23 research outputs found

    Distribution and fruit yield of Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.) Maxim. in the northern part of Chuo Alps, Japan

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    In order to obtain basic ecological information on Actinidia kolomikta, as an initial step to use it as a local product, we collected strains in the northern part of Chuo Alps, Japan. The distribution area and habitat environment, as well as variation of fruit morphology and yield were investigated. We collected 10 strains at an elevation of 1420 to 1830 m. Each habitat was located on a slope facing a river, mostly at the edge of a riparian forest. The average fruit weight of 10 strains was 1.09 g (0.35-1.65 g) and there was little variation in fruit shape. Allometric analyses revealed a high correlation of average fruit weight with fruit length and diameter. Fruit yield shown by the efficiency of gathering,which is expressed as a logarithmic value of the number of collectable fruits per hour,ranged from 0.04 to 2.22 (1.1-165.3 g・hr-1). Both average fruit weight and maximal fruit yield were only a quarter of those in A. arguta in the same research area. The relationship between elevation and average fruit weight and between elevation and fruit yield, showed a convex curve with an optimal elevation at around 1600 m.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 8: 41-49 (2010)departmental bulletin pape

    Recent Naturalization of Tragopogon species (Asteraceae) In Kami-ina Region of Nagano Prefecture

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    近年,長野県上伊那地方では,バラモンギク属植物(キク科)の帰化が急速に目立つようになった。そこで本研究では,バラモンギク属植物が帰化・定着したとみられる上伊那地方4 地点(辰野,箕輪,南箕輪,伊那)において植生調査を行い,種の同定を行うとともに,開花・結実の状況や群落の種組成の把握を試みた。その結果,4 地点で確認されたのは,フトエバラモンギク(Tragopogon dubius)1種のみであった。いずれの地点でも開花・結実が認められ,細い根出葉を叢生する越冬期の草型も確認された。生育地は開けた裸地(路傍)や緑化された斜面に発達した草本群落(土手や河川堤防)であった。出現種数に占める帰化植物種数の割合は42~68%と高く,最も早期に帰化の見られた地点(辰野)から離れるほどこの割合は高くなる傾向にあった。起源地は不明ながら,本種の種子は大きな冠毛を有するため,風による種子散布で侵入してきたものと推測される。Article環境科学年報 41:7-13(2019)journal articl

    Simple Non-destructive Field Method to Estimate Leaf Area of a Rosette-leaved Perennial, Ainsliaea apiculata

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    Article環境科学年報 38:25-29 (2016)research repor

    Differences in Leaf Morphology between Native and Exotic Dandelion Species in the Southern part of Koshin District, Japan

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    Article環境科学年報36:29-34(2014)research repor

    Differences in Leaf Morphology among Three Native Dandelion Species in the Central Part of Honshu, Japan

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    Article環境科学年報37:48-52(2015)research repor

    Differences in Leaf Morphology between Native and Exotic Dandelion Species in the Chikuma River Basin, Japan

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    Article環境科学年報35:26-31(2013)research repor

    Survey of alpine vegetation near the forest line in the Ertash Valley of the Sarychat -Ertash State Reserve in the northern Tian Shan Mountains, Kyrgyz Republic

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    As a part of an ecological research project on wild animals in the Sarychat-Ertash State Reserve, we surveyed the alpine vegetation near the forest line (at an elevation from ca.3,000 to 3,200 m)in the Ertash Valley of the northern Tian Shan mountains of the Kyrgyz Republic. Horses and sheep are kept as livestock in the area and Marco-Polo sheep (argali) and wolves inhabit the region, but information on wildlife, weather conditions and inhabitants’ livelihood is hard to obtain. In May 2011, we established 5 transverse transects across a river to describe a cross-sectional view of the vegetation. As a result, the 8 woody species identified belonged to 6 families and all exhibited shrubby forms. Shrubby cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) was distributed throughout the survey area, and thorny Caragana jubata was interspersed locally. The number of woody species increased significantly at higher elevations. We discuss the reason for the unexpected increase in number of species with increasing elevation.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 10: 145-151(2012)departmental bulletin pape

    Issues in Student Surveys of a Permanent Experimental Stand in a Research Forest

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    学生実習による固定試験地調査を通じて,授業でのフィールド調査の割り当て方法について検討した。信州大学農学部手良沢山演習林のイチイ植林地において,参加学生20名を4班に分け,先回り探索(他の班との位置関係と未調査木の位置をもとに次の調査木を選ばせる方式)で,立木のサイズと位置の計測を実施した。全体では94本(班ごとに17~28本)の立木が調査され,胸高直径(DBH)は正規分布し,班ごとに見ても平均DBHに有意差はなく概ね正規分布していた。立木の位置情報をもとに調査中の各班の移動の軌跡を描いたところ,調査終了まで開始時点の各班の位置関係がほぼ保たれ,軌跡が互いに交錯することはなかった。また,班ごとで調査終了までの時間差はほとんど生じなかった。次の調査木への距離(平均の水平距離3.0~3.5m,垂直距離1.0~1.8m)に班ごとに有意差はなく,調査条件に班ごとの著しい違いはなかった。また,最も調査本数の多かった班で,標識番号の誤記入が1件見られ,それによって欠測と重複カウントをそれぞれ1本ずつ生じたのと等しい状況になった。各班の意思に任せる先回り方式での調査割り当てでは,班ごとの能率に合わせて調査地が分担されることが確かめられたが,問題点として調査ミスを検出しにくいことが挙げられた。Article環境科学年報 40:57-63(2018)research repor

    Influence of organic fertilizer on rhizome yield and α-tocopherol content of Codonopsis lanceolata

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    Codonopsis lanceolata (Sieb. et Zucc.) Trautv. is a valuable wild vegetable in East Asian countries, especially Korea. We investigated effects of organic fertilizer application on rhizome yield and quality under Andosol soil conditions in the AFC field of Shinshu University. Commercial barnyard manure, which was fermented with crushed bark and beef cattle dung, and Japanese oak leaf mold were applied at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g m-2. Barnyard manure increased the fresh weight yield of rhizomes but decreased the DL-α-tocopherol (vitamin E) content. The rhizome yield was drastically influenced by the C/N ratio of the soil from the surface to 30 cm below ground level that was controlled by the application ratio of barnyard manure to leaf mold. Total N, soluble P, exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg did not significantly affect the rhizome yield. There was a significant negative correlation between the rhizome fresh weight and vitamin E content at harvest time. The highest vitamin E content of 9-10 mg 100 g-1 dry matter was obtained at a leaf mold application rate of 10 g m-1. Nitrogen supply from the soil to plants primarily influenced the yield and quality of rhizomes as vegetables or drugs. The vitamin E content under a higher soil C/N ratio was the highest among commercial vegetables available in common Japanese food markets.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 10: 1-7(2012)departmental bulletin pape

    A Simple Method to Record the Plant Pith Cavity for Field Surveysフィールドにおける植物の髄腔の簡易記録法について

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    フィールドにおける植物の髄腔を簡便に記録する方法として「朱肉スタンプ法」を提案するとともに,トクサ(Equisetum hyemale)を例にして精度と改善点を検討した。この方法は,茎断面を朱肉につけて紙に印影を記録するものである。茎の外径の異なるトクサ個体を採取し,それぞれ連続した節間の断面について本法を回ずつ試行した。印影をスキャナで画像データに変換し,外径,髄腔径を計測し,皮層厚と髄腔率を算出した。その結果,計測値の誤差はほとんど以下であった。髄腔率は個体とも~ で,節位との関係も類似していた。また,スタンプ成功率は皮層厚との間に有意な曲線関係が認められ,皮層が厚いまたは薄い場合には成功率が低下した。断面の作成とスタンプの仕方に訓練が必要であるが,朱肉スタンプ法は植物の髄腔計測に充分適用できると考えられた。Article環境科学年報33:68-71(2011)research repor