best formulation. Drug release was found to be 90.70±0.89% i.e. in a controlled manner at the end of 10 h. Conclusion: The floating microspheres were prepared successfully and the results clearly stated that prepared ciprofloxacin microspheres may be safe and effective controlled drug delivery over an extended period which can increase bioavailability, patient compliance, and decrease dosing frequency


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    Objective: The objective of the present work was to formulate the solid dispersions of simvastatin for enhancement of its aqueous solubility and dissolution rate. Methods: In the present study, solid dispersions of simvastatin were prepared by Kneading and Solvent evaporation methods. The polymeric carriers like Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 and Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP) K30 were used in different ratios (ratio of drug: carrier was 1:1, 1:2) to formulate solid dispersions. The prepared solid dispersions were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and evaluated for drug content, percentage yield, saturation solubility, in vitro dissolution studies. The best formula of the solid dispersion was selected according to the solubility and dissolution data. Results: The F7 formulation was found to be an optimized formulation containing PVP K30 in the ratio 1:1 prepared by solvent evaporation technique. The Drug content was found to be higher i.e. 94.89 in the F7 batch. The FT-IR spectra revealed that there was no interaction between drugs and carriers. DSC thermogram indicated entrapment of simvastatin in PVP K30 and the conversion of crystalline simvastatin into an amorphous form. The F7 formulation showed maximum drug release i.e. 98.60% in 60 min which is 2 times greater than pure drug making it an optimized formulation. Conclusion: The solubility of simvastatin was successfully enhanced through the solid dispersion technique. Solid dispersions prepared with solvent evaporation method were more soluble than solid dispersions prepared with kneading method with carrier PVP K30

    Microsponge as an Emerging Technique in Novel Drug Delivery System

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    Numbers of developments are implemented in drug delivery system to achieve the goals of optimized efficacy, cost effectiveness of therapy. One of the latest, novel and highly evolving technologies is microsponge drug delivery system which gives controlled release and site specific delivery of active ingredients. They are highly cross linked, porous and polymeric microspheres with size range of 5-300µm. This system is emerging as valuable option for topical delivery of drugs due to characteristics like decreased side effects, improved stability, better formulation flexibility, superior product performance. It is having number of applications in oral, topical, ocular and biopharmaceuticals delivery. The current review describes microsponge technology and details of the formulation methods, evaluation, programmable release mechanisms and applications.   Keywords: Microsponges; Controlled release; Quasi emulsion solvent diffusion; Programmable drug release; Oral administration; Topical drug delivery

    Niosomes: A Novel Carrier Drug Delivery System

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    Niosomes are a novel drug delivery system, in which the medication is encapsulated in a vesicle. The vesicle is composed of a bilayer of non-ionic surfactants. Niosomes are mostly preferred than liposomes because they are stable and cost effective. Niosomes potentiate the pharmacological action of the drug molecules by delaying the clearance of the drug from the circulation, protecting the drug from biological environment and restricting the effects only to the target cells. In novel drug delivery it has applications on treatment of cancer, used as a carrier in haemoglobin, delivery of the peptide drugs through oral route, in treatment of leishmaniasis, in ophthalmic delivery and as carrier in dermal drug delivery. This review article focuses on the composition, advantages, types of niosomes, methods of preparation, characterization and application of the vesicular system. Keywords: Niosomes, Composition, Types, Method of preparation, Factors affecting, Application