23 research outputs found

    Prehrana za kvalitetan kreativni rad

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    Cilj: Dati metaanalizu faktora prehrane koji utječu na procese u CNS-u.Metode: Diferencijalni pregled relevantne svjetske znanstvene literature.Rezultati: Izloženi su osnovni prijelazi: homo sapiens - homo nticus - homo creans. Dat je pregled utjecaja industrije hrane prema glavnim vrstama prehrambenih namirnica i njihovog općeg mehanizma djelovanja na CNS. Masnoće, ugljikohidrati i bjelančevine te njihov utjecaj na CNS. Osnovni periodi prehrane čovječanstva: prehrana prije 200.000 godina: minerali, vitamini i masnoće; prehrana prije 20.000 godina: uvođenje žitarica; prehrana prije 2000 godina: agrokultura. Prehrana danas: industrija. Antioksidanti, vitamini, lijekovi. Osnovni ciklusi potrebe CNS-a za hranom. Zaključak: Ukazano je na potrebu i glavne odrednice tzv funkcionalne prehrane za kvalitetan kreativni rad

    A model of road traffic as a resource risk loss in the elderly population of Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: Use of the road traffic resource inevitably leads to significant human andmaterial losses. Thus, the standardized death rate among older people (65years) in the European Union was 19.8 in 2000 and 11.9 in 2011. A model is proposed of human loss through RTA to establish the main resource losses and major risk loss factors for victimization of the elderly population (65years), as compared to the risk prone young population (18ā€“24 years). Materials andMethods:Data onRTA in Croatia are obtained fromthe official government bulletin for road safety of the Ministry of the Interior for the period 2000ā€“2011. Minimum and maximum number of victims and mean expected loss are used for determination of environmental risks and risk proneness. Results and Conclusions: A comparative victimization analysis for Croatia for the period 2000ā€“2011 shows significant losses for mild and severe injury to younger RT participants, increased mild injury to elderly drivers, and increased severe injury among elderly pedestrians.Risk ismostly expressed in fatal RTA for younger participantswith risk proneness of 32.4%. The most exposed RT users are: severely injured elderly drivers with unprofitable and profitable risks between 32.8 % and 50.9 %, fatally injured elderly drivers with unprofitable and profitable risks between 43.2 % and 66.1 %, and fatally injured elderly pedestrians with unprofitable and profitable risks between 93.9%and 86.3%. These facts demand preventive actions for these users on the side of car and road designers and traffic educators as well

    Seasonality of Births in Croatia

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate seasonal fluctuations of the number of births in Croatia. Vital registration data from the years 1970ā€“2002 was used for analysis of the quarterly data (from the years 1970ā€“1997), and monthly data (from the years 1998ā€“2002). Both data sets were smoothed, using seasonal variation removal for quarterly data, and T4253H smoothing for monthly data. Edwards test and Ratchet circular scan tests were used in analysis. The results showed an increase in the summer birth proportion and decrease in the spring birth proportion, distorted during the wartime period (1991ā€“1995). Monthly analysis reveals highest birth proportion in Croatia during Julyā€“September period, with peak date moving towards the end of summer, and reaching stability in the beginning of September during the years 2000ā€“2002. This presumes highest conception rate during the beginning of the Christmas holiday season. Secondary peak in January was found in some years, which presumably sets second period of increased conception rate into the Easter holiday season, supporting the observation of the holiday-related birth peaks. Both quarterly and monthly data indicate a birth pattern that does not resemble either Ā»EuropeanĀ« or Ā»AmericanĀ« seasonal pattern. Regional analysis showed lack of seasonality in the capital city of Zagreb and either intermittent or stable seasonality pattern in the rest of the country