284 research outputs found

    Analysis on the Technical Efficiency of Northeast Municipal Expenditure with Basic Education: A DEA Approach and Malmquist's Index

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    The objective of this study is to measure and analyze the static and dynamic efficiency of Northeastern municipalities in educational expenditures for the years 2007 and 2013. In order to reach the objectives, a cluster analysis was first carried out using the non-hierarchical k-means method to the Northeastern municipalities according to socioeconomic and populational characteristics. After the groups were defined, the DEA-BCC model was applied to analyze the static efficiency and DEA-Malmquist to analyze the efficiency dynamics in the period. The results indicate that Northeastern municipalities improved efficiency in public spending on education in the period 2007 and 2013. However, it still maintains low levels of efficiency

    Diversificação da fruticultura irrigada no Semiárido: perspectivas de mercado para a maçã.

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    O Vale do Submédio do São Francisco é uma região de grande relevância no cenário nacional na produção de fruticultura irrigada. No entanto, a concentração na produção das culturas de manga e uva ocasionam uma vulnerabilidade na economia local devido as variações de mercado. Pesquisas recentes estão mostrando que é possível produzir maçã em áreas semiáridas com irrigação. Isto faz com que seja necessário gerar informações de mercado que possam contribuir com o produtor na tomada de decisão sobre investir na cultura. Assim, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar as taxas geométricas de crescimento das variáveis produção, exportações e consumo de maçã. A produção mundial de maçã, entre 2003 e 2011, cresceu a uma taxa de 2,94% a.a. Neste mesmo período, as exportações no mundo cresceram 3,93% a.a. A produção brasileira de maçã está concentrada na região Sul. No ano de 2012, o consumo aparente de maçã brasileiro foi de 1.349.131,2 toneladas e o consumo per capita de 6.9 kg. No período entre 2005 e 2012, o consumo aparente obteve uma taxa de crescimento de 7,12% a.a. e o consumo per capita cresceu a uma taxa de 6,06% a.a

    Growth curve mixed nonlinear models in quails.

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    Our aim was to evaluate the use and application of different nonlinear mixed models, as well as to compare them with approach in nonlinear fixed models, for describing the growth curve of meat-type quails according to gender. A total of 15,002 and 15,408 records of males and females were used, respectively. The body weights were regressed on age of the animals using nonlinear models (Brody; Gompertz; Logistic, Morgan-Mercer-Flodin, Richards and Von Bertalanffy). All model parameters were considered fixed, whereas parameters related to asymptotic weight and maturity rate were fitted as random effects. The Bayesian Information Criterion was used to find the model of best fit. For both genders, the model that used the Morgan-Mercer-Flodin function with the inclusion of asymptotic weight as a random effect was considered the best-fitting model because it reduced the residual variance and increased the accuracy. Based on the lower absolute growth rate and growth velocity of male quails compared to that of females, it can be inferred that males should be slaughtered later. Given the results of this study, it can contribute to the current knowledge about animal yield, specifically at the best moment to slaughter and, this sense, improv the quality genetic of the populations in time

    Mixed models in nonlinear regression for description of the growth of Nelore Cattle.

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    Body weight records were used to characterize the growth curve of Nelore cattle. Body weight was regressed as a function of age, for both sexes, by using nonlinear models through the functions of Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, Meloun 1, Von Bertalanffy, and Von Bertalanffy. The quality of the model arrangements was evaluated by employing Akaike and Bayesian Schwarz information criteria. The Brody function provided the best adaptations by the evaluators and, considering the asymptotic weight and the maturation rate as random, a reduction in residual variance of 79% for males and 83% for females was obtained in relation to the models under fixed contexts. In males, the absolute and relative growth rates ranged from 0.921 to 0.261 kg/day and 2.39 to 0.08%, respectively. For the same rates, under another approach, females ranged from 0.922 to 0.198 kg/day and 2.55 to 0.06%, respectively. Males showed greater growth acceleration at the beginning of the growth trajectory, being equal to females at 397 days of age and from that age onward they presented lower estimates. The nonlinear regression model approach under the mixed-models context allows reduction of residual variance, increasing model accuracy