2 research outputs found


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    Even though the students have enough knowledge in grammar and vocabulary, theystill do not want to speak, and they still have some mistakes in telling stories. Thisclassroom action research was conducted to see the improvement of students‟ abilityin writing narrative by using picture series. The research was done at SMAN 3Padang Panjang, the second year social students 4 (XI IS 4) in the 2013/2014academic year in three cycles. There were 27 students in this class. The data werecollected through pre-test, formative test and observation. The students were led totell the stories by using picture series, and then they were guided to tell the storieswell. Through observation and formative test, it seemed that the students liked andenjoyed writing narrative. It could be seen from their achievement improved fromcycle to cycle and from their test results. In conclusion, the students‟ writing abilitycan be improved if they know what and how to speak, and the use of the appropriateteaching aids is very important. One of teaching aids that can be used to enhancestudents‟ ability in writing narrative is picture series. It is suggested to Englishteachers to use picture series in teaching narrative

    Eight Supporting Factors for Students Success in Quran Memorization

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    Having the memorization of the quran is one of the identities that must be owned as the students at Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Pengembangan Ilmu Alquran (STAI-PIQ) Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Memorizing the Quran is not an easy thing, in achieving success in memorizing the Quran, of course, there are various supporting factors. This study aimed to analyze the supporting factors of students’ success in memorizing the Quran. This study used a qualitative method with the type of case study. The data sources were taken from twelve informants through direct interviews using a set of interview protocols. The informants involved were selected by using a purposive sampling technique from three batches of entries, 2019, 2020, and 2021. All interview data were then analyzed thematically using Miles and Huberman approach. The research findings found eight factors that supported the success of memorizing the Quran, the eight factors were i) sincere intentions due to Allah S. W. T, ii) strong self-determination, iii) planning good memorization targets, iv) memorizing verses with correct recitation, v) always repeating the memorization diligently, vi) always being motivated by the supervisor, vii) living in the Quran environment, viii) using the right method. This study succeeded in revealing various factors that supported the success of students in memorizing the Quran. In fact, these eight findings can be used as a guide for students in achieving hafiz in the Quran