13,604 research outputs found

    Impact of Inter-Country Distances on International Tourism

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    Tourism is a worldwide practice with international tourism revenues increasing from US\$495 billion in 2000 to US\$1340 billion in 2017. Its relevance to the economy of many countries is obvious. Even though the World Airline Network (WAN) is global and has a peculiar construction, the International Tourism Network (ITN) is very similar to a random network and barely global in its reach. To understand the impact of global distances on local flows, we map the flow of tourists around the world onto a complex network and study its topological and dynamical balance. We find that although the WAN serves as infrastructural support for the ITN, the flow of tourism does not correlate strongly with the extent of flight connections worldwide. Instead, unidirectional flows appear locally forming communities that shed light on global travelling behaviour inasmuch as there is only a 15% probability of finding bidirectional tourism between a pair of countries. We conjecture that this is a consequence of one-way cyclic tourism by analyzing the triangles that are formed by the network of flows in the ITN. Finally, we find that most tourists travel to neighbouring countries and mainly cover larger distances when there is a direct flight, irrespective of the time it takes

    Theory of Andreev reflection in a two-orbital model of iron-pnictide superconductors

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    A recently developed theory for the problem of Andreev reflection between a normal metal (N) and a multiband superconductor (MBS) assumes that the incident wave from the normal metal is coherently transmitted through several bands inside the superconductor. Such splitting of the probability amplitude into several channels is the analogue of a quantum waveguide. Thus, the appropriate matching conditions for the wave function at the N/MBS interface are derived from an extension of quantum waveguide theory. Interference effects between the transmitted waves inside the superconductor manifest themselves in the conductance. We provide results for a FeAs superconductor, in the framework of a recently proposed effective two-band model and two recently proposed gap symmetries: in the sign-reversed s-wave (Δcos(kx)cos(ky)\Delta\cos(k_x)\cos(k_y)) scenario resonant transmission through surface Andreev bound states (ABS) at nonzero energy is found as well as destructive interference effects that produce zeros in the conductance; in the extended s-wave (Δ[cos(kx)+cos(ky)]\Delta[\cos(k_x)+\cos(k_y)]) scenario no ABS at finite energy are found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure